
Han Jun presided over the provincial government's scheduling and deployment meeting for the resumption of work and production

author:Drunk and beautiful
Han Jun presided over the provincial government's scheduling and deployment meeting for the resumption of work and production
Han Jun presided over the provincial government's scheduling and deployment meeting for the resumption of work and production

On April 14, after the province's epidemic prevention and control achieved the goal of zero social coverage, Han Jun, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province, presided over the scheduling and deployment meeting of the provincial government's resumption of work and production overnight. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, implement the deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, regard the resumption of work and production as the top priority of the current economic work of the province, adhere to the flat command and promotion management, adhere to the active service of sinking enterprises, resolutely overcome the idea of waiting, dragging on and looking at the thought, ensure that the epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development are grasped with both hands and two hands, and strive to get back the losses caused by the epidemic.

At the meeting, the municipal and state governments, Changchun New Area, China-Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Zone, Meihekou Municipal Government, FAW Group, FAW Logistics, Changchun Yingli Automobile Industry Co., Ltd., Changchun Fuwei Andaotuo AutoMotive Trim Co., Ltd., Jilin Tobacco Company and various work classes reported on the resumption of work and production.

Han Jun stressed that after the province achieves the goal of zeroing out social coverage, all relevant departments in all localities should not hesitate to grasp the orderly resumption of work and production.

First, we must concentrate on supporting FAW to resume work and production, and drive the entire automotive industry chain to resume work and production in an all-round way and stabilize production. It is necessary to set up a strong work class, focus on FAW, serve FAW, and support FAW, coordinate FAW and the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and large and medium-sized enterprises to resume work and production synchronously, ensure the smooth flow of logistics channels, and achieve stable production as soon as possible.

Second, we must do a good job in returning employees of FAW and related supporting enterprises to work. Implement the policy provisions to the letter, promote the return of employees who meet the conditions for returning to work, and ensure the smooth flow of government decrees. Special nucleic acid testing forces are dispatched to key enterprises, and nucleic acid testing is organized scientifically and reasonably.

Third, we must resolutely and thoroughly open up logistics blockages and card points. Vehicle passes should be issued to FAW and related supporting enterprises for material transportation and other vehicles.

Fourth, we must scientifically and accurately grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic in enterprises. Guide enterprises to do a good job of resuming work and production, and implement normalized epidemic prevention and control measures and emergency response. Implement the main responsibility of enterprises, strictly implement the first-time reporting system, and block the transmission and diffusion chain at the first time. Sort out the list of materials for enterprises to resume work and production, and timely ensure the full amount of anti-epidemic materials in place.

Fifth, it is necessary to establish an efficient and smooth implementation mechanism. Establish a daily scheduling mechanism, focusing on scheduling the progress of workers returning to work, enterprise resumption rate, capacity utilization rate and so on. Establish a special class guarantee mechanism, promote the scheduling of key enterprises, and coordinate and solve problems in a timely manner. It is necessary to increase the intensity of supervision and supervision, sort out the daily list of problems, promote supervision, and timely feedback on the results of implementation. At the same time, it is necessary to actively promote the resumption of projects and the resumption of business and market. Prepare for the centralized start of projects, accelerate the implementation of the conditions for project resumption, increase the rate of resumption of key projects, and do our best to catch up with the progress of project construction. Carry out investment promotion activities through online investment promotion and cloud dialogue to boost confidence and guide expectations.

Wu Jingping, Liu Jinbo, An Lijia, Cai Dong, Han Fuchun, Li Wei, Wang Zilian, Qiu Xiandong, and An Guiwu attended the meeting. (Yu Xiaobo)


Source: Jilin Provincial People's Government Website

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Han Jun presided over the provincial government's scheduling and deployment meeting for the resumption of work and production

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