
Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

author:Ranger Net

1. The cloaked beast was originally a positive meaning

The idiom of the cloaked beast was originally a positive word. Because the Ming Dynasty civilian officials wore embroidered birds and military officers painted animals, the clothed animals referred to officials. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, because of the corruption of officials and the oppression of the people, the dressed animals began to have a pejorative meaning.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

2. Three capitals

South Africa is also by far the only country in the world with three capitals. Cape Town, the legislative capital of South Africa, Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa, and Bloemfontein, the judicial capital of South Africa.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

3. Flipping the shark can cause it to fall asleep

Turn the shark over and it will go into a comatose state. This shark behavior, known as "tonic Immobility" (TI), is an unconditioned behavior. Many species of sharks behave this way when they are turned over.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

4. Two years of pregnancy for an elephant

Elephants generally have a gestation period of 22 months, but some female elephants can be pregnant for up to 2 years.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

5.& was one of the English alphabets

The "&" symbol, pronounced "and", also means "and", once appeared as the 27th letter after xyz in English. It has now disappeared from the alphabet, but it has been popular in the design world for many years.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

6. Mouse pointer

The arrow pattern of the Windows mouse pointer is asymmetrical.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

7. Source of HP Trademarks

The HP name comes from the names of the two founders, and the two founders of HP originally decided whose name was placed in front of them by tossing a coin!

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

8. The longest American drama

Today, the longest TV series in the world is the famous Soap Opera in the United States - "Guiding Lights". Due to declining ratings, The Guiding Light aired its last episode in September 2009, totaling 18,262 episodes, and the show has been broadcast for 72 years since it started as a radio drama.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

9. Chocolate and shampoo

Dove Chocolate DOVE and Dove Shampoo DOVE are the same English word.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

10. Tiger sharks "eat chicken" before they are born

Female sand tiger sharks have two wombs, in which the baby sharks will prey on each other, and the first grown, growing baby sharks will eat their half-siblings. This process is called intrauterine cannibalism.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

11. The strangeness of looking at an object for a long time

Semantic saturation refers to the phenomenon of looking at or repeating a word for a long time and feeling that you don't recognize it. Not only in the language, but even a photo of an acquaintance and a familiar location may suddenly feel strange after watching it for a long time.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

12. The initials of the word "embarrassing"

Embarrassment, these two words on the left are not "nine" is "尢".

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

13. Pigs cannot look up at the sky

Pigs cannot raise their heads more than 20 ° due to cervical spine degeneration. This is caused by physiological structure, so it cannot look up at the sky for the rest of its life.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

14. The original meaning of the word "meat"

The word "meat" originally did not refer to meat, it first referred to vegetables that have a pungent odor, such as "garlic".

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

Formal formulation of 15.7-11

The official trademark for 7-11 is noted as "7-ELEVEn", in which the english language is uppercase except for the n at the end.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

16. Raccoons live up to their name

The raccoon is called a "raccoon" because of a special habit of hunting fish by the river and washing food in the water. "Huan" means "wash".

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

17. Lighters predate matches

The lighter was invented earlier than matches, and drawings of the lighter first appeared in the hand scrolls of a nobleman in the Nuremberg region of Germany in 1505 AD. Matches were invented in the 19th century.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

18. The water here is distinctly blue and green

At the intersection of the Mississippi River and the Gulf Of Mexico Sea, there is a blue-green distinction due to the difference in density.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

19. Sweat blood BMW

Sweat and blood BMW, real name Akhal Tejin horse, belongs to the hot blood horse, the origin of Turkmenistan. Sweat-blooded BMWs have thinner skin, and when running, the flow of blood in the blood vessels is easily visible.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

Error 20.451

The 451 error is a relatively rare error message during the website visit. It is often used to represent content that is "prohibited from access by official censorship for legal reasons."

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

21. The first Journey to the West is not domestic

In 1978, Japan filmed the world's first "Journey to the West", earlier than the classic version of "Journey to the West" filmed in China in 1986.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

22. Cats have nine lives

Cats have a reputation for having 9 lives, which means that they have a strong ability to jump and land. When falling from a high place, the cat can quickly adjust the unbalanced body to minimize damage, but it does not mean that it will not fall to death.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

23. The "Fragrance of Books" of the Shuxiang Mendi

The "book fragrance" in the "Shuxiang Mendi" refers to the ancients in order to prevent silver beetles from biting the book, they put a kind of rue grass in the book, this grass has a clear aroma, and the book with this grass is opened after the fragrance is attacked, so it is called "book fragrance".

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

24. Bacterial spread of social etiquette

Studies have shown that the number of bacteria that spread when punching is only 1/20 of the number of bacteria that are transmitted when shaking hands, and the number of bacteria that are spread by high-fives is also twice as small as the number of bacteria that are transmitted by shaking hands.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

25. The prototype of Uncle McDonald

The prototype of Uncle McDonald's, Mike Pollakoffs, is a Latvian circus actor. His performance was loved by American audiences, and he was later photographed by McDonald's fast food restaurants, and in 1966 he was invited to create a representative character, Lonneau McDonald, known as Uncle McDonald.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

26. Pupils of goats

The pupils of most animals are round, but the shape of the goat pupils is square. This kind of square pupil, its visual surface is relatively wide, especially deep.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

27. Please take a bath before swimming

If you don't shower and rinse your body directly into the pool, the average person will bring at least 0.14g of feces into the pool.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming

28. April Fool's Day jokes are limited time

Jokes on April Fool's Day can only be made until 12 noon, which is a strict rule.

Eat a handful of chicken before you are born! A big wave of cold knowledge that you didn't know was coming