
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!

author:Posted on the head
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!

According to the official website of the State Food and Drug Administration

The State Food and Drug Administration recently issued an announcement

Cancellation of 223 drug registration certificates

According to the relevant regulations

Drugs that have had their drug registration certificate revoked

It shall not be produced or imported, sold or used

Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!

The drugs that cancelled the drug registration certificate are rosiglitazone maleate tablets, hypromellose eye drops, cimetidine tablets, methyltestosterone tablets, compound acetylsalicylic acid tablets, chloramphenicol tablets, azithromycin tablets, pediatric compound sulfamethoxazole tablets, etc., involving a number of enterprises. Among them, GlaxoSmithKline (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. has cancelled 4, Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has cancelled 5, Suzhou Yifan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has cancelled 20, Hainan Boda Pharmaceutical Factory has cancelled 18, and Ningxia Qiyuan Sinopharm Co., Ltd. has cancelled 101.

From the perspective of generic names, among the drugs that were cancelled by the announcement, the number of dextrose injections, oxygen, metamicin tablets, oxytetracycline tablets, tetracycline tablets, furazolidone tablets, and vitamin C injections were all 5 or more.

From the perspective of deregistration, except for oxygen held by Ningxia Xingping Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. and anti-rheumatic liquid, rheumatic painkiller liquor and Xueqi medicinal liquor held by Ningxia Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the remaining 219 drugs are cancelled according to the application.

According to the data, Article 83 of the Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that after evaluation, the drug registration certificate shall be cancelled for drugs with inaccurate efficacy, large adverse reactions or other reasons that endanger human health. Drugs that have been deregistered from the drug registration certificate shall not be produced or imported, sold or used. Drugs that have been cancelled from drug registration certificates, exceeding the validity period, etc., shall be destroyed by the drug supervision and management department or other harmless treatment measures shall be adopted in accordance with law.

Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!

Cancellation of the catalogue of drug registration certificates

Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!

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Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!

Source: People's Daily News

Organizer: Propaganda Department of Yingshang County CPC Committee

Editor: Tian Wei

Editor-in-charge: Jing Hua

Producer: Dai Guangyun

Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!
Don't buy it! 223 drug registration certificates have been cancelled!