
Consolidating the Stabilizing Situation Persistence is victory

author:Charm Sigu

Following Jilin Province's announcement on the 14th that the social aspect of epidemic prevention and control has been zero, the epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai has reached a critical stage of zero clearance, and overall, the national epidemic situation has gradually stabilized.

Adhering to the general policy of "dynamic zero clearance", strengthening confidence and determination, and compacting the "four-party responsibility", Shanghai is using greater efforts to promote the implementation of various prevention and control measures, and comprehensively tackling tough problems towards the goal of achieving social clearance. At the same time, all parts of the country are also racing against time to step up the resumption of work and production.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his recent inspection in Hainan that the current global covid-19 epidemic is still very serious, and it is especially impossible to relax the prevention and control work. He stressed the need to overcome paralyzing thoughts, war-weary emotions, luck psychology, and slack mentality, in view of the new characteristics of virus mutation, improve scientific and accurate prevention and control skills, improve various emergency plans, strictly implement normalized prevention and control measures, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.

Further implement the important requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic to the letter. Persistence is victory, and the dawn is ahead.

We should seize the initiative in fighting the "epidemic" with fast speed

Although the current round of epidemic control is more difficult, many places adhere to the general policy of "dynamic clearance" without hesitation, use the shortest possible time to curb the spread of the epidemic, and accelerate the pace of resuming work and production.

Wu Liangyou, deputy director of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission, said at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council on the 19th that in recent times, the national epidemic situation has gradually stabilized, but the impact of cross-input between regions is obvious.

Shenzhen, after pressing the "slow button" for one week, the city's electricity consumption quickly returned to its previous level on March 21. On the project site and production line, the "Shenzhen Speed" is returning. At the Yantian Port terminal, tens of thousands of containers are shipped to the world every day. From April 8, the city began to "grade, divide, batch" to promote the return to school in an orderly manner.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic in early March, Jilin Province has reported more than 70,000 cases of infection. After more than a month of arduous tug-of-war, on April 12, the largest square cabin hospital in Jilin Province cleared the cabin; as of the 13th, Jilin Province had accumulated 40,579 people under medical observation who had been cured and discharged from hospital and released from isolation, accounting for 58.5% of the total number of infected people in this round of epidemic.

The medical team of Aid Kyrgyzstan has returned one after another, the employees of the car company have accelerated their return to the factory, and the black soil is busy with spring ploughing... On the 14th, Jilin Province announced that all cities and prefectures have achieved the goal of zero social coverage, and the local epidemic prevention and control has entered the final stage of consolidating achievements and gradually restoring production and living order.

18th, Changchun. All five OEMs of FAW Group have resumed work and rolled off the production line. On the same day, of the 500 key enterprises dispatched at the provincial level in Jilin Province, 496 households have resumed work and production.

In the evening of the same day, the Guangda Shanghai Manufacturing City, located in the Shanghai Songjiang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, was brightly lit, and the workers were busy loading the latest laptops off the production line and transporting them to the airport for the first time. In 4 days, these laptops will appear in the US market.

The national nucleic acid testing capacity has been continuously improved, and has now reached 51.65 million tubes per day; the new crown pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan has been revised, and the centralized isolation management of mild diseases has been revised; and it is ensured that at least 2 to 3 square cabin hospitals in each province can be built and put into use within two days when they need to be opened... A series of prevention and control measures have kept pace with the times, so that China can seize the initiative in fighting the "epidemic".

"The duration of the current epidemic situation depends on the implementation of prevention and control strategies and prevention and control measures." Wu Zunyou, chief expert of epidemiology at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, believes that by strictly and pragmatically implementing prevention and control measures in every link, the situation of multi-point distribution of the epidemic situation will improve in the near future.

Wu Liangyou stressed that all localities should pay attention to key places and key industry personnel, strengthen the daily health monitoring and nucleic acid testing of risk places and risk personnel, timely detect the signs of the epidemic, deal with it quickly and effectively, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of no large-scale rebound of the epidemic.

The prevention and control of the epidemic in Shanghai has reached a critical stage of zeroing out the attack

At 0-24:00 on April 19, there were 2,494 new confirmed cases of covid-19 and 16,407 cases of asymptomatic infection in Shanghai. At the same time, 1682 local confirmed cases were cured and discharged from hospital, and 25411 cases were released from medical observation.

In recent days, Tens of thousands of people infected with the new coronavirus have been discharged from hospital and released from isolation for medical observation in Shanghai. At present, Shanghai is strengthening the coordination of resources, tapping the potential of each district, smoothing the discharge process, and consolidating the positive cycle results of the number of discharges greater than the number of admissions.

At present, the prevention and control of the epidemic in Shanghai has reached the critical stage of zeroing out, and some positive signals are emerging:

On the 15th, the epidemic transmission index dropped from 2.27 to 1.23; on the 17th, Pudong and other districts achieved "four should be four exhaustions"; on the 18th, 6 of the 16 districts of Shanghai showed a sustained low or downward trend of new infections, and the number of people discharged from the cabin on the same day exceeded the actual number of newly infected people; more than 100 square cabin hospitals in the city were put into use, with a total of more than 200,000 beds, the turnover speed of square cabins was accelerating, and the average hospitalization time of patients was gradually shortened to about one week, gradually realizing the transformation from "human waiting beds" to "beds and others" Nucleic acid testing "collection, delivery, inspection, reporting, transfer, collection" of each link linkage coordination, "Nissin Nissin" to accelerate the speed...

Wu Qianyu, a first-level inspector of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, reported at the Shanghai Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference on the 20th that the epidemic situation in Shanghai has shown a downward trend in recent days, and the streets and towns with more than 100 new cases reported in a single day have been reduced for 3 consecutive days, and the spread of the community has been effectively curbed. Jinshan District and Chongming District reached the goal of zero social clearance on the first day.

Wu Liangyou said that the current epidemic situation in Shanghai is still at a high level, the risk of community transmission is still high, the situation of prevention and control is still grim, and the task of prevention and control is still very arduous and urgent.

Nucleic acid screening is a key measure to implement "early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment". From April 15 to 18, Shanghai has completed more than 37 million nucleic acid screenings. Since the 19th, the city has carried out nucleic acid screening in the sealed control area for three consecutive days, and carried out nucleic acid screening in the control area at the same time on the 20th.

At present, nearly 50,000 medical workers and nucleic acid testing forces have been mobilized across the country to support Shanghai. All walks of life in Shanghai carry forward the spirit of hard work, take out the momentum of the decisive battle, go all out, make it fast, compact the responsibility layer by layer, and promote the close connection of testing, transfer, and treatment, and do not slacken until the total victory.

Material Shortage Eased The supply capacity has been steadily released

After the outbreak of the epidemic in Shanghai, the supply of materials has attracted attention.

At the entrance of a community on Jusheng Road in Baoshan District, a courier brother unloaded nearly 100 courier boxes from the car. Most of the orders on the courier are placed around April 14, and the estimated delivery time is April 22, and the actual delivery takes only 3 days.

It is understood that as of the 18th, the e-commerce platforms actively organized qualified riders to return to work, nearly 20,000 riders on duty, the delivery order volume of the main e-commerce platform reached 2.2 million, an increase of 1 million in 10 days, and the "last kilometer" of material distribution was gradually opened.

In addition to the gradual improvement of basic life, the situation of slow dispensing and taking medicines on the Internet has also been alleviated. At present, Shanghai should promote the opening of retail pharmacies, and establish a "green channel" for drug distribution, at the same time, for the common diseases and chronic diseases of residents in the sealed area, volunteers should dispense drugs at the nearest community health service center or medical institution, and according to the long-term prescription policy for chronic diseases, the dosage can be dispensed for 3 months.

Major platforms have opened emergency channels to alleviate difficulties for special groups.

"I'm going to be a volunteer in the community and report to you." Sun Yingqi, who lives in Xinhua Street in Changning District, reported to the neighborhood committee of her community through her mobile phone. "As a party member, you have to rush ahead at a critical moment. I want to do some work for the residents of the community. Sun Yingqi said.

In the face of this big battle, party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and cadres have stepped forward and charged into the front, sinking the grass-roots level and supporting the frontline. At present, Shanghai's smart party building mini program has launched a party member community check-in module, and the relevant check-in information will be pushed to the street community. According to the data, more than 700,000 party members in Shanghai have reported to the community. In addition to police, medical workers, social workers and other personnel who are already working on the job and do not meet the relevant conditions, a large number of party members have been incorporated into the relevant districts, towns and villages. In some communities, 90% of the community volunteers are composed of party members, which has played a mainstay role in epidemic prevention and control.

From a nationwide perspective, in view of the urgent task of ensuring logistics, the policy is intensively exerted to speed up the opening of the blockage point that restricts the domestic large cycle - the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council issued a notice requiring all-out efforts to smooth the transportation channels and effectively maintain the normal production and living order of the people; the Ministry of Transport requires that the epidemic be resolutely prevented from spreading through the transportation link and effectively ensure the smooth flow of the domestic logistics supply chain; the national guarantee of the smooth flow of goods to promote the stability of the industrial chain supply chain Video teleconference requires that the national unified pass be issued and used in sufficient quantity The results of nucleic acid testing are mutually recognized nationwide within 48 hours, and the closed-loop management of "immediate collection and chase" is implemented, and traffic must not be restricted on the grounds of waiting for nucleic acid results...

Wu Chungeng, director of the Highway Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, reported a set of data at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council on the 19th: As of the 18th, 116 toll stations in the country were temporarily closed, accounting for 1.07%, and 82.89% of the toll stations that were closed in the early stage have resumed normal operation; there are currently 61 temporarily closed service areas in the country, accounting for 0.92%.

"The maintenance and openness of the transport infrastructure, especially some of the depots of transport services, while the road network remains open, is an important basis for ensuring the smooth flow of goods, especially across provinces." Wu Chungeng said.

From vegetables to medicines, from basic materials to special needs, from means of living to means of production, the supply capacity has been steadily improved, and the distribution and transportation capacity has been steadily released, laying a solid foundation for dynamic zeroing and effectively helping epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

(Source: Xinhua Viewpoint)

Xigu District Rong Media Center

Typesetting: Li Tongyu