
Dr. Qian Lulu, a female doctor at Jiaotong University, has an outstanding appearance and has become a tenured professor at a famous american university after 4 husbands

author:Small and micro social records


We often say that "people go to the high places and the water flows to the low places", everyone has the dream of pursuing a higher peak, but everyone has many different ways to achieve their achievements and values. Some people choose to work hard, some people support their development through prominent family backgrounds, and many people choose to "take shortcuts".

Dr. Qian Lulu, a female doctor at Jiaotong University, has an outstanding appearance and has become a tenured professor at a famous american university after 4 husbands

In the mainland, there is a woman who realizes the value of life through "shortcuts", but her success has made many people say that they "dare not communicate", she is the famous University of California tenured professor Qian Lulu. It is worth mentioning that Qian Lulu was nicknamed "Academic Daji" by netizens, how did she achieve such remarkable academic achievements? Today we will take a look at the "development history" of Qian Lulu.

A lucky and four-time husband

If qian Lulu's success is described in a concise and concise way, it can be described as "one luck plus four husbands", and Qian Lulu in college is just an ordinary student of Nanjing Railway Medical College. It can be said that at that time, no one would have thought that Qian Lulu would become a tenured professor at the California Institute of Technology in the future, after all, medical schools and scientific research academies are not related, plus Nanjing Railway Medical College is just an ordinary college, completely out of reach the door of Caltech.

Dr. Qian Lulu, a female doctor at Jiaotong University, has an outstanding appearance and has become a tenured professor at a famous american university after 4 husbands

Unexpectedly, at that time, Nanjing Railway Medical College was merging with Southeast University, so the students of Nanjing Railway Medical College officially became students of Southeast University Medical College, and Qian Lulu became a high-quality student of 985 famous universities. After Qian Lulu graduated, she immediately married the then school grass of Southeast University, and this school grass was Qian Lulu's first husband, and also the promoter who helped Qian Lulu become a graduate student.

Because Qian Lulu's school grass husband is very rich, Qian Lulu does not need to consider the pressure of the socio-economic level as soon as she graduates, and Qian Lulu wants to continue to move towards graduate school. After getting the support of her husband, Qian Lulu used all her energy to study for graduate school, at this time Qian Lulu's husband only felt that it was a good thing that his wife's high education was a good thing, and she did not know that Qian Lulu immediately filed for divorce after being admitted to graduate school.

Dr. Qian Lulu, a female doctor at Jiaotong University, has an outstanding appearance and has become a tenured professor at a famous american university after 4 husbands

In the process of Qian Lulu's graduate school, she accidentally met a graduate student with exquisite academic experience, who was also a school grass, and as the relationship between the two people became better and better, coupled with the fact that this graduate student gave a lot of help during Qian Lulu's examination. Because of this, not long after Qian Lulu and her first husband divorced, she married the graduate student, and Qian Lulu, who became a graduate student, was ready to continue to move towards a doctorate.

Coincidentally, Qian Lulu once again explained to her second husband the idea of studying for a doctorate, and the second husband did not hesitate in the slightest, directly encouraging Qian Lulu to concentrate on obtaining a doctorate, and other things did not have to be taken care of. Hearing the support of her second husband, Qian Lulu once again threw her physical and mental experience into the study of doctoral studies, during which she met a doctoral student with excellent academic ability, who also provided a lot of help to Qian Lulu.

Dr. Qian Lulu, a female doctor at Jiaotong University, has an outstanding appearance and has become a tenured professor at a famous american university after 4 husbands

During Qian Lulu's doctoral studies, the doctoral student and Qian Lulu formed a delicate relationship, believing that she had fallen in love with the doctoral director Qian Lulu once again submitted a divorce agreement to her second husband. With the divorce of Qian Lulu and her second husband, this doctoral senior became Qian Lulu's third husband, but what the doctoral director did not expect in any way was that he had once again stepped into the "footsteps" of the other two husbands shortly after.

Went to the United States for further study and became famous through the "husband springboard".

After becoming a doctor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Qian Lulu decided to go to the United States to continue studying, after all, the United States at that time was known as a global scientific research mecca, so Qian Lulu planned to continue to improve her degree in the United States, and by the way, find a candidate to "replace" her excellent doctoral husband.

Dr. Qian Lulu, a female doctor at Jiaotong University, has an outstanding appearance and has become a tenured professor at a famous american university after 4 husbands

By chance, Qian Lulu met Winfree, an emeritus professor at the California Institute of Technology in the United States, whose status in the scientific research academia was far higher than Qian Lulu's third husband. Because of this, Qian Lulu and the famous scientific research professor Winfree became husband and wife, and with the help of Winfree, they successfully entered the highest scientific research institution in the United States as a tenured professor at California Institute of Technology, and it should be known that Qian Lulu is the youngest Chinese female professor at Caltech.

Dr. Qian Lulu, a female doctor at Jiaotong University, has an outstanding appearance and has become a tenured professor at a famous american university after 4 husbands


Qian Lulu used a lucky and four husbands as her "springboard in life", so many netizens did not dare to agree with Qian Lulu's behavior. No matter what Qian Lulu's merits and demerits are, she has indeed achieved scientific research achievements in her life through her own way, and has achieved a peak that many people cannot reach in their lifetime. As for how everyone views Qian Lulu's behavior, it may only be "benevolent people seeing wisdom".

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