
Four signs of a person, getting more and more valuable

Four signs of a person, getting more and more valuable

Text/Wei Chen

Ancients Cloud: "Don't be in a hurry to kill, win in a steady manner; if you are not careful, you will lose all the games." ”

Life is like a chess game, and there is no definite number of wins and losses.

Truly powerful people are never born, they not only have superior wisdom, but also step by step on the chessboard of life.

What a person's life will look like is largely determined by his vision.

People must take into account the overall situation, and only by looking long-term enough can people broaden their world.

People with different horizons will not have the same lifestyle.

The frog at the bottom of the well can only see the blue sky the size of a palm, and will think that the sky is just a round patch.

The sky looks the best known to birds soaring in it.

Short-sighted people are often at a loss when it comes to things. Therefore, the rich life has nothing to do with them.

Four signs of a person, getting more and more valuable

If a person wants to live a rich life, he must start from his own thinking and behavior.

There may be people who believe in fate, believing that whether a person's life is poor or rich depends on heaven.

And they don't understand that for a normal person, "heaven" is themselves.

Hemingway said, "You are the God who rules over everything, and if you want to conquer the whole world, you must first conquer yourself." ”

Everyone has the ability to make themselves rich, but some people work hard enough, and some people always give up lightly.

The economy is the foundation of life, and everyone must find a way to ensure that they can support themselves before dreaming before dreaming.

Trying to make yourself worth more in order to have more options, four signs of a person getting more and more valuable, I hope you all have.

Four signs of a person, getting more and more valuable

Forgive others

The world is not a sage, and everyone makes mistakes.

There is never a perfect person in this world, so there is no need for us to demand that others must not make mistakes.

Sometimes it's just that people think differently about things, so they make different decisions.

If someone around you accidentally makes a mistake, as long as the other party is willing to correct it, they should be forgiven.

It is difficult for people who are unreasonable to develop in relationships for a long time.

Where there are people, there are economic contacts, the wider a person's network, the more valuable it is, and people who are unwilling to forgive others will only unconsciously cut off their own connections.

In the absence of a matter of principle, forgiving the other person is actually an investment in a relationship.

Four signs of a person, getting more and more valuable

Control emotions

In the "Zhongyong", it is written: "Joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness have not yet been developed. The hair is all in the middle, called the sum. The middle one, the great benefactor of the world. Harmony also, the world of the Tao also. To neutralize, heaven to the heavens, and all things to nurture. ”

This passage tells us that everyone is calm when the seven passions and six desires have not yet been expressed.

Smart people are able to control their emotions reasonably. A person expressing his emotions euphemistically and implicitly is more captivating than being uncontrolled.

Smart people know how to control their emotions, cry when they should cry, and laugh when they should laugh.

They don't express themselves as they please, regardless of the occasion.

Controlling emotions is a respect for others and an improvement of one's own abilities.

When a person is able to gracefully control his emotions, the person's value must not be too low.

Four signs of a person, getting more and more valuable

Reflect on yourself

Mr. Yang Dai once wrote in the book: "In a lifetime, you need to have three self-realizations, which are nothing more than knowing yourself, refining yourself, and consciously and voluntarily transforming yourself, unless you are willing to be no different from animals and animals." ”

Life is actually a process of continuous self-cultivation. Everyone's growth needs to pick faults from themselves and then correct them.

People who reflect on themselves often will not let themselves go farther and farther down the wrong path and sink deeper and deeper into the muddy environment.

No one can never make a mistake, and it is not terrible to make a mistake, it is terrible to cover up the previous mistake and then make the next mistake.

No matter at any stage of life, we need to have the courage to admit mistakes, and only by admitting mistakes can people learn lessons and ultimately reap success.

The process of a person constantly correcting mistakes is the process of becoming more and more valuable.

Four signs of a person, getting more and more valuable

Work hard

The world has never failed anyone who strives to move up.

No one's luck came for no reason. Everyone's life is the harder they work, the luckier they get.

Nietzsche said: "If there really is a miracle in the world, it is just another name for effort." ”

People have to suffer a lot in their lives, and success has never been a routine. If some people really have talent, they can go to the end without relying on those three points of talent alone.

Hard work can reverse the original fate, and everyone is small before they are strong.

There is never a road in this world, it is an absolutely easy way to go, and the person who is getting more and more valuable will never escape suffering.

Striving to forge ahead is itself a path to prosperity.

Content source public number: Wei Chen [ID: weichenip] It is very easy to meet the author.

About the Author: Wei Chen, freelance writer, writing mentor. Normally quiet, occasionally humorous.

I hope that through words to bring you spiritual relaxation, may your life be more beautiful after encountering my words.

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