
After the 60s who are gradually getting older, no matter how heavy your feelings are, you must also be "cruel and thin-hearted", which is the blessing of the rest of your life

After the 60s who are gradually getting older, no matter how heavy your feelings are, you must also be "cruel and thin-hearted", which is the blessing of the rest of your life


There is a saying on the Internet: "Bo lover is not ruthless, but he has not yet met the right person." ”

It is not his nature that a person is affectionate, but that he still has not met anyone who can make him affectionate. Thin affection and affection, originally a pair of twin brothers, are always accompanied by the existence.

A thought of affection, in order to put the true heart on those who love us. A thought is a small thought, in order to protect his own sincerity, so that it can always be preserved.

Many people will wonder, what kind of person will be "thin"? Once you are a person, it is not difficult to make friends, and the popularity becomes very poor?

In fact, the more mature people are, the more they are affectionate. Because the experience brought to us by time will eventually smooth out our edges and corners, clarify our eyes, and clear our hearts.

Moreover, people become thin-hearted because they see through the world. You know, ordinary people's connections, as well as friends, will turn into ashes when they encounter difficulties. In this way, such connections and friends are meaningless.

If that's the case, then why should we care about so-called connections and friends? True friends, always by your side. And the hypocritical friend may just fool you.

Believe this, the post-60s will be particularly clear. Because of their blessings, it begins with becoming "thin-hearted".

After the 60s who are gradually getting older, no matter how heavy your feelings are, you must also be "cruel and thin-hearted", which is the blessing of the rest of your life


After the 60s of Ben Liu, it is advisable to have a thin affection for "unnecessary" people.

When we are young, we need certain friends and we need to live a little more enthusiastically. Because young people eventually need to experience an "additive" life.

When we are old, we need certain close friends and abandon unnecessary idlers and passers-by. Friends can be found everywhere, and there is only one best friend. This is doomed to have many friends leave us.

In the unit, you have a good relationship with a certain worker. However, when you leave the unit, or resign, if he is still good to you, then he is your true friend. If he blackmails you, he's just a playmaker.

For these unnecessary friends, for these unnecessary colleagues, we don't need to take them to heart, we just need to empty the memory of them at the right time.

The lifestyle of "breaking away" is the best behavior of being a person. Don't think that "giving up" is not good, don't think that if there are fewer friends, people will definitely live alone.

Sometimes, your "renunciation" is to let you harvest your own peace and happiness. At the same time, a true friend is more valuable than a thousand fake friends.

Quantity does not represent anything. Only quality is our pursuit in the second half of life.

After the 60s who are gradually getting older, no matter how heavy your feelings are, you must also be "cruel and thin-hearted", which is the blessing of the rest of your life


After the 60s of Ben Liu, don't suffer from gains and losses anymore.

There have been many readers in the background to ask such a question - I am forty or fifty years old, there are still few friends, I do not like to interact, is it normal? Very anxious.

In fact, there is no need to be overly anxious. Things like friends and connections don't have to be forced too much. Moreover, it is not necessary for ordinary connections to do anything.

Imagine where are these people when we need help?

Just think, when we encounter problems, why do these people evaporate in the world?

Just think, when we live happily, why do these people appear again?

A famous person once said that when I don't have money, I don't have a single relative or friend around me. However, when I became rich, I found that I was surrounded by relatives and friends.

This is the reality of the world.

After the 60s of Ben Liu, there is no need to struggle with these trifles. If you bloom, the butterflies will come. If you wither, you are cold. Everything is the reality of "the trees fall and scatter, and the walls fall and the people push" reality

Why do we emphasize thin emotion? It's because we can't affect our mood for these things. Live naturally and elegantly, don't suffer from gains and losses, and don't dwell on certain things anymore. Isn't this a kind of happiness?

People don't need to live for others. As long as you live happily and well, that's enough.

After the 60s who are gradually getting older, no matter how heavy your feelings are, you must also be "cruel and thin-hearted", which is the blessing of the rest of your life


Thin affection is the embodiment of a person's transformation from infancy to maturity.

Mr. Li, the owner of the factory, was originally a social master of fengyuan left and right, with good eloquence, outstanding ability, and many friends around him, giving people a feeling of being a circle leader.

However, after Lao Li experienced this incident, he immediately changed his temperament.

At the age of 45, his factory went out of business, turning him directly from a "rich man" to a "negative man." At this time, all his friends were gone, and even his relatives did not want to see him.

So he did the same thing, that is, he deleted the contact information of the vast majority of people, leaving only a few close friends.

After five years, the old Li Dongshan made a comeback, founded the company, and became the boss again. At this time, friends and relatives who had disappeared for many years appeared again.

In the face of them, Old Li did not pay much attention to them, but treated them with thin affection. Anyway, how you treated me in the past, then how I treated you, the two sides reduced exchanges, no one offended anyone, no one asked anyone.

After the 60s who are gradually getting older, no matter how heavy your feelings are, you must also be "cruel and thin-hearted", which is the blessing of the rest of your life

Only after experiencing the harm of others will people fully understand that thin affection is not a desperate feeling, but a deep affection with a goal. Leave the thinnest side to passers-by and idlers, and the most affectionate side to family and close friends. This is the real person of thin affection.

Perhaps, only when people have experienced ups and downs and seen the vicissitudes of the world will they become thin. And it is precisely the embodiment of a person's maturity.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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