
Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

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Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Searchlights are good books

In April, it was shortlisted for the list of Chinese and foreign genre novels

"Searchlight Good Book" is hosted by Tencent Group + Reading Group, co-organized by QQ Reading, WeChat Reading, Tencent News, and undertaken by Searchlight Book Critics Association. According to the vote of 21 readers, 10 Chinese and foreign novels, 10 Chinese and foreign genre novels, and 15 Chinese and foreign humanities and social science books are evaluated every month. According to the reader's vote, the popular top 3 books in the 3 lists per month are rated.

We pay tribute to those good works that have "the beauty of literature, the truth of thought, the weight of history, attention to the present, elegant narrative, and beautiful expression", creativity, imagination, and exploration.

The following are the Chinese and foreign genre novels shortlisted in April 2022, in no particular order.

Thanks to the authors, translators, editors-in-charge, and producers and publishers of these works.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Genre novel collection | science fiction

Unnamed Link: Selected Masterpieces of Chinese Metaversal Science Fiction

Han Song, Liu Cixin, etc

Liu Weijia Editor-in-Chief

Eight Light Point Culture Nova Press

April 2022

Nominated judge: Yao Haijun

Introduction: The current concept of "metaverse" is a global fire, which is extremely eye-catching. It is a new concept and new vocabulary that was born entirely in the field of science fiction, and the work of indiscriminate coveting is only half a century ago.

China began to enter the information age in the 1990s, and soon excellent science fiction novels that vividly interpreted the concept of the "metacosm" emerged. In the past two decades, Chinese science fiction writers have burned the anointing and made every effort to explore the all-round boundaries of the "metaverse" with their excellent imagination, and strive to visualize it into a wonderful literary story, showing people what the "metacosm" looks like, what strange things will happen in between, and deeply exploring the various problems of the metaverse and the impact on the real world.

This anthology contains the excellent "metaverse" science fiction novels that are widely acclaimed and concerned in China at present. Beginning with the indiscriminate works "MUD - Hacker Incident" and "Anonymous Link" full of the imprint of the times, ending with Liu Cixin's magnificent "Time Migration", supplemented by classic masterpieces that won the Galactic Award, such as "Flood World", "Seven Shells", and "Shiva's Dance", it constitutes a wonderful "meta-universe" that has never existed in ancient times and is reflected in Xiaming Yuying.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Internet Literature Immortals

"Flood Related Households"

Breeze Trail Boy

The starting point Chinese the net

March 2022

Nominated judge: Wang Xiang

Introduction: Before Bai Jin was reborn and sanctified, Bai Jin, who was accepted as a disciple by Tongtian and had a strong sense of crisis, began to unfold his own path of survival: he befriended his master and made great powers, and the bits and pieces of manufacturing affected the flood and famine trend, and constructed a network of relations to protect himself. In this process, Bai Jin has also won countless reputations.

Taishang: "Bai Jin has great wisdom!" ”

Primitive: "Among those disciples in Tongtian, only Bai Jin can see." ”

Tongtian: "The one who knows best is Bai Jin." ”

Zhun Ti: "Bai Jin is shameless, and the poor monk is willing to bow to the wind!" ”

Duo Baorulai: "Bai Jin is a despicable and shameless, treacherous villain." ”

Jade Emperor: "There is nothing in the world that is more affectionate than Master Bai Jin's nephew." ”


Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Translate fictional | Novels in the long genre | suspense

Association of Victims of the Same Name

By Atsushi Shimomura

Translated by Yu Kan

Reader Culture Wenhui Publishing House

April 2022

Nominated Judge: Xia Lie

Introduction: Have you ever searched for your name online? Have you ever thought that because of your name, you will become the prey of the whole network? In a tragic case that shocked the whole country, the young girl was stabbed twenty-eight times in a row. The identity of the murderer is kept secret, but the name has been leaked - Masaki Oyama. Overnight, as long as he has the same name as Masaki Oyama, he is suspected of being a murderer and even becomes the target of wanton anger. From social networks to the real world, they are cornered with nowhere to escape. Convenience store clerks, stars of hope in football, cute painting enthusiasts...

In order to regain a normal life, ten "Masaki Oyama" secretly allied and vowed to find out the true identity of the murderer. They gradually discovered that every seemingly ordinary "Masaki Oyama" was carrying an unspeakable secret. And the tragic case that seems to have come out of nowhere is actually another hidden plot.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Translate fictional | Novels in the long genre | Western fantasy

The Hobbit: Illustrated Illustrated Notebook

[English] by J.R.R. Tolkien

Wu Gang Translated by Huang Liyuan

Century Wenjing, Shanghai People's Publishing House

April 2022

Nominated judge: Xiao Jinghong

Description: An adventure of the hobbits that has been popular for more than half a century. A key into the world of Tolkien's life and creation.

Torologist Douglas M. A. Anderson deeply combs through the details of the story text, with a rigorous spirit of examination and the ability to see the subtle, he has made hundreds of meticulous and detailed annotations for Tolkien's well-known novel "The Hobbit", so that readers can see a more three-dimensional, vivid and complete Tolkien life and creation.

Who was Gandalf's prototype? What was the beginning and end of The Hobbit's creation and publication? How have versions changed? How did Tolkien "sing harmony" with Northern literature? Where did his passion for dragons come from? Who influenced his aesthetic style, and how was his linguistic talent cultivated and expressed? His silent spitting on foreign language translation illustrations, his preference, his friendship...

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Internet Literature and History


Go up the hill and beat the tiger on the forehead

The starting point Chinese the net

April 2022

Nominated judge: Yang Chen

Introduction: If a person is unfortunate enough to return to the sixth year of the apocalypse, at this time the building will fall, the castration party will run rampant, the hundred officials will fall, and the people will not be happy, and the party struggle will still continue. In the middle of the smoke and rain in the south of the Jiangnan, the talents are still making music, and the beauties are singing and dancing; the displaced people are not clothed, and the hunger has reached its limit; the houjin iron horse in Liaodong has already sharpened its sword and looked at the world... And just at this time, Zhang Jing added a fish suit and embroidered a spring knife at the waist. He became the captain of the Jinyi Guard in this era, known for his ferocity and violence—in this unreasonable era, he became the most unreasonable person.

"Jinyi" tells the story of the protagonist who becomes a disgraced Jinyi guard, uses the knowledge of later generations to make up for his achievements, save himself and his father, and finally become a marquis.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Translate fictional | Novels in the long genre | illation

Thursday Reasoning Club

By Richard Osman

Translated by Zhang Yalin

Relay Press

April 2022

Nominated judge: Zhang Ying

Introduction: In the high-end pension community in the British countryside, former agent Elizabeth refused to "wear diapers and grow old in a wheelchair", she contacted the reasoning fan nurse Joyce who lived here, the worker Ron, and the psychologist Ibrahim to form the "Thursday Reasoning Club", which met every Thursday to study the unsolved cases and suspicious cases that the police had not solved for many years.

Unexpectedly, there really was a serial murder around me. The builders of the community are attacked and killed; the number one suspect suddenly falls to the ground and dies; the nameless white bones of 50 years ago have been exhumed from the cemetery... The case is becoming increasingly complex.

The four "Easy Chair Detectives", with an average age of 77.5 years old, each showed their magic: Elizabeth used her secret agent skills to dig out key clues; Ron screened out the suspects one step ahead of the police in constant denial; Ibrahim and Joyce used professional acumen to find a breakthrough in the case.

Who is the real culprit? This new mystery novel (Cozy Mystery) takes readers to solve crimes while soothing the soul and finding the bliss and wisdom of life.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Translate fictional | Novels in the long genre | detective

"The Sound of Heaven, the Name of the Devil"

By Hiroko Minagawa

Translated by Zhu Dongdong

Nova Press

April 2022

Nominated judge: Liu Yihan

Description: "Almonica Dilpolika", an instrument in the name of a demon that can play a natural sound. Rumor has it that because of its excessively rebellious tone, the gods were furious and sent a heavenly punishment to the designer.

Dr. Daniel's anatomy classroom lost its hustle and bustle, and Ben, Clarence, and Abel joined the blind judge Fielding to start a newspaper covering crime. A bizarre commission came to the door and drew attention to an abandoned mine pit on the outskirts of Oxford, where someone witnessed a floating corpse with mysterious words written on his chest: "Son of Bethlehem, wake up!" "Is this a miracle, or is it deliberately done by the murderer?"

Fielding defied many obstructions to launch an investigation. Mysterious musical instruments, strange legends, even Edward and Nigel, who have long since fled, are involved in bizarre cases...

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Web Literature and Science Fiction

"We Live in Nanjing"

Tianrui said

The starting point Chinese the net

March 2022

Nominated judge: Wang Xiang

Introduction: "We Live in Nanjing" is the story of two young people saving the world.

A very slight "popping" sounded like a ghost, but it did not come from the experimental device on the table, but from the copper ring in the young man's hand. A faint, transparent, elf-like spark of electricity erupted in the opening of the C-shaped copper ring. His eyes widened in surprise, and after unremitting efforts, he finally caught the invisible and untouchable ghost floating in the air.

In the darkness, there was a mysterious pusher, the energy from the electric spark generator on the table to the copper ring in his hand, no wire, no medium, no connection, this independent small copper ring jumped with flames, it was a miracle. Maxwell's theory was perfectly validated.

On this day, human beings consciously sent the first electromagnetic waves towards the universe. The young man, who taught at the University of Karlsruhe, was named Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.

This year, he was 30 years old...

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Short and medium-sized novellas | suspense

Wisdom Teeth

By Remy

Huazhang Fanren Chongqing Publishing House

April 2022

Nominated Judge: Xia Lie

Introduction: Wisdom teeth, which will grow after adulthood, are also called standing teeth. Under normal circumstances, its existence does not attract any attention, and once there is an abnormality, it is a terrible pain. It seems to remind us that pain, suffering, and experience are considered adults. And what is the adult world like?

When Brother Chopper walked step by step to Wang Tao's trembling muzzle in the back alley where heavy rain poured down; when Lu Jintang picked up the dying Mingli and revealed his beastly Sensen fangs in the moonlight; when Li Po ran the wet street with a halo all over his body; when Jiang Ya and Yang Xiaozhu sat in the dark classroom, Teng Xiao's figure loomed among them; the two charred humanoid traces on the ground that hugged each other tightly seemed to turn into ashes...

Where is the boundary between good and evil in human nature? Are those bone-eating pains as worthless as wisdom teeth?

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Translate fictional | Novels in the long genre | science fiction

Doctor Who: Engine of War

By George Mann

Translated by Song Yawen

Eight Light Point Culture Nova Press

March 2022

Nominated judge: Yao Haijun

Introduction: I have changed countless faces and have had many incarnations, but the only time I became a Doctor of War is a memory that I will never want to touch.

The War of Time has been raging for centuries, and the war has spread throughout the universe. In the course of fighting Dalek, the Doctor accidentally falls onto a fallen human colonization planet. He saw Dalek patrols rounding up surviving civilians in the rubble, and everywhere there was apocalyptic horror. From Meadows to GaryFrey to the Eye of Tantalus, the weary Doctor travels around to stop the enemy's evil plans...

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fiction | | novel Ancient romance

"Spring Mountain" (all 3 volumes)

A thousand weights

Yunqi Academy

Chinese World, Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House

April 2022

Nominated Judge: Xia Lie

Introduction: Tan Youyou originally only wanted to be a houmen noblewoman, but he did not expect that after marrying Pei Rong, unexpected house fights and internal disputes came one after another, making everything different. Fortunately, Tan Youyou's wisdom is foolish, and he still lives a leisurely and warm life when he sees tricks and tricks, and the relationship with Pei Rong has become more harmonious and tacit. In the face of changes in the korean situation, the two worked together to finally reap the happy ending of their careers and families.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Online Literature and Real Life

"Witty Reading Dads"

Ann is good

Starting point girls' network

January 2022

Nominated judge: Xiao Jinghong

Introduction: "Witty Reading Dads" tells the story of four high school juniors and four accompanying fathers with very different personalities and occupations, after living in a difficult-to-find "Yuanlou" near the school, the hilarious fancy collision occurred.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Fictional | Chinese and foreign genre novel collections | science fiction

"Galactic Edge 008 Flying Cracked Sky"

Yang Feng Editor-in-Chief

Fu Bin Xiong Yuejian Jin Xueni Translated by Gong Shiqi

Eight Light Point Culture Nova Press

December 2021

Nominated judge: Yao Haijun

Description: "Galaxy's Edge" is a series of science fiction books designed for young people, fast-paced urban people, and science fiction fans. This book adopts the form of a library that is easy to read and carry, brings together excellent chinese and foreign science fiction works, and integrates the distant universe and brilliant starlight into the life scene of each reader.

"Flying Cracked Firmament" is the eighth series of the "Edge of the Galaxy" series and the first series after the new revision, and the title of the book is the same as the work of Vientiane Peak Nian. The picture of the universe presented in this article not only shows the development trajectory of civilization, but also allows readers to start another life in reading.

The excellent works created by the science fiction master Michael Swanwick, the translator of "The Three-Body Problem" Liu Yukun and his wife, the well-known science fiction writer Zhou Yukun, the emerging science fiction author Li Tang and other excellent works created by this book, the brilliant creativity and tension of the story are enough to soothe the troubles and anxieties of ordinary life.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Internet Literature and Strange Magic

The All-Knowing Information

Demon Vicissitudes

The starting point Chinese the net

March 2022

Nominated judge: Yang Chen

Introduction: What you see can know everything that has happened, what you hear can see through the world's devious hearts, and what you feel can know the secrets hidden in the depths of memory by others. The more he knew, the more unhappy he became, and looking up at the starry sky, HuangJi felt the malice from the entire universe and the desperate situation of mankind.

He was just a small farmer in the countryside of the earth, and he had to sigh: "I know too much." "Whether it's technology or mythology, or the hidden bugs of the universe... None of them escaped his perception of information. Faced with the dilemma of human beings being captive by higher civilizations without knowing it, Huang Ji can only compare with aliens and know more.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | fantasy

Mortal Writing: Killing Demons

Huang Wan

United Reading, Beijing United Publishing House

April 2022

Nominated judge: Yao Haijun

Introduction: The blood of the first Fairy Demon War has not yet dried up, and the new war has begun to burn again! In the Celestial Realm, the arrogant gods are plotting to push the demon clan into a cruel hell; the demon realm, the roar of revenge of the demons resounds throughout the four wildernesses; the human world, the red eyebrows are in turmoil, and the fairy demons stare at each other with a sneer...

A snake demon with high mana but tired of love and lurking in the world, a pure and innocent cat demon who is not tolerated by the heavenly court, a teenager who is obsessed with forging swords but does not know how to cut through the evil of the world, a poor donkey who is greedy for life and afraid of death but can often turn danger into ruin, a mountain god who has boundless mana but forgets who he is... They are caught up in the whirlpool of conspiracy and have to embark on a journey to Huaguo Mountain, the heart of the demon world.

This road is full of twists and turns, can they seize their fate and cut off the chains of evil?

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Online Literature : Time travel

Sword of Dawn

Distant pupils

The starting point Chinese the net

March 2022

Nominated judge: Xiao Jinghong

Introduction: "Sword of Dawn" tells the story of the protagonist who crossed over and became the ancestor of the descendants, cultivated the field and climbed science and technology, constantly resisted natural and man-made disasters, and explored the story of higher civilizations.

Gawain crossed, but there was a slight problem when crossing. After more than a hundred thousand years of floating over a certain alien continent, he felt that he might need a body to become a complete crosser, but he did not expect that he would have to climb out of the coffin with this body after he had succeeded so hard, and faced two frightened Zeng Zeng Zeng... Great-granddaughter, and a world that is about to end its age.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Internet Literature Fantasy

"Covered Bridge Dream Code"


Wave-by-wave net

Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House

March 2022

Nominated Judge: Xia Lie

Introduction: "The Dream Code of the Covered Bridge" takes the covered bridge as the background, uses the dream and reality time and space interweaving technique of crossing the mysterious illusion, praises the beautiful commonality of man and god in the common pursuit of "heaven and earth have true love", describes the great love and friendship across the two worlds of heaven and earth, expresses the great sentiment of reverence and respect for the heavens and the earth, adheres to the truth, and pursues true love, and creatively depicts a magnificent, mysterious and peculiar beautiful story for the Chinese covered bridge. In the process of creation, the author learned from the writing techniques of "Classic of Mountains and Seas", "Journey to the West" and local folk tales, and told the magical story of the Zhejiang Minmu Arcade Bridge in China, which is known as the embodiment of the Rainbow Bridge in the "Qingming River Map".

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Online Literature and Ancient Romance

"Happy Birthday"

Yun Ni by Yun Ni

Starting point girls' network

February 2022

Nominated judge: Xiao Jinghong

Introduction: Xie Liangchen avenged his brother, no longer have any worries, although he owes a debt of human affection, but people die like lights out, eyes closed, this debt is naturally gone. However, the rumbling and thundering sound sounded, and when she opened her eyes again, she actually returned to the good old age of fourteen years old, and the Xuanwei Hou beside her was not the appearance of the mighty and fierce god she once had. Xie Liangchen was about to pretend not to know... Song Xian's eyes were raised, his eyes were glowing with fine light, and a low voice came out of his throat: Want to settle accounts? Say good "Hou Ye Da En Dade in the next life to do cattle to do Ma Ding dang to repay"?

"Happy Encounter" tells the romantic legend story of Xie Liangchen using his knowledge to lead the villagers out of poverty and become rich, and finally won the hearts of the people, and became the founding emperor with Song Xian.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | history

"Six Feet of Solitude"

By Wang Xiaofu

Writers Press

April 2022

Nominated Judge: Xia Lie

Introduction: The protagonist Hum Fourth Young Master, a young man with a mysterious life, full of charm and courage, with a melancholy and handsome appearance, but he is bold and decisive in action; he is surrounded by famous ladies and ladies, they are as beautiful as flowers, and they regard death as homecoming.

Ancient whispers, fantastic plots, eerie moods, confusing character relationships; delicate brushstrokes, aesthetic emotions, human struggles in the dazzling plot, the interweaving of good and evil - showing the vicissitudes of 1949, a picture of the world of all sentient beings in southeastErn Ouyue, a magnificent historical drama.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Suspenseful criminal investigation

"The Detention Center Doctor"


United Reading Tron and Beijing United Publishing Company

February 2022

Nominated judge: Liu Yihan

Introduction: The protagonist is a newly hired detention center doctor, who did not expect to participate in an execution scene less than a week after going to work, and the hero who has not yet adapted to the detention center environment has a strong inner turmoil.

Since then, the male protagonist has successively contacted the detainees in the detention center, and gradually understands the story behind them, murderers, female drug lords, transnational traffickers, gangsters... The astonishing truths they carry will be uncovered one by one in this book.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Online Literature and Fantasy Xiu Xian

"Mo Qiu Immortal"

Masked Freak

The starting point Chinese the net

February 2022

Nominated judge: Yang Chen

Introduction: Immortals cannot be sought, and the name Mo Qiu is derived from this. "Mo Qiu Immortal Edge" tells the story of Mo Qiu, who became a small medicine boy in the mortal world, originally only wanted to settle down in this world, but due to fate, he would step into the martial arts jianghu, and he would have to peek into the world of immortals, and finally realize the story of true immortals.

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

Chinese fictional | Novels in the long genre | Internet Literature Traversal

"Into What System"

Seven handsome men

Sina Weibo

Boji Tianjuan, Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House

March 2022

Nominated Judge: Xia Lie

Introduction: What is it like to wear into an online novel and become a pillow man of a tyrant? After a simple calculation, Gengwan yin concluded that he could only find another way. In this story of all the evil people, if she wants to kill a bloody road, she must be the biggest evil person. First help the tyrant to kill the duan king, and then kill the tyrant and directly become the female emperor.

But when she saw the tyrant, carefully pondered the strange feeling of déjà vu in his words and deeds, she finally couldn't help but tentatively ask, "How are you?" Xiahou Huan was silent for a long time, and his eyes were red. "I'm fine, and you?"

"Wenzhi martial arts are Niangniang's, and occasional small mistakes are jointly committed."

Duty Editor | Peter Pan

Duty Editor-in-Chief | Deng Siyi

Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

The 2022 Good Book Selection Is in The Call!

Select book types

Books are mainly aimed at public readers, and are divided into three categories: Chinese and foreign genre novels, Chinese and foreign novels, and Chinese and foreign humanities and social sciences.

1. Chinese and foreign genre novels

Long genre novel + short story collection

2. Chinese and foreign novels

Novels + short story collections

3. Chinese and foreign humanities and social sciences

Thought, History, Popular Science, New Knowledge, Art, Culture, Nonfiction Writing and Features, Biographies, Essays, Essays

Publisher's Recommendation Standards

Books published between January and December 2022 (except January, supplemented by good books from December and November of the previous year)

Chinese mainland first published

Reprints and reprints are not included

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chief editor

Zhang Ying

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Searchlight Good Book in April shortlisted genre novels released, 22 new books waiting for you to choose

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