
30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

author:Jingmo worldview

1. Really worthy of being Indian, this IQ is also no one, how heavy the plane is, do you really not know?

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

2. The Tar Steps in the picture below are a board bridge in Exmoor National Park in the United Kingdom. According to experts, the bridge dates back to the Bronze Age, and each plate weighs between 1 and 2 tons. It is worth mentioning that the bridge was simply built and did not use mortar or cement.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

3. There is a saying, at first glance this dog looks quite scary, anyway, I dare not raise, I am afraid of getting up in the morning and being frightened.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

4. This killer whale waited on the shore for a while, just to eat the seagulls, is it eating enough fish? It's time to change the flavors.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

5. More than fifteen hundred meters from the center of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, this is a tricycle of a little boy, who was in the car at the time of the explosion.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

6. Sometimes the poor and the rich are separated by only one street. The chart below compares the places of residence of the poor and the rich in South Africa.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

7. In the picture below, a crocodile bites the electric eel, but due to the strong current released by the electric eel, the crocodile cannot release its prey, so this process lasts for about 30 seconds, and finally the electric eel and the crocodile are destroyed.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

8. In the picture below, a crocodile fights a group of lions, the crocodile looks too domineering, the key is that so many lions have not been able to defeat it.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

9. The picture in the picture below looks like two photos stitched together, but unfortunately this is not the case, this is the result of the construction of gardeners.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

10. Still good as a child, carefree, I really want to go back to my childhood!

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

11. The upcoming storm in the image below looks like it is on the eve of the end of the world.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

12. The picture below is a dead whale work created by Greenpeace, which visually shows us the impact of plastics on the marine world and further calls on us to protect the marine ecological environment.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

13. The picture below shows the Brass Knuckle Revolver made in Belgium, which is an artifact of close-quarters combat.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

14. Some time ago, Kenya suffered a rare drought, which caused a large number of giraffe deaths.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

15. To a certain extent, 3D painting can turn decay into magic! If you don't believe it, look at the following photo, it's amazing.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

16. This is the beautiful scenery of Iceland, you can think about it, if we can walk here, what would it be like?

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

17. An eagle catches a pigeon.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

18. The killer whale in the picture below is preparing to rush ashore to hunt for seals, and it is really domineering to watch the posture, and the shark is out of the sea.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

19. The couple pictured below was discovered in 1972 and had been "hugging" for more than 2,800 years at the time of excavation.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

20. Below is a ring from more than 2,000 years ago, with the image of Minerva (relief) carved in a convex gemstone. It is now in the collection of the Getty Museum.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

21. The picture below shows fossil trees as tall as modern sequoias found in northern Thailand. The fossil trunk is about 72.2 meters long, which indicates that the original tree may have grown to more than 100 meters tall.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

22. The picture below is arizona in the United States, this is a 225 million-year-old petrified opal trunk, colorful, very beautiful looking.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

23. The picture below shows 1945, the end of World War II, queen Elizabeth returned to New York with American troops. The soldiers could finally go home.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

24. The mystery of Paracasla's long skull is famous. In the 1920s, Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello discovered a series of tombs in Paracas, Peru, with skulls as long as the one below.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

25. The picture below shows the spear passing through the bone during the Roman Gaelic War, which has been maintained for thousands of years like the picture below.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

26.In 2012, Austrian Felix Baumgartner became the first skydiver to break the speed of sound, reaching a top speed of 1,342 km/h.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

27. Pictured below is Ramanatha Swami Temple in India, which has the largest temple corridor in the world.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

28. A bee lives for no more than 40 days, they have harvested at least 1,000 flowers in their lifetime, but they produce less than a teaspoon of honey, which may be only a teaspoon of honey for us, but for them, this is the value of life.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

29. The picture below shows the rolling clouds over Lake Michigan in the United States, which seem to have a feeling that the water of the Yellow River is rising from the sky.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

30. The building in the picture below is made up of 9740 mirror panels, I don't know why it was built in the desert? For viewing? A bit incomprehensible.

30 unseen photos, crocodiles and electric eels died together, a crocodile vs. a group of lions

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