
Embryos that should not be lost

Embryos that should not be lost

What are embryos that should not be lost?

Expectant mothers want this child, but without knowing the pregnancy, the embryos have been exposed to drugs, vaccines, tests, etc., and expectant mothers are extremely worried about these exposure factors will lead to fetal malformations or intellectual disabilities and terminate the pregnancy of the embryos.

Embryos that should not be lost

Recently, it has been found that more and more expectant mothers have taken many drugs because of unknown pregnancy or shortly before pregnancy, including stomach medicines, cold medicines, emergency contraceptives, HPV vaccines, new crown vaccines, gastroscopes, chest X-rays, CT examinations, etc. They originally wanted to have children, but because of these exposure factors, they were extremely worried about fetal malformations or intellectual disabilities and were ruthless or forced to miscarry. There are many reasons for this result, one is that expectant mothers or consulted doctors have insufficient awareness of the exposure sensitivity and results of adverse factors in the early embryo; second, the extreme requirements of expectant mothers for the fetus must not have half of the unfavorable factors for the fetus, requiring the birth of extremely perfect children; third, when expectant mothers have early pregnancy reactions, doctors do not routinely exclude pregnancy awareness, and mistakenly treat early pregnancy reactions as stomach diseases, colds, etc. Fourth, expectant mothers have little knowledge of eugenics and contraceptive methods, and many factors lead to the loss of embryos that may be normal, and also bring many risks of miscarriage.

In fact, the exposure of early pregnancy embryos to drugs, vaccines and examinations does not necessarily lead to fetal malformations or intellectual disabilities. The sensitivity of the drug to the embryo is divided into 3 periods, the first period is "full" or "none", the second period is the high sensitivity period, and the third period is the low sensitivity period.

Within 2 weeks of fertilization (14-28 days after the last menstrual period, the size of the gestational sac is estimated by ultrasound in the case of irregular menstruation), before and after the implantation of the gestational sac, the effect of the drug on the embryo is "full" or "none": "full" is manifested as the early death of the embryo leading to miscarriage; "none" is that the embryo continues to develop without abnormalities.

The high sensitivity period is between 3-8 weeks after fertilization, this period is the stage of differentiation and development of the various organs of the embryo, the embryo begins to differentiate and develop, after being affected by harmful drugs, it may produce morphological abnormalities and deformities, called teratogenic high sensitivity period, specifically, such as nerve tissue in 15-25 days after fertilization, the heart in 20-40 days, limbs and eyes on 24-46 days susceptible to drug influence.

9 weeks to full term after fertilization is the stage of fetal growth, organ development, and functional perfection, and only the nervous system, reproductive organs and teeth continue to differentiate, especially the differentiation, development and hyperplasia of the nervous system are peaked in the third trimester of pregnancy and the neonatal period. After being affected by drugs in this period, due to poor liver enzyme binding function and high blood-brain permeability, the fetus is easily damaged, and it can also be manifested as fetal growth restriction, low birth weight and functional behavior abnormalities.

Again, with the same teratogenic dose, short-term exposure is rarely teratogenic, while long-term chronic exposure leads to a significant increase in the risk of teratogenicity.

It can be seen that if the expectant mothers have drug exposure within 2 weeks of fertilization (the last menstrual period is 14-28 days, menstrual irregularities can use B super measurement of the size of the gestational sac to calculate the gestational age) embryos have drug exposure, and do not lead to miscarriage, the embryo can continue to gestation and delivery, but experts emphasize that if there are signs of miscarriage during early pregnancy, refuse to protect the fetus, according to its nature. If there is no spontaneous abortion, the obstetric examination can be standardized during pregnancy. This avoids both normal embryo loss and many risks of miscarriage.

Source: The Third People's Hospital of Kunming

Editor-in-charge: Bi Qun Internship Editor: Xu Yanru

Editor: Zhou Xiaoxue

Final Judge: Zhou Jianjun

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