
Long-term preparation for infertility, advanced age preparation for pregnancy... Most people don't know, in fact, you are only one thing away from getting pregnant!

A few days ago, Xiaobian brushed a netizen's post on a certain platform:

Long-term preparation for infertility, advanced age preparation for pregnancy... Most people don't know, in fact, you are only one thing away from getting pregnant!

Nervous, painful, wanting to be relieved, you can feel her anxiety and confusion between the lines.

Not only this netizen, Xiaobian often receives a message in the background: "I have been pregnant for a long time without success, what should I do?" "I wanted to have a baby at the age of 30, but the more my family urged me, the more I couldn't prepare." ......

Then today I will talk to you about how to scientifically understand the hidden "signals" of our bodies, and prepare for pregnancy to achieve more with less.

First, can I be born when I want to be born?

Many newlyweds face the primary problem of having children, but data surveys show that there are about 40 million infertility patients on the mainland, and 1 in 8 couples is infertile, and the incidence is rising.

Since the implementation of the comprehensive two-child policy, the number of newborns has increased and the risk has also increased.

Experts estimate that about 200,000 to 300,000 children with congenital deformities are born every year, and with defects that appear only months and years after birth, the total number of children with congenital disabilities in China is as high as 800,000-1.2 million.

If you think about october of pregnancy, what parent doesn't want their child to be born and grow up healthy?

However, the normal state of late marriage and late pregnancy in modern society has led many people to consider childbearing 30+, and the older they are, the more their physical functions are not as good as before, and many people will worry about whether they will be one of them? Can I still be born when I want to be born? Will the baby be born with defects?

In the face of such a serious fertility crisis, experts remind you to do a fertility assessment as soon as possible to create a healthy pregnancy plan for yourself.

Second, the first step of scientific pregnancy preparation

1. What is fertility assessment?

Fertility assessment, the full name of "medical fertility assessment", is mainly a test for couples of childbearing age who are interested in having children, and systematically evaluates their medical history, occupation, diet, living environment, women's ovulation, fallopian tube function and ovarian function, and male semen status.

After systematic evaluation, the data can be determined about a person's fertility status, the possibility of natural fertility, and the chance of having a healthy baby. In short, fertility assessment is a necessary, convenient, fast, and practical "fertility analysis report" before pregnancy.

2. Who needs a fertility assessment?

I haven't been pregnant for a year

Couples who have a normal sexual life and are not pregnant for more than a year and have not conceived a baby need to be evaluated for fertility. Because procreation is not a matter for the man or the woman alone.

Trying to conceive at an older age

Women older than 35 years of age will have decreased ovarian reserve capacity, significantly reduced egg quality, reduced chances of conception, and increased miscarriage rates.

Especially for mothers who are preparing to conceive for the second child, if the first child is caesarean section, then the risk of uterine rupture, dangerous placenta previa, and vaginal bleeding in the second child is also large, and fertility assessment is required.

Long-term preparation for infertility, advanced age preparation for pregnancy... Most people don't know, in fact, you are only one thing away from getting pregnant!

People with a history of gynecology or andrology

Women with irregular menstrual problems, previous pelvic surgery, miscarriage history, polycystic ovary syndrome, all need attention. Men who have had mumps or genital trauma may also affect fertility.

People with a family history of genetic disorders

Some family genetic diseases are invisible to the naked eye, but they may be passed on to the baby, and even there are cases of inheritance from generation to generation.

Long-term preparation for infertility, advanced age preparation for pregnancy... Most people don't know, in fact, you are only one thing away from getting pregnant!

3. What is the significance of fertility assessment?

Screening for infertility factors: Helps to provide timely medical guidance or treatment of symptoms when infertility or fertility is detected.

Screening for genetic diseases: Timely detection of genetic diseases in the family, eugenic guidance, to ensure the normal physical development and intellectual development of children.

Reduced birth defects: Reduces the incidence of miscarriages, fetal malformations, and pregnancy complications.

Therefore, even if the fertility assessment is not good, it will not shatter every dream of parenthood with a stick, because the doctor will give targeted guidance to each one and give eugenics scientific advice, which is the greatest meaning of fertility.

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