
How many days can the fetus detect dysplasia? Want to rule out fetal malformations? 3 check-ups for pregnant women to do


How many days does it take for a fetus to be detected for dysplasia?

It takes 10 months for the fetus to develop from a small fertilized egg to a baby, because fetal development is a dynamic process.

We can't say how many days the fetus can check for all the stunteds, so we need to do regular obstetric examinations, and there are special examinations at each stage to detect whether the fetal development is abnormal.

How many days can the fetus detect dysplasia? Want to rule out fetal malformations? 3 check-ups for pregnant women to do

How is fetal dysplasia detected during pregnancy?

Fetal dysplasia generally refers to the fetal body, organ malformations, as well as fetal chromosomal and intellectual abnormalities, pregnant women can be through the following tests to exclude fetal malformations.

1. Four-dimensional color ultrasound excludes fetal malformations

The terativation rate of four-dimensional color ultrasound can reach 50-70%, it can detect fetal facial malformations, as well as nerve, digestive, urinary and other malformations, such as: visceral valgus, intestinal atresia, polycystic kidneys, short limb deformities, four heart cavities and so on.

2. NT ultrasound and Down screening can exclude Down children

Down's children are mentally retarded, stunted, and accompanied by facial and organ deformities, such as: congenital heart disease, ear, tooth deformities, short nose, flat face.

If Tang sieve and NT color ultrasound show high risk, such amniocentesis or noninvasive DNA is the best means of further examination.

What are the symptoms of fetal dysplasia?

1. In the early stage of pregnancy, embryonic dysplasia, pregnant women will have vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, back pain and other miscarriage symptoms.

2. In the second trimester of pregnancy, fetal dysplasia, the symptoms are abnormal renal pelvis separation, fetal heart malformations, Down children, hydrocephalus, anencephaly, microcephaly, as well as moderate hydronephrosis, abnormal widening of the left and right ventricles, and so on.

3 In the third trimester of pregnancy, fetal dysplasia, the symptoms are too light fetus weight, the femur is too short, the head circumference is small, etc., mainly the fetal development is more than 2 weeks smaller than the gestational age.

How many days can the fetus detect dysplasia? Want to rule out fetal malformations? 3 check-ups for pregnant women to do

What should I check when I am eight months pregnant to see if the fetus has malformations?

There is no early pregnancy reaction in the early pregnancy, and the early pregnancy test strip is not pregnant, and there is a menstrual period during pregnancy, how to see this is no sign of pregnancy.

However, the mother-to-be was pregnant, because she was relatively fat, and waited until her stomach was getting bigger and bigger before going to the hospital.

Later, the doctor found that she was almost 34 weeks pregnant, and I have to say that this mother is too careless, pregnancy is not a child's play, it is good to find out early, otherwise the fetus is born to know the pregnancy is a joke.

How many days can the fetus detect dysplasia? Want to rule out fetal malformations? 3 check-ups for pregnant women to do

At the 8th month of pregnancy, pregnant women can do fewer fetal malformation tests.

What tests can rule out fetal malformations? 3 checks are important

1. NT examination, pregnancy 11-13 + 6 weeks to do the best effect, more than 14 weeks, the fetal transparent layer of the liquid will be slowly absorbed, the test results will be inaccurate.

It is normal for the transparent layer of the fetus to be less than 3 mm, and beyond 6 mm, the risk of the fetus developing a Down child increases.

2. Four-dimensional large-scale malformation, 20-24 weeks of pregnancy to do, the amount of amniotic water is sufficient, you can see the whole body of the fetus, the pregnancy is too late, can not see the fetal malformations. The distortion rate of four-dimensional color ultrasound can reach 60%.

3. Down's child examination, early Tang screening at 9-13 weeks, Tang sieve in the middle of 15-20 weeks, if the results show low risk is passed, if the results show high risk, pregnant women need to do amniocentesis or noninvasive DNA testing.

What tests can pregnant women do at 8 months of pregnancy?

If there is too much or too little amniotic fluid and the fetal development is abnormal, then the doctor will ask the pregnant woman to do noninvasive DNA or amniotic fluid puncture to rule out abnormalities in the fetus's chromosomes and the risk of the fetus having a Down child.

In the small teratology of 30-32 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will check the malformations or abnormalities that occur in the third trimester of the fetus, observe the fetal umbilical cord entanglement, changes in fetal position, amniotic fluid, placental maturity, fetal development and so on.

2. The thickness of the scar of pregnant women, if the first time of a pregnant woman is a caesarean section, then in the third trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women with a thin uterus need to do color ultrasound to check the thickness of the scar.

3. After 32 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women do routine examinations every two weeks, pregnancy 37-40 weeks, is a weekly examination, fetal heart monitoring and prenatal B ultrasound is a must do items.

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