
The health station broadcasts that | want to give birth to a lively and cute baby in the year of the tiger, these aspects cannot be ignored

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Zheng Jiaying Correspondent Shi Xiaoya Park Chunzi

Many couples in the outpatient clinic can't wait to say that they want to have a cute baby in the year of the tiger. In order to have a healthy baby, pregnancy preparation is very important, many health problems and other pregnancy after treatment, may be too late, listen to the hour health station, Cixi City Hushan Street Community Health Service Center doctors from the physical and physiological conditions, healthy lifestyle, infection prevention and other aspects of the analysis of it one by one.

The health station broadcasts that | want to give birth to a lively and cute baby in the year of the tiger, these aspects cannot be ignored

Photo: Visual China

(1) Preparation plan for physical and physiological conditions

Conception should take place when both spouses are in high energy, physical strength, and physical and mental relaxation. Pregnancy should be avoided during the active period of the disease, such as active hepatitis, active tuberculosis, acute nephritis, hyperthyroidism, myocarditis and other diseases, temporary contraception should be used, and after the disease is cured and restored to health, pregnancy under the guidance of a specialist. Cardiac function level II or above, chronic renal insufficiency, etc. should not be pregnant. For people with undiagnosed or uncured STDs, they should wait for the disease to heal before conceiving.

The health station broadcasts that | want to give birth to a lively and cute baby in the year of the tiger, these aspects cannot be ignored

(2) Cultivation of a healthy lifestyle

1. Pay attention to reasonable nutrition and maintain dietary balance. Pay attention to protein, vitamins and trace elements, do not prefer food, eat iodized salt. Folic acid supplementation before pregnancy is important for the prevention of neural tube malformations. Cultivate good eating habits, pay attention to dietary hygiene, food should be washed and cooked and eaten, avoid eating spoiled food.

2. Quit smoking and alcohol. Both active smoking and passive smoking can affect the growth and development of the fetus. Tobacco contains harmful substances such as nicotine, hydrocyanic acid, carbon monoxide and so on, which not only endangers physical health, but also has adverse effects on germ cells and embryonic development. Passive smoking can also endanger the quality of germ cells. Alcohol also has adverse effects on germ cells, and conception after alcohol and heavy alcohol consumption in men increase the incidence of fetal alcohol syndrome.

3. Keep away from pets. Dogs and cats can be infected with toxoplasmosis, and infection with toxoplasmosis in pregnant women can cause miscarriage or fetal malformations and developmental delays. Therefore, those who have pets in the family should keep their pets out of the house when planning to conceive and avoid contact.

The health station broadcasts that | want to give birth to a lively and cute baby in the year of the tiger, these aspects cannot be ignored

4. Avoid environmental pollution exposure. Harmful pollutants to the fetus include: organic mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium and other heavy metals; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitroso, alkyl, benzene, phenols, tetrachloroethylene and other compounds; aflatoxin; carbon monoxide, high concentration of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases; organophosphorus and other pesticides. Hot working environments and exposure to radionuclides may also have harmful effects on the fetus. Women planning to become pregnant should be arranged to be removed from a harmful occupational environment. Men planning to be fathers should also avoid exposure to environmentally teratogenic substances.

5. Develop a reasonable work and rest system. Three meals on time, a reasonable schedule, and adequate sleep are the basis of health and help keep both spouses in a state of energy. Couples planning to be parents should avoid staying up late for a long time and having chaotic meal schedules.

(3) Prevention of infection

Those who have not been infected with rubella virus and hepatitis B virus surface antibody negative should receive rubella vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine 3 months to half a year before pregnancy. Women who are not infected with Toxoplasma gondii should pay attention to avoid contact with pets such as cats and dogs as much as possible, and should strengthen hygiene precautions when they cannot avoid it. Women with syphilis infection should seize the time for regular treatment.

(4) Adjust contraceptive methods

After planning a decision, adjust the contraceptive method. If contraception is given with oral contraceptives, the IUD should be removed if contraception is used. It is generally necessary to conceive after stopping the drug and removing the device, and if long-acting contraceptives are used, it is necessary to stop the drug for half a year and then conceive.

The health station broadcasts that | want to give birth to a lively and cute baby in the year of the tiger, these aspects cannot be ignored

(5) Select the age of conception

Avoid premature and late childbearing before the age of 18 and after the age of 35. Premature childbearing, immature maternal development, and increased risk of complications of pregnancy. There is a marked increase in the number of children born to women after the age of 35.

In addition, families who have had birth defects or have a history of abnormal pregnancy need to conduct preconception consultation in addition to the above preconception health care to assess the risk of birth defects in this pregnancy.

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