
The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

With the beauty advantage of Japanese and French mixed race, Takikawa Christine is very famous in the Japanese press, especially in 2013, she successfully helped Japan bid for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, and was once crowned the throne of "Japan's first beauty".

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

However, this is not the second son of her and former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, and the current parliamentarian Koizumi Jinjiro flash marriage splashed with water.

On August 7, 2019, 42-year-old Takikawa Christine followed 38-year-old Shinjiro Koizumi to visit Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to give him a marriage report and announce the marriage to reporters in front of the prime minister's official residence.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

That day happened to be the seventh day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar, and I did not expect that the most advanced melon eaten by the chinese traditional Tanabata singles was the melon of Japanese politics, and the woman was still married.

However, these two candidates announced the good news at the gate of the Japan Power Center, and they did not simply want to show their love in a high profile.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

In Japan, where marriages between politicians and news and entertainment are rare, Koizumi wants nothing more than fame and fortune from a sensational effect.

This marriage news can be said to be a surprise Wang Explosion, not to mention that the public feels sudden, even Abe Shinzo is a bit blindfolded, facing the microphone, he can only honestly say that he did not know at all before.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

Therefore, the media hurried to do their homework overnight and deeply picked up the past of the two.

Takikawa's mother is Japanese and his father is French. Although he has been eating sashimi in Japan since he was 3 years old, he often follows his parents back and forth between the two countries, and naturally masters French and English.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

In 2013, she used her fluency in French and English to get Japan out of the circle and let herself out of the circle.

She was beautiful and was admitted to Fuji TV in 2000 and fell off the list. However, her Japanese-French mixed-race advantage saved her, and the TV station also specially packaged her and changed her name from Masami Takikawa to Kristin Takikawa.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

The Japanese people's admiration is not light.

However, the audience was not fanned by the Westernized name, but the tilted 45-degree sitting position when she broadcast the show.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

The perfect explanation for this by the TV station is that sitting obliquely like this is Takikawa's most beautiful angle. But she herself declared that because the pelvis was crooked, she wanted to sit upright but could not sit correctly.

It's just, such a blatant punch in the face of their own owners, okay?

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

Sure enough, Takikawa, who is a bit rigid, will not be a quiet anchor.

In 9 years, he not only filmed the program but also became a pillar, but he did not renew his contract after the contract expired.

Since then, she has kept a lot of low profile in the press. But the emotional life has been turned over by the media again.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

In 2009, he had just been pulled out and fell in love with former Japanese international Hidetoshi Nakata, and in the blink of an eye, he became the girlfriend of actor Seiyue Ozawa.

Seieizawa Ozawa is the son of the internationally renowned conductor Seiji Ozawa.

Obviously, not long ago, Ozawa's girlfriend was Watanabe Apricot, the daughter of actor Ken Watanabe, and the speed of this exchange could be fast enough.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

In 2013, Takikawa Christine and Seiyu Ozawa reported their marriage.

Just as Takikawa Christine went to Argentina to serve as ambassador for Japan's bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games, Ozawa was still preparing for marriage in the apartment where the two lived together.

However, there is no more following.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

In 2013, an indecent video of Takikawa Christine and a white man was also circulated, and although the heroine's face could not be seen in the video, the photographer played Takikawa's broadcast screen at the beginning of the video.

When Takikawa left the TV station, it was rumored that it was related to her video, not the salary issue. The marriage between the two ended without a problem, I don't know if it is also related to the video.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

Takikawa re-emerged from the jianghu, and at the age of 42, he once again turned the public upside down by marrying the young prince of politics, Shinjiro Koizumi.

It doesn't matter if the two haven't been caught in a relationship, they come to break the news themselves.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

"The first time I interacted with a man younger than myself, it was very fresh", "Koizumi proposed marriage twice".

Koizumi also said that he wanted to take good care of his pregnant wife.

The future handsome prime minister who is optimistic about the media, showing affection so high-profile, has attracted a lot of complaints.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

Especially after the marriage, in the asset status of the members announced by the Abe cabinet, the Koizumi family's nearly 300 million yen fortune was all under the name of the celebrity anchor's wife, Takikawa.

People don't feel like it's a sign of love. The Koizumi family is such a political family, it is impossible that he himself does not have a penny. However, all the assets are allocated to the wife's name, but it can avoid public supervision.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

In Japan, people who want to be prime ministers are too rich and will give people a feeling of distrust, and everyone wants the people in power to have a breeze in their sleeves, and Koizumi has buried the foreshadowing in advance.

However, just after setting up the pet wife setting, the media broke out that Koizumi had played multiple loves before marriage, which was poking Koizumi's lungs. He also embezzled millions of yen of public funds in order to give gifts to his lover to please.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

The other party was still a married lady, who later divorced, and obviously went to Mrs. Koizumi's seat. But Koizumi doesn't care about this, because he also has female colleagues.

Koizumi resolutely denied the embezzlement of money, and for the affair, he responded to the media's pursuit and interception with a private affair.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

After waiting for the incident to subside, Koizumi was photographed going in and out of the hotel with the hot girl.

There is no doubt that he continues to deny that the rhetoric is the unanimous phrase of cheating men all over the world: "That's just a friend".

After saying it lightly, he did not forget to confess to Takikawa affectionately through the camera that "only she can make him feel relaxed" to take the opportunity to wash himself white.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

Before the marriage, Takikawa can not be investigated, who has not yet pointed out the past of the wind and snow, and the people are more looking forward to Takikawa's reaction this time. However, Takikawa, who holds the financial power of the two people, does not seem to have much tough confidence in this marriage.

If you insist on pulling back the family background, you can only trace it back to Takikawa's great-grandmother, a pioneer of the Japanese women's movement, and his maternal grandfather was a city councilor.

The most beautiful anchor of Japanese-French mixed race: 42-year-old and Junichiro Koizumi's son flash marriage, the couple continues to black material

People take tea cool, not to mention the background of the old yellow calendar. Therefore, what Takikawa, who climbs the high branch, can do after her husband cheats on him, that is, to practice "doing and cherishing" with a smiley face.

The Japanese people were even more booed, and the combination of these two people was strong enough.

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