
Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

author:Chen Said

In 1977, a world-class guest came, and in that year Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou were no longer there, so during this meeting, the leaders personally came out and toasted him.

That is to say, from this time on, the prelude to the mainland's diplomatic work in the new period was opened, and it also marked that the mainland's diplomatic work can already be carried out under the new framework.

This heavyweight guest is definitely a presence that cannot be ignored in European history, in the course of World War II, he led the people of the whole country to defeat fascist Germany, and later dared to oppose Britain and Russia, and was able to successfully travel between the East and the West during the Cold War.

He was the president of Yugoslavia, Tito. It is a pity that the country of Yugoslavia has disappeared from the world, and there are many evaluations of him in history, either good or bad, but there is no doubt that Tito's life can be described as brilliant.

However, at that time, the relationship between China and Yugoslavia could also be described as complicated, which was also a confusing account that had gone through decades, and a very important reason for the complexity was also related to the Soviet Union. Looking back now, we can look at the front and back of Yugoslav President Tito's visit to China in 1977.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

China-South Africa relations have been confusing for a long time

Belonging to the same socialist camp, it is reasonable to say that the relations between the two countries should not be bad. In 1949, when New China was just founded, the good brothers of Yugoslavia did send telegrams to China, which can be regarded as the first to recognize the founding of New China, but the two countries did not immediately establish diplomatic relations, and this matter was dragged on until 1955.

In fact, yugoslavia cannot be blamed for this matter, mainly because the relationship between China and the Soviet Union at that time was the same as that of brothers, and your enemy, that is, my enemy, Yugoslavia, as an important member of the socialist camp, did not listen to the words of the big brother of the Soviet Union, and for a period of time Stalin was not lightly angry.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored


The key reason why Yugoslavia was able to achieve such a bloat was that they had a magical leader, and it was this Tito. Beginning in 1941, the Germans rushed to Yugoslavia, a weak country that could hold german tanks, and in less than 10 days, Yugoslavia basically disappeared from the map under their strong blows of "stability, accuracy, and fierceness".

At this time, Tito, a key figure, stepped forward.

Since tito joined the Yugoslav Communist Party earlier, so this Yugoslavia also fell smoothly in the socialist camp, the leader of the socialist camp is the Soviet Union, Tito of course has his own ideas, watching the industrialization process of the Soviet Union is so smooth, so I hope that Big Brother can help himself.

Big Brother is not stupid, he wants to keep all the big heavy projects in his own country, and verbally only agrees to pay for the construction of some small industrial facilities for Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union does not want to give the heavy industry that Yugoslavia really wants.

Not only that, when the Soviet Union itself engaged in intensive heavy industry, it did not forget to get back from the Yugoslav raw materials on the first day of the month.

Probably according to the average country, the Soviet Union is a representative after all, to stand up to the United States, to eat a little loss will eat some loss, in case the Soviet Union can not develop, then the Americans won the Cold War, their own country is also dangerous.

However, the problem is that The Yugoslav Tito is quite "iron", and when he discovered that the Soviet Union began to want to control the Yugoslav economy in all directions, he directly split with Stalin.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

Something unexpected happened. In view of Tito's series of manifestations of disobedience to management, the Soviet Union directly "expelled" Tito from the world communist movement, can Tito not panic? In the past, it was nothing more than throwing a tantrum and protesting against the all-round control from the Soviet Union, but it was good that he really became a socialist loner.

That year, China was in the critical period of the War of Liberation, and it was already known that Yugoslavia did not practice communism, and there was no need to establish diplomatic relations after the founding of the country, and more importantly, Tito actually ran to the Americans for help when he was cornered, and there was a rather fierce debate throughout the country, and the United States also took this opportunity to give Yugoslavia more than a hundred million US dollars.

The result is estimated to have surprised the Americans, and after this Tito got the money happily, he neither made a close show of friendship with the United States nor played with the Soviet Union, but simply maintained a neutral attitude and played his own.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

The key reason why Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union were able to make such a scene was because of the two leaders, Stalin and Tito.

Khrushchev also showed what is called "great power style", took the initiative to go to Belgrade, and Tito had a good chat, the relationship between the two is a bit of a resurgence, so at that point in time, the South Korean ambassador to the Soviet Union sent a number of messages to China, hoping that the Yugoslav government can establish diplomatic relations with China, and stated the reasons, this time the Chinese government agreed.

It was only in 1955 that China and Yugoslavia formally established diplomatic relations, after more than five years, it was indeed "premature."

Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union fell out again because of the "Polish-Hungarian Incident", Tito felt that it was wrong for the Soviet Union to send troops to Hungary, and the Soviet Union felt that the country wanted to betray socialism and could not fight.

So they put together a "Moscow Declaration", but Yugoslavia, which had just performed a wave of "Sichuan drama and change of face", did not agree to sign it, causing the two countries to break up unhappily, but this time Yugoslavia not only offended the Soviet Union, but also offended the 12 socialist countries that signed this declaration.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

China was also criticizing Yugoslavia at that time, feeling that there were major differences in the socialist construction line between them, that is, during that time period, the two countries had major twists and turns in diplomacy.

In 1968, the originally relatively solid socialist camp began to slowly have problems, initially the Soviet Union and other 5 Warsaw Pact countries directly sent troops to Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia looked, how did this still hit the eyelids? Opposition was immediately launched, and preparations for battle had already begun in the rear.

At that time, relations between China and the Soviet Union also took a sharp turn for the worse; first of all, the Soviet Union withdrew its assistance at the most difficult time in China, making the situation in China worse; Khrushchev stood up to criticize Stalin and put forward his own "three-sum line" to keep China highly consistent with the Soviet Union in diplomacy and make concessions for the interests of the Soviet Union in concrete development.

After Sino-Soviet relations began to deteriorate at the end of the 1950s, they basically did not come back smoothly, and Khrushchev still said bad things about China everywhere; in 1968, China and the Soviet Union directly rose to a military confrontation, and China and the Soviet Union had a large number of troops at the junction, and seeing that a major war was about to break out, Khrushchev's behavior of destroying the interests of other countries in order to protect his own development was originally repugnant.

As a result, China also began a strategic adjustment at this stage, and Yugoslavia anticipated the possibility of war, and from 1969 onwards, the two sides began to exchange ambassadors, opened frequent interactions, and in those days, also let everyone fully understand what is called "friends of friends are enemies".

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

Premier Zhou also called the Soviet Union's behavior an "act of aggression," and the three countries were entangled for a long time, making it inseparable, and several countries believed in the power of "independence and self-determination."

After 1969, Sino-South African relations gradually returned to real normalization, both parties regarded each other as their comrades-in-arms, comrades who could be trusted, in history, we all have a glorious history of jointly fighting against fascism, and after the founding of the country, we also have the independent line of self-reliance and adherence to armed forces, and both sides have expressed their admiration for each other.

The key reason for the subsequent interview was that both sides dared to stand up against the Soviet Union.

Whether it is the CPC or the Yugoslav Communist Party, the two countries led by the two parties have launched the mass line on their own and exchanged them with blood under the condition of one knife and one shot.

A very important reason why the Soviet Union was able to occupy an orthodox position in the beginning was that the Comintern was there, but then the revolutionary line of the two countries gradually fell short of wearing a pair of pants with the Comintern, and both were based on the actual conditions of their own countries, not according to the command of the Comintern.

In fact, in the process of development, neither the CCP nor the YUGO owes anything to the Soviet Union. Without the Soviet Union, the Ccp would have been able to resist Japan and win the War of Liberation; without the Soviet Union, Tito would have been able to fight back and forth with the Germans, and the people would have relied on guerrilla warfare, not the Comintern standing on the sidelines and shouting and commanding.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

Similar national conditions have led to Tito's visit to China

In 1975, the Chairman of the Yugoslav Executive Committee, Djemaar Bijedić, came to the Great Hall of the People, and Deng Xiaoping and Tan Zhenlin and others also attended the banquet, and the two sides had a very pleasant conversation, and in a very short time, they strengthened their understanding of each other, and Chairman Biedić was also received by Chairman Mao.

Deng Xiaoping mentioned a very important sentence at that time: "Both Central and South China are developing countries, and for a long time in the past, both Central and Southern China had the common fate of being subjected to imperialist aggression and oppression, and today they also have the common task of opposing imperialism, colonialism and hegemony." ”

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

Chairman Mao also praised Tito at this meeting, saying: "Tito, Chinese tito, iron, not afraid of Soviet oppression!" "At this point, the twists and turns and grudges between the two parties in Central and South Africa have basically paved the way, and most of the disputes between the two sides have been eliminated."

Yugoslavia can also fully feel that this time China is showing full sincerity.

In particular, in the days before Tito came, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also specially organized Yugoslav envoys in China to travel to Hunan and other places; the day before Tito came, the responsible comrades of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were still considering what kind of name to use to write Tito's seat card.

Generally speaking, writing a name should be almost the same, but at that time, after repeated weighing, comrades were added. The mainland also ushered in the first foreign head of state after Chairman Mao's death.

The arrival of Tito also officially marked that China and Yugoslavia had broken through the shackles of history and entered a brand-new stage of development, and at the same time opened the prelude to diplomatic work, which was a major event in the course of mainland diplomacy.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

The leader personally came to the airport to greet him, Deng Xiaoping had already made a comeback at this time, he said to Tito very frankly: "In the past, when our two families quarreled, it was mainly our fault, but we can't say that what you did was correct, so it is better to let the past things blow a wind and everything look forward, so that you do not agree?" ”

You know, Tito was 84 years old at the time, but he can still maintain a very agile reaction speed. It is estimated that he did not expect Deng Xiaoping to make such a statement, and he was very happy to say to his entourage: "The solution of this problem is of great political significance to the international workers' movement." ”

The restoration of relations between the two parties is also a major breakthrough in the mainland's foreign relations, and for China, it is also a correction of some erroneous lines in the past. This time, it was Deng Xiaoping who played an important role in the idea of "blowing a wind" and "looking forward at everything" on historical issues, and it was also a correction of the previous ultra-left thinking, which freed us from the isolation of the world international communist movement.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

On the night of the talks, Tito came to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and the 84-year-old Tito, still holding two bottles of wine, said to the entourage next to him: "This morning's meeting can be said to be very successful, in order to celebrate the restoration of relations between the two parties, let's have a few drinks together to celebrate!" ”

At that time, the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall had not yet been officially opened to the public, and Tito took the initiative to ask to pay respects to Chairman Mao. In addition, he also climbed the Great Wall with great interest, and a docent told him that in China there is a saying that "it is not a good man to go to the Great Wall", and after listening, he took the umbrella next to him and fiddled with the way of a sword, which made the people around him laugh endlessly.

But who would have thought that this seemingly smooth meeting process would be difficult for our country. Three days before Tito's visit, the issue of "opening the front door" or "opening the back door" was even being discussed, and finally, according to the opinions of many people, in order to smoothly restore the relations between the two parties, it was decided to open the front door.

From the formulation of the policy of the talks, as well as various speeches, if a single sentence is not correct, it may change the direction of the entire Eurasian region, and finally until all kinds of things have been arranged and Tito's seat has been labeled "Comrade Tito", it has lasted for more than half a year.

Coming to 1977 as a world-class weight guest, it is definitely a presence in European history that cannot be ignored

Previously, relations between China and Yugoslavia had been interrupted for almost twenty years, and during the turmoil, there was no room for maneuver in the criticism of Yugoslavia, and this time the supreme heads of state of the other side came to meet, and chairman Mao and Premier Zhou and other first-generation greats also died a year ago.

Thankfully, everything was resolved smoothly. When Tito returned to China, he was welcomed by hundreds of thousands of citizens, and he said in his speech that he was very satisfied with this visit to China, which was a very great experience that he will always remember in his heart.

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