
Musk: The "advanced high-speed rail transportation system" will be completed in a few years, which is 2 times faster than the speed of the aircraft

As we all know, since mankind entered the era of industrialization, all kinds of industrial products have begun to enter human life, maximizing the efficiency and cost of human life and work. In the case of trains, their emergence has greatly improved the stability and safety of human travel and cargo transportation. With the development of the times, trains have evolved into high-speed rail, which used to take about an overnight train 500 kilometers apart, but now it only takes about 2 hours.

Musk: The "advanced high-speed rail transportation system" will be completed in a few years, which is 2 times faster than the speed of the aircraft

At present, among all the high-speed railways used in the mainland, the fastest is the Fuxing. Friends who know it know that its emergence has increased the speed of the mainland high-speed railway from 200 kilometers per hour to 350 kilometers per hour. From Beijing to Shanghai only 3 hours, this is also the mainland independent research and development of the maglev high-speed rail, currently in the world only a few countries to master, the mainland has obviously come to the forefront of the world, now the high-speed rail is not only "China's business card", but also represents the "Chinese speed", leading the Chinese people to be proud.

Musk: The "advanced high-speed rail transportation system" will be completed in a few years, which is 2 times faster than the speed of the aircraft

But there has been a recent piece of news that may break the traditional perception of ground transportation. For Musk, presumably everyone is no stranger, it is the chief CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and also took advantage of the opportunity to ascend to the position of the world's richest man. However, it seems that it is not only limited to this, but also tries to explore the cutting-edge technology continuously. According to reports, Musk recently posted a message on social media, attracting the attention of countries around the world, if this news is true, Musk may become "the fastest man in the world".

Musk: The "advanced high-speed rail transportation system" will be completed in a few years, which is 2 times faster than the speed of the aircraft

It is reported that Musk recently said: "Its tunneling company will try to build a hyperloop transportation system in the next few years." The so-called "high-speed rail", in fact, Musk put forward the concept idea 10 years ago, not only to meet the human commute, but also to meet the transportation of goods, which is also a new mode of transportation, not affected by weather and collisions, the speed can reach 2 times that of ordinary aircraft. To put it bluntly, it is actually the use of "vacuum pipe" technology to let the train run in the pipeline.

Musk: The "advanced high-speed rail transportation system" will be completed in a few years, which is 2 times faster than the speed of the aircraft

In fact, the concepts of vacuum pipe and magnetic levitation are the same, which are the greatest possible to reduce the resistance and friction of the train when running. This tunnel mode of operation will turn the train into a capsule, using linear induction motors and air compressors to provide power, and the final goal can reach a speed of 4,000 kilometers per hour. All in all, this technology can not only lead human beings to leap again, but also achieve environmental protection effects, if it is really as Musk said, it is not a good thing, I don't know what everyone thinks?


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