
These five kinds of "defeated" women, no matter how much they love, can not marry, who marries who will be poor for a lifetime

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In today's society, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all money, as long as they live, it is impossible not to spend money, most people work, in fact, they do not want to make a fortune, just want to live a good life, do not worry about food and clothing, but also a little savings are already very good, but such a small wish, but it is not easy to achieve. Some people have worked hard for many years or are poor, there are many reasons for this, most people only think that they do not know how to save money or the surrounding environment is not good to earn money, but do not know, marry the following five kinds of women, will also make you poor for a lifetime.

These five kinds of "defeated" women, no matter how much they love, can not marry, who marries who will be poor for a lifetime

1, not filial piety, not kind, only recognize money of women

When we choose a mate, we will put filial piety and kindness first, and no one likes to live a lifetime with a person who is not filial piety and kindness. Moreover, filial piety comes first, without the hard-working parenting of parents, there is no us today, respect for parents is the right thing to do, naturally also hope that the wife can respect their parents. Secondly, kindness is also very important, and if you have good thoughts in dealing with people, the blessing will come. The most afraid of the two things are not only recognized money of the woman, such a woman only money will make them move, they will do whatever it takes for money, even at the expense of hurting the family, such a woman even if she has money, she will lose everything because of distorted values.

2, domineering, stubborn, unreasonable woman

Many marketing numbers are always brainwashing women, always preaching "the wife is right", "the wife is the biggest", "the woman is to coax" and so on, many women see these, but also feel very reasonable, have followed suit, become overbearing and unreasonable, in addition to some women are brainwashed by the marketing number, other women are so personality. They are very domineering, always want everyone to accommodate them, and they are very stubborn, they are wrong and refuse to admit it, but they always look self-righteous, and it is a waste of energy to reason with them, because they are unreasonable, do not absorb opinions, and insist on going their own way. Such a woman marrying home will only drag her family back.

These five kinds of "defeated" women, no matter how much they love, can not marry, who marries who will be poor for a lifetime

3, vanity and love to show off, but there is no little ability of the woman

Vanity is everyone's, but not everyone's degree is the same. If the vanity is too much, it will make people look sideways. I have seen such a sentence that your strength should support your vanity. Some people are vain and love to show off, relying on gifts sent by others, and the life given by others, to put it bluntly, there is no difference with a beggar, some women know that the family economy is not rich, but also pretend to be very rich, buy famous brands, eat expensive food, go in and out of high-end places, in order to just let others envy, they will feel that there is face, but each of these are piled up with money, they have no ability at all, then they can only rely on their husbands to rely on friends, such women not only can not help you get rich, Minutes can ruin your family.

4, a woman who cuts the door and has a small belly and chicken intestines

Although it is said that wealth comes from frugality, frugality and door cutting are completely different, frugality is the flower that should be spent, and what should not be spent is not spent. And cutting the door is that whether it should be spent or not, you must try your best to cut it, and it is best not to spend it. It is impossible to make people rich, small money is not spent, the loss may be more important than money, the woman who cuts the door cannot make you rich, and the woman with the small belly and chicken intestine is more likely to make your life chicken fly and jump, not peaceful. Women with small bellies and chicken intestines have a small temperament, only consider small things, do not consider the overall situation, they can not help you get rid of the poor situation, will only make your situation worse and worse.

These five kinds of "defeated" women, no matter how much they love, can not marry, who marries who will be poor for a lifetime

5, a woman who has a heavy heart of interests and separates herself from her in-laws

Nine times out of ten things are not satisfactory in life, when people are proud, there will be times when they encounter trouble. Some women, can only be rich and noble, can not share hardships, they and the in-laws are very open, do not regard themselves as a part, when they have money, they are better to say, when there are benefits, they are more active than anyone, but they have never integrated themselves into their hearts, once the in-laws have a problem, they will reveal their nature, immediately hide far away, not only do not help, but also skimmed clean. Such women are not at all in the same heart as this family, and how can they be expected to stay by your side and help you when you are poor?

Now men want to marry a good wife is more and more difficult, marrying a wife is a big thing, marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous, men must polish their eyes when choosing a wife, the above five kinds of "defeated" women, no matter how much love can not marry home, otherwise it is you who regret it.

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