
Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

Image source @ Visual China

Wen | Rhino Entertainment, author | Fangzheng, editor | Park Fang

Over the past many years, when it comes to "entertainment marketing", people usually think of nothing more than the "old method" of the brand being endorsed by the star, the brand being inserted or implanted into a hot drama or movie, and the brand naming or sponsoring a variety show.

But when did brands interact with entertainment content become more casual, agile, and unexpected. An online concert, a live broadcast of a star, a sudden entertainment event, a brainwashing song of a ghost animal, you can often see the figure of certain brands accompanying it.

Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

Some time ago, Cui Jian's video number concert brushed the screen in the circle of friends, sealing the gods, at the same time, whether it was on the background board when Cui Jian sang, or in the interview room where Dou Wentao visited Cui Jian, a car brand frequently brushed its face and earned enough sense of existence, boosting the brand that has a weak public recognition in the new energy vehicle track.

But see the new people laughing, which smell the old people crying. In 2022, just when the concert on the video line was accumulating and iterating to "pull the title sponsor", the traditional long-term variety show investment encountered a cold winter and repeatedly fell into the embarrassment of few gold lords. When "new entertainment species" such as short videos, medium videos, live broadcasts, and short dramas create a tide of pan-entertainment content, the entertainment marketing of brand owners begins to run into the "pan-delivery era".

Recently, Big Arithmetic released the "More than Just Le-2022 Giant Engine Entertainment Marketing White Paper" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper"), which provides multi-dimensional insights into several new trends in entertainment marketing. Inspired by the "White Paper", in the current ever-changing pan-entertainment content marketing field, whether advertisers can touch a relatively stable business path, Rhino Jun tried to answer.

Do not vote for variety shows to cast video numbers, the owners want to ROI want to go crazy

Among the many articles talking about Cui Jian's epoch-making concert on April 15, there is a perspective of great industry discussion value that seems to have been overlooked by many people - this is the first commercial concert with a "brand name" on the video number.

Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

This is a landmark node in the history of video iteration, even if the concerts of Xicheng Boys, Mayday, Zhang Guorong and others have no matter how to brush up the circle of friends, they all lost to the old cannon Cui Jian in the matter of "making money".

The promotion of this "marriage" is the result of the joint efforts of many parties, coinciding with the tencent advertising system brewing video number concert commercialization, Cui Jian, who holds the big pattern, does not reject the implantation of commercial elements, so the target customer group and Cui Jian's audience are consistent with a certain car brand decisively made a move, and quickly finalized this tens of millions of "big orders".

Seeing the war report data of 46 million + online viewers and 1.2 billion + exposure in the WeChat ecosystem, you may be able to understand the reason why the brand owner chose Lao Cui. The ecology of the video number can ensure that the brand uses the big event to start the volume in one fell swoop, bringing a solid ROI (return on investment), if it is to spend the same money to invest in the S-level variety show to have a crown, the popularity of the program is difficult to say, and the ROI is completely uncalculable.

In this era, short videos can win hemp, because the variety show delivery with immeasurable returns has lagged behind the needs of advertisers, and the short video platform has preemptively set up a marketing link of "integration of product and effect sales". The "White Paper" mentions that the giant cloud map can accurately analyze the 5A population, and the huge star map automates some of the business processes of the stars/talents, which can measure the brand ROI to make the financial owners feel more at ease.

Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

In other words, one of the strongest demands of advertisers now is that they must see that the money they spend is really spent on the cutting edge and get a solid conversion return. This is also why we can often find that many short video live broadcast programs do not feel hot and more out of the circle, but they can attract a lot of gold owners.

For example, at the beginning of this year, Kuaishou developed a talent talk show variety show "Super Nice Conference", the heat is actually decent, but this show hand-held exclusive title Zhilian recruitment, especially cooperated with Guangliang Wine, found the Meituan, melon seed used cars and goods Lala to do industry sponsorship, and held hands with Shengyouhuo and Bipinge as partners, and unlocked the pattern marketing channel with seven major brands.

As the White Paper says, "The huge engine helps brands and entertainment enterprises to complete the 'integration of products and effectiveness' from entertainment content production to marketing and conversion, and becomes the media choice for brands to carry out entertainment marketing in the era of integration." "At present and for a long time to come, the short video platform that can see the return immediately" will also be an important place for the financial owners to place advertisements.

Short videos have become hypermarkets, and "mobile marketing" has become standard

Short videos, including medium video, live broadcasts, and short dramas that are also part of the "short content" track, can ride the wind and waves in the field of entertainment marketing, which can be said to accurately fulfill the phrase of communication scientist McLuhan that "media is information".

Long videos cannot spell short videos on "investment promotion", most of which are caused by differences in user consumption habits caused by different media forms. Long videos are more biased towards content platforms, and users open the platform to run to "good content" (especially for VIP users who have paid membership fees), and they are potentially psychologically less tolerant of "long video ads".

The biggest advantage of short video is the "immersive" product features, even if the video encounters advertising, the user either has an identification threshold, or can be crossed out immediately after knowing the advertisement, which will not have much impact on the user experience. In this way, users are willing to look forward to the long-term ecology of the site, advertisers can carry out multi-point layout control in the site and carry out "mobile marketing".

Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

The huge amount of entertainment content traffic is also the reason why the gold lords are popular with short videos. According to the "White Paper", as the main scene of entertainment content production and consumption, in 2021, Douyin users watched 5.1 trillion times of entertainment content, released more than 650 million entertainment content, liked more than 103.9 billion entertainment content, and more than 230,000 topics related to Douyin #entertainment#

The "White Paper" also mentioned that "unlike the exposure-based communication mode of traditional media, media platforms in the Internet era emphasize the interaction between content and audiences, and allowing consumers to complete the entire shopping experience in the same platform in a time-saving and fast way is an effective way to help brands improve conversion efficiency." "The era of on-site marketing integration makes short video brand marketing more lively and emotional than traditional platforms.

Taking Douyin as an example, now Douyin Variety can realize the integration of production and broadcasting in the station, thus helping the brand marketing private domain integration and the whole chain conversion. Last year, the Blue River Dairy brand and the trembling roundup "Like! The in-depth cooperation of "Talent Show" extends IP resources to "one fish and more eats" outside the program through the linkage of large and small screens, such as launching the #了不起的妈妈 Challenge, adding a special brand track to select high-quality talent direct programs, etc., bringing a large number of exposure and high-interaction fans to the brand.

Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

In addition to immersing in the "mobile marketing" in the station, the interactive marketing of brands and short video self-made IP programs often has praiseworthy ideas. Taking Kuaishou's "Super Nice Conference" as an example, many stand-up comedians will very delicately implant brand information points in the paragraph, such as the beanie paragraph mentioning that "what you can do after downloading the Meituan APP can be used", which consolidates the positioning of the Meituan "Little Helper of a Good Life"; Wang Jianguo laid the baggage of "eating grass, milking is milk", and cleverly introduced the "milk without cows" Shengyou live oat milk This product.

Today, short video self-made projects have become an important position for advertisers to deliver. For example, the huge engine affirmed the interactive marketing value of short video self-made IP in the "White Paper": "In 2021, a series of high-quality entertainment content works have emerged on the huge engine platform with medium, short, long video and live broadcast forms, among which the self-made content - Douyin short drama and Douyin original variety show have emerged, providing more interactive and participatory scenes for brand creativity." ”

Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

In the era of the whole people playing with the terrier, the brand must be able to "play with flowers"

The era of strong marketing interaction and integration has also put forward higher requirements for brand owners to do marketing, and whether they will "play with flowers" may become the core competitiveness of whether brands can stand out.

Like the past in the past in the series of rough implantation of advertising play has become outdated, whether the brand can take the lead in creating a "burst of stems" that users are willing to spread on their own, and then trigger users to "re-create" UGC content, in today's era of national play terriers is very important.

Last year's explosion of the theme song of Michelle Ice City is a marketing benchmark for a new generation. Intentionally or unintentionally, the brand officially created the "Ghost Animal Brainwashing Divine Comedy", helping platform users to spontaneously "live" to play the Theme Song of the Peking Opera Version, the "News Network" version, and the "Temptation to Go Home" version, which once created the cultural phenomenon of the Internet national carnival.

This case once again verifies the era value of "integrated marketing" in entertainment marketing 4.0 mentioned in the White Paper. "With the rapid development of media technology, ordinary interactive forms can no longer meet the needs of Chinese consumers whose vision is gradually improving, along with the popularization of diverse forms and creative rich forms of advertising, entertainment marketing in China's advertising market is building a new market order with relatively flexible forces, establishing a new channel for communication between brands and consumers, fully chaining entertainment content, marketing and transformation, and breaking the platform fragmentation has also become a brand appeal."

Entertainment marketing runs into the "era of pan-delivery"

Coincidentally, The B station of the Chinese video platform has also proposed a similar new marketing concept. Station B defines its own value to advertisers as a "brand bank", believing that "advertising is no longer a one-time input-output, but can tap the full ecological resources of Station B to achieve continuous value-added brand value." In other words, the brand is used as an 'asset' to operate, if you can rely on the digital community to continue to do a good job of brand content and user relations, you can get the huge benefits of the triple 'compound interest' including time + community + IP. ”

Whether it is the "integrated marketing" of the huge engine or the "brand bank" of station B, they are reminding advertisers of one thing: in the past, the mode of advertising for hot dramas, hot roundups, and movies "peer-to-peer" was too rigid, opened up the delivery ideas, did not stick to the platform, form, and gameplay of entertainment marketing, and tried to help brands create popular explosive stems, and promoted the flow of brand content to interact with users on the whole network, which will be the goal that all brand owners should strive to achieve in the future.

The era of pan-delivery will also be the best era for advertisers.

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