
The skin officially "increased the price", the legend spent 40 points more coupons, Zhou Yu limited attack, 15 to the blue screen warning

I don't know if the player has paid attention to it, every time you buy a skin recharge coupon, the official gives a discount on the recharge needs. But according to the current stage of recharge, in the discount, it is obvious that the official has officially canceled it, which is actually equivalent to the skin in the game is disguised to get a "price increase".

The skin officially "increased the price", the legend spent 40 points more coupons, Zhou Yu limited attack, 15 to the blue screen warning

In addition, it is Zhou Yu, the hero, due to Liu Chan's summoning of the Spirit Magic Armor, so it is basically certain that there will be a new skin, and Dianwei's blue screen warning battle order Xingyuan has officially opened the return. So, let's take a brief look at it.

The price of the skin has officially increased

If you follow the skin recharge required a few days ago, on a legendary skin with 1350 bonds in the first week, if the player recharges, he only needs to recharge less than 131 pieces. However, at this stage, if you want to buy this legendary skin, in the case of not the Q area, you really need to recharge 135 pieces, which is about 40 more coupons than the original purchase.

The skin officially "increased the price", the legend spent 40 points more coupons, Zhou Yu limited attack, 15 to the blue screen warning

This is equivalent to the fact that in the future, players can no longer enjoy a 93% discount on the purchase of skins, in the absence of Q area members, and later in the exchange ratio of bonds, it will basically be 1 to 1. Although the 1-to-1 exchange belongs to the original price, because players have been cheaper in the purchase of skins in the past, this wave of discount cancellation can naturally be seen as the skin officially "price increase".

Zhou Yu once again ushered in the brave limit

In fact, for the hero Zhou Yu, at present, in terms of skin quality, only the quality of glory collection is lacking. But considering that the heat of this hero is not enough to support the sales of the Glory Collection, so on the skin of the Glory Collection, Zhou Yu really didn't want to think about it in a short time. However, for other qualities of skin, Zhou Yu has a high probability of getting it.

The skin officially "increased the price", the legend spent 40 points more coupons, Zhou Yu limited attack, 15 to the blue screen warning

This is not, according to the revelations some time ago, Zhou Yu, the hero, should usher in a limited new skin in the near future, but this skin is not very high in quality, only brave. After all, at that time, it was revealed that Zhou Yu had a brave new skin, but it was directly revealed that Liu Chan, the hero, had a free new skin, and in the current game, Liu Chan's new skin of the Spirit Summoning Magic Armor was really free.

The skin officially "increased the price", the legend spent 40 points more coupons, Zhou Yu limited attack, 15 to the blue screen warning

Therefore, players who like Zhou Yu should see Zhou Yu usher in the limited skin of the brave quality again after a while. If you want to play, you can be ready to take out the 60 points at any time. Even, because it is a brave quality, it is not good to say that it is as free as Liu Chan's summoning spirit magic armor.

The blue screen warns the star to return to the market

Dianwei's blue screen warning can be said to be the benchmark of the battle order skin. After all, in addition to the skin itself belonging to the Battle Order, what is more important is that this skin also has two different categories of Battle Order Star Elements. One is the star element in the season order, and the other belongs to the event order.

The skin officially "increased the price", the legend spent 40 points more coupons, Zhou Yu limited attack, 15 to the blue screen warning

According to the current online content in the game, it can be concluded that the blue screen warning event battle order Xingyuan has now begun to return to the field. If the player is interested in this set of stars, at this stage, they can go to the event order to redeem the return treasure chest.

The skin officially "increased the price", the legend spent 40 points more coupons, Zhou Yu limited attack, 15 to the blue screen warning

However, it should be noted here that although a return treasure chest player only needs 15 event order coins to redeem, but in the whole set of star yuan guarantee to get above, the player needs 1350 battle order coins. Therefore, this blue screen that returns to the scene warns the event order star yuan, if the player has less than 1350 battle order coins, then try not to get it, because the lack of war order coins after the purchase, 20 points of the coupon can only buy 10 pieces.


The cancellation of the recharge discount, in fact, for many players, is really a big impact, but considering that the official has been taken, so the player can really only be forced to accept. Zhou Yu's new skin, due to The new skin of Liu Chan as a paving, so the player can really see. Dianwei Blue Screen warned this event battle order star yuan, in the case of the battle order coin is not enough to guarantee the bottom, not to start is the best choice.

Well, that's all for this time. Have the friends noticed that the recharge discount is canceled? Welcome to leave a comment.

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