
Three Kingdoms Kill: Take stock of three warriors who can still win after the death of a vulture bone injury

Hello friends, I am Xiao Zhi. Just as the so-called Dapeng rose with the same wind one day, it soared up to ninety thousand miles. Here first wish all the little friends can grasp the crossbow with yellow cover, and Cao Ang will flash! The soldiers are not happy, called like four peaches! Open the box are beads, draw cards do not repeat!

Three Kingdoms Kill: Take stock of three warriors who can still win after the death of a vulture bone injury

These days I'm on the bar with vulture bones, and my mind is full of vulture bones. Then this article is better to write again, and then let's not talk about vulture bones. After all, the head is also a lot bigger when I write about vulture bones, because there is an article that says that the vulture bones have the skill to die of injury and death, so this article writes that the three warriors can deal with the vulture bones that have died of injuries.

The first thing to note is that the death of the vulture bone injury in the early stage is not significantly enhanced, after all, there are cards in the hand. In this way, it does not really matter who hands first and who comes back, and it is impossible (at least not now) for the vulture bone to have a skill injury, so the following martial generals also list extreme cases to win.

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Three Kingdoms Kill: Take stock of three warriors who can still win after the death of a vulture bone injury

The old singer king, the opening ak open road. Regardless of the first hand and the back hand, spray directly. The skill fenyin is also concise, as long as the use of the suit is different from the previous card used, you can always draw the card.

Then according to the 45 kills in the card stack, only 24 flashes can also deal 21 damage. And the vulture bone is at most fourteen cards in the hand, as long as the luck is in place, there is still a battle force.

Luo Tong

Three Kingdoms Kill: Take stock of three warriors who can still win after the death of a vulture bone injury

Luo Tong is the new song king after all, and the skill diligent can randomly get kill or flash one card when using or playing three cards, randomly get a peach or wine when five cards, and randomly get one out of nothing or duel when eight cards.

Then in the case of ak, connect them at 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 25, 27. Touch two sheets at 15, 24, 30, and 40, and touch three at 120. Luck is still OK, and it's done.

God Zhang Liao

Three Kingdoms Kill: Take stock of three warriors who can still win after the death of a vulture bone injury

God Zhang Liao is here to make up the numbers, according to my train of thought is to start the fire to kill the fire attack on the greeting, and then snatch away the skill injury. If you can't solve the problem, you can solve the problem. Then slowly and vulture bone consumption, there is still a chance to consume the vulture bone.

Similarly, there are actually some metaphysical martial generals such as Zhang Song, Zhang Chunhua, Lu Xun, and Zhuge Ke, who can also defend or attack indefinitely under certain extreme circumstances, and eat luck. (Boss Liu singled out the bad oh, don't believe their own brain to make up for it)


Who TM is so idle, thinking about these things every day! So is there a very idle little friend who can think of other warriors who can fight with the vulture bone with the skill of death? Feel free to comment on your views in the comments section! I am a little wise joke that I love life and love you even more!

PS: Thanks for reading ~ ~ original is not easy, pure hand play, like a click to pay attention to it ~

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