
Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

author:Little hi new things
Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoxi. Jealousy is an emotion that people are born with, and it also exists in the development of communication between countries, when your development is good enough, it will cause others to be red," "jealousy makes people look beyond recognition" Jealous people will try every means to restrict and suppress you.

But there are exceptions to everything, and Trump once lifted a stone and dropped it on his own feet because of jealousy!

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

As a well-deserved national software, WeChat is not only used by our country itself, but also has a very large user base in the international community. It is precisely because of this that it has attracted the attention of a great "capitalist".

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

You should know that on August 6, 2020, US President Trump issued an executive order banning WeChat 45 days later. Any of the three in the original text expands the range and intensity of the blow to an unprecedented extent.

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

Interestingly, in the face of sanctions from the world's largest power, Tencent has simply released a "company is reviewing the impact of the executive order" and then has no news.

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet
Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

The BBC also used the term "shrug of" to describe Tencent's attitude toward Trump. The word means "full of indifference", but something more interesting happened, a week after the ban was issued, Tencent still did not respond, but more than a dozen top American companies could not sit still.

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

This interest group composed of Capital Giants in various industries in the United States, such as Apple, Ford, Disney, and Morgan Stanley, took the initiative to unite to resist the government's ban on WeChat. In fact, the reason is also very simple, if the US government blocks WeChat, it will be equivalent to cutting off their financial road in China.

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

That is to say, a capitalist country has been betrayed by its own capital, and the reason for the betrayal is because of the interests of capital, and the source of this capital interest is a socialist country. It's really a long time to see. But it's no surprise that this dramatic scene is now.

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

Nowadays, the two major countries of China and the United States are wrestling, interspersed with the global epidemic, and the international environment in recent years can be described as dreamlike. It also subverts the real sense of our generation of young people born in comfort about the world. Many people attribute today's natural disasters to Trump as a "man-made disaster.".

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

However, I believe that the current global tension is a disaster that cannot be avoided and a test that cannot be escaped in the journey of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Without Trump there will be a widespread, without the United States there will be an ugly country.

As Zhou Wenzhong, a former ambassador to the United States, said, "It is impossible to go back to the past, and Kissinger has said that he cannot go back to the past." ”

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

China was the world's largest country in terms of GDP for nine of the first ten centuries, but as the saying goes, "As long as God sheds her blood once, people will no longer believe it." "Therefore, the road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation must be full of difficulties and obstacles, thorns and obstacles, and reefs and shoals."

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

Professor Martin Jacques said that "China is the only civilization disguised as a country." "So our revival has always been looking for its own path, the so-called socialism with Chinese characteristics is groping out in the process of progress, but this also means that we have no standard answers, no learning objects, and will be accompanied by countless bystanders mocking and questioning."

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

Just like the Foreign Ministry's summary of the phrase "every time China must be a reaction", we have deeply felt that external forces have been promoted from unreasonable verbal attacks and image ugliness to more absurd policy crackdowns and forced interventions, but the quantitative and qualitative changes in this despicable behavior also reflect their increasing anxiety and urgency about the fact of China's rise.

And in the face of today's storms, how should we face it? In fact, long before Trump took office, the country proposed the only way to deal with it. That is "cultural self-confidence".

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

"Self-confidence" is the most effective and correct way to face the strange and unknown, but also the mentality that we should be most proud of Chinese, in the past few decades, we have worked hard to revive the broken spirit, regain the dignity scattered everywhere, redo the Chinese of the backbone, and renew the immortality of the Chinese nation, just to return to the peak of the world we are most familiar with, restart our glory, and this process is the process of regaining cultural self-confidence.

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

This self-confidence itself is also derived from the experience of thousands of years of blood and tears of Chinese culture, and it is also a solid foundation for Chinese civilization to continue to go on.

Crossing the river by feeling the stones in the rushing river, we shed blood and tears but also blossomed and bore fruit. In the tide of arguments that have been asserted thousands of times and sung tens of thousands of times, we have come out of the wonderful time of 73 years.

China not only feeds these 1.4 billion people, but also allows these 1.4 billion people to have the body of productive labor, the ability to consume and trade, the knowledge of distinguishing between right and wrong, and the spirit of unity, and it is precisely because of this that we can cause infighting in American capital. Because these 1.4 billion people are once again beginning to profoundly affect the lives of 7.5 billion people around the world, infiltrating every piece of the blue planet.

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

Since ancient times, we have had people who have buried their heads in hard work, people who have worked hard, people who have asked for the people's lives, and people who have sacrificed their lives to seek the law. To say that Chinese have lost self-confidence, it can be used to refer to some people, and if you marry the whole, it is simply slanderous.

It's like voting on WeChat and iPhone on Weibo, which doesn't need to be chosen at all.

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

"To discuss Chinese, we must not be deceived by the self-deception on the surface, but to see their bones and backbones, and the articles of self-confidence and prime ministers are not enough to be substantiated, and we must go underground for ourselves." And this sentence Lu Xun really said!

Capital suppressed WeChat, Tencent ignored it, and finally Capital just lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet

I am Xiaoxi, pay attention to me to share more positive energy around!

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