
How do the zodiac signs behave in their feelings of jealousy? Is it deliberately looking for fault, or is it a secret competition?

Love is selfish, the more you like a person, the more exclusivity will become more and more obvious, do not like their lovers and other opposite sex is too intimate, jealousy is also a manifestation of possessiveness, let's see what the zodiac signs are like.

How do the zodiac signs behave in their feelings of jealousy? Is it deliberately looking for fault, or is it a secret competition?


Aries people have a straightforward personality, but they are also very stubborn, they can be obedient to you when they are in a good mood, but Aries is very possessive, once jealous, they can't listen to anything, and how to coax is useless.


Taurus people are usually more easy-going, but once the stubborn temper is attacked, it is difficult to end, Taurus is more traditional in the relationship, they seem to be tolerant, in fact, they love jealousy, they will not show jealousy, but everywhere against you.

How do the zodiac signs behave in their feelings of jealousy? Is it deliberately looking for fault, or is it a secret competition?


Gemini always likes to pretend that they don't care about anything, and they have a lot of friends of the opposite sex, so Gemini is jealous and will pretend to be generous.


Cancer is a very fragile person at heart, more sensitive when jealous, always suffering from gain and loss, because of some small things to doubt each other.

How do the zodiac signs behave in their feelings of jealousy? Is it deliberately looking for fault, or is it a secret competition?


Leo people are arrogant and cold, they are not willing to show their jealousy, they are not willing to admit that they are jealous, but their attitude towards their lovers will become very poor.


Virgos are typical perfectionists, they are very demanding of love, always love to be picky in the relationship, when they are jealous, Virgo will not say it directly, but deliberately provoke, more nagging at you.

How do the zodiac signs behave in their feelings of jealousy? Is it deliberately looking for fault, or is it a secret competition?


Libra personality is indecisive, they are always hesitant in their relationships, and when they are jealous, they will be more entangled, and they do not know how to deal with this emotion.


Scorpio people are strong and domineering in their feelings, and their possessiveness is very strong, so they are easily jealous, but they will not show it to their lovers, but they will target their love enemies and compete with them.

How do the zodiac signs behave in their feelings of jealousy? Is it deliberately looking for fault, or is it a secret competition?


Sagittarius people will deliberately engage in ambiguity with other members of the opposite sex when they are jealous, so that you know that if you provoke them to be jealous, there is no good fruit to eat, and you must also pay the same price.


The more angry Capricorn people are, the more silent they are, and they don't argue with you when they are jealous, but use cold war methods to vent their dissatisfaction.

How do the zodiac signs behave in their feelings of jealousy? Is it deliberately looking for fault, or is it a secret competition?


Aquarius will not interfere with each other when they are jealous, but will only sulk in their own lives. After being jealous, Aquarius will immerse themselves in their own world, and they will be hot and cold to their lovers.


Pisces people are more sensitive in their feelings, it is easy to be sentimental, once jealous, they will think wildly, suffer from loss and loss of feelings, and their attitude towards love becomes very pessimistic, but they just do not take the initiative to express their ideas, they wait for each other to take the initiative to coax themselves.

Jealousy in love is inevitable, and everyone behaves differently about jealousy. When we meet the other half who are jealous, we should realize whether we are doing something wrong, and be more considerate of each other's thoughts, in order to make each other's feelings better.

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