
Zhao Mosheng only promised in front of others, why did he have sharp teeth when he encountered the matter of He Yichen?

After He Yichen and Zhao Mosheng received their permits, their lives were very uneventful. The time spent together day and night slowly draws them closer. But He Yichen never introduced Mo Sheng to colleagues and friends. Even when his adoptive parents came to visit, Mo Sheng happily booked a restaurant and prepared to meet He Yichen's adoptive parents, but He Yichen did not inform her at all, and finished eating by himself.

Zhao Mosheng was very disappointed, and she felt that He Yichen still had a deep misunderstanding about her and did not regard her as his own. In order to dispel Mo Sheng's concerns, He Yichen took the initiative to invite colleagues from the law firm to come to the house for dinner, and just introduced Mo Sheng to everyone.

On the way home for dinner, the female colleague was curious about what kind of girl Lawyer He liked, so she asked him: "She must be very beautiful, right?" "It's okay", "That must be very temperamental" "She is very noisy", He Yichen replied. The female colleague was surprised: "Not excellent, not beautiful, and very noisy, so why does Lawyer He like him?" This is He Yichen's answer.

Zhao Mosheng has a large nerve, dozing off in class, and eating snacks. Taking the bus often gets the wrong direction and forgets to bring the key, it is such a confused girl, as if she really does not go with the wise, calm, and objective Lawyer He. But it is such a "not excellent" Zhao Mosheng, why Did Chen love her all his life!

Whether Zhao Mosheng is good or not, I don't know. All I know is that she was also admitted to Changhua University, at least a prestigious school. After working, I became a great photographer. Of course, a person who supports himself cannot be compared with the achievements of the two male gods, He Yichen and Ying Hui. But she's not not bad.

Zhao Mosheng has an advantage, that is, his temper is particularly good. On the first day of entering the campus, she fell in love with He Yichen at first sight and launched a crazy pursuit. He Yichen never gave her any good looks, but she always smiled and giggled. In addition, I saw He Yichen for a little more time and entered the society of law.

Sister Xu Ying also likes He Yichen, and she often teases Mo Sheng. She was obviously a photographer, but she always did logistical work. Dozens of people's box lunch, she a little girl moved around, the strength is not big enough, but also to take twice. When you're done eating, you have to clean up the table and clean up the garbage. She had never complained all her life. Once, when the sister got the wrong number, she insisted on blaming Mo Sheng's head, but Mo Sheng never defended and was not angry. Even if you have a cold and are sick, you must do your own things well.

Zhao Mosheng's every move, He Yichen saw in his eyes, and he had a little good feeling for Mo Sheng. Xu Ying saw that there was no drama, and when he couldn't eat the grapes and said that the grapes were sour, he began to taunt He Yichen. "Do you think you're winning something remarkable?" Our high-achieving law school students are just a poor ghost, and they can't even afford to pay the tuition fees for going abroad as exchange students, don't think that they are like some kind of heroes in school, and when they come out of society, they are just a worthless poor egg. ”

In the face of Xu Ying's arrogance and sense of superiority, Mo Sheng said contemptuously: "I advise my sister to have time to read more celebrity biographies, how many people are born poor but stand out, and how many people are born noble but fall into the clouds, I believe that Yi Chen must be the former, and I also wish that sister Shi will not become the latter." Today's conversation is enough for me to see you clearly, you don't deserve to be in a class with Yi Chen! ”

The sister was dumbfounded, and He Yichen, who was following behind them, overheard their conversation. Feeling that Mo Sheng was really a particularly good and kind girl, he secretly swore that he must be angry and strong, so that Mo Sheng could live a good life, and he would not be ridiculed by others. This was the first time I had seen Zhao Mosheng lose her temper, and the previous one who had been resigned to her was gone, and she had become sharp-toothed.

Zhao Mosheng only promised in front of others, why did he have sharp teeth when he encountered the matter of He Yichen?

Zhao Mosheng only promised that no matter what others said, she could endure it and not defend herself, it was because she was kind. She took the grievances herself, and others were happy. But when she met He Yichen, it was different, she was a "protector"! Say I can, but say my man absolutely can't. He Yichen was a "god" in Zhao Mosheng's heart, she worshipped him, admired him, and loved him even more.

He Yichen was her bottom line, touching the bottom line, Mo Sheng would definitely fight back. This is also one of the advantages of why Chen Chen appreciates Mo Sheng. It turned out that when she encountered grievances, it was not that she would not defend, but that she disdained to defend. When others say He Yichen, she loves He Yichen, does not want He Yichen to be hurt, does not want He Yichen to be sad because of other people's words, so she wants to go back.

Seven years later, zhao Mosheng, the "protector", remains unchanged. Once Zhao Mosheng interviewed the designer Miss Miffy. Because of her good relationship with Ying Hui, Miffy er wants to fight for Ying Hui. She put on her sunglasses and didn't give Mo Sheng a chance to shoot at all. Mo Sheng smiled and said, "Miss Miffy, the sunglasses obscure your beauty, can you take them off for a while?" ”。 Just why Did Chen come to visit the class, when Miffy er satirized He Yichen," "Isn't it just to help people fight lawsuits" Zhao Mosheng immediately replied to her, "So what, Miss Miffyer, don't you also help people make clothes?" The scene reappeared again, why Chen smiled and did not say a word, she was still the "able to speak" Mo Sheng, his girl has not changed.

Once, the workaholic He Chen was overworked, often had an irregular diet, and had a bleeding stomach, and sent himself to the hospital. He Yimei and Zhao Mosheng went home together to pack their clothes and found that there was no food at home. Why Mei sighed, he just wouldn't take care of himself, and he didn't persuade for a long time! Mo Sheng immediately replied, "For him, it can only be solved by not eating and I not eating." She understood where she had lost, only Mo Sheng could "heal" him, and only she could think of such a method.

He Yichen is calm and rational, Zhao Mosheng is cheerful and sunny, they are a pair destined!

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