
O'Neill, the "Big Shark," secretly criticized the Lone Ranger for not supporting Doncic enough: "Barkley tried to come on his own, and it didn't work, and I tried to come myself, and it didn't work; you can't rely on it."

author:True snapper i basketball

O'Neill secretly criticized the Lone Ranger for not supporting Doncic enough: "Barkley tried to come by himself, and it didn't work, I tried myself, and the result still didn't work; you can't win the game alone!" "In your opinion, Cuban would be better off grabbing ____❓___ in the offseason

1. Ayton

ðð » Weaken the Sun while increasing the strength of the interior.

2. Bridges (Wasp)

Ðð » Agility Forward is a great fit for the Lone Rangers team.

3. Lavin

ðð » Doncic can focus on organization and defense, leaving the attack to LaVine.

⭐ Strictly speaking, 92/93 Barkley is indeed a single-core team, but O'Neal is not a single-core, and hardaway during the Magic period is also a top player in the league.

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O'Neill, the "Big Shark," secretly criticized the Lone Ranger for not supporting Doncic enough: "Barkley tried to come on his own, and it didn't work, and I tried to come myself, and it didn't work; you can't rely on it."
O'Neill, the "Big Shark," secretly criticized the Lone Ranger for not supporting Doncic enough: "Barkley tried to come on his own, and it didn't work, and I tried to come myself, and it didn't work; you can't rely on it."
O'Neill, the "Big Shark," secretly criticized the Lone Ranger for not supporting Doncic enough: "Barkley tried to come on his own, and it didn't work, and I tried to come myself, and it didn't work; you can't rely on it."

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