
Wang Yan's family is a rare fit! The son and husband have the same local tycoon figure, and she carries 100,000 bags to dress up

author:Fourteen chicks

In the spring and summer when the temperature has increased, people's shapes are filled with various bright colors, and in a bright color collocation, there is still a low-key dark color system. Black is still the main color worn by people of all ages, as a temperament beauty of Wang Yan, the private wear with black appearance rate is relatively high. Wang Yan, who has reached middle age, still retains the traditional concept of collocation in terms of collocation, and chooses to use dark colors as a collocation.

Wang Yan's family is a rare fit! The son and husband have the same local tycoon figure, and she carries 100,000 bags to dress up

When choosing a single item, there are embellishments in details, but it can not avoid the sense of vulgarity, and the shape of the bag with 100,000 pieces is slightly mediocre. The clothes of the son and husband who are with him are mainly comfortable and casual for daily leisure.

Wang Yan's family is a rare fit! The son and husband have the same local tycoon figure, and she carries 100,000 bags to dress up

Wang Yan airport styling analysis

Analysis 1: large area black collocation, traditional collocation concept

Nowadays, many middle-aged women will fall into the traditional concept of matching, and there is no update in terms of clothing matching. The black single piece has a strong purpose of collocation throughout the body, and the dark color system is indeed very thin and achieves such an effect, but it is particularly easy to have no color. After entering the spring and summer season, there is no expression of bright colors, and choosing a full black combination will have a heavy sense of atmosphere. Getting rid of the shackles of the profession, the daily wear expresses a relaxed atmosphere will be more reasonable, and it is also an ideal shape.

Wang Yan's family is a rare fit! The son and husband have the same local tycoon figure, and she carries 100,000 bags to dress up

Analysis 2: The use of silhouette elements emphasizes the comfort of modeling

Without the stage and lights, the star's collocation will officially return to the real state of life, and the loose pieces chosen are for personal self-release, and the wear has a better sense of experience. However, the loose version of the single will have a certain pressure for small people, Wang Yan's zipper sweatshirt worn on the body retains the basic version and design, although the sense of shape is slightly reduced, but to ensure the modification effect of the upper body, while the version is loose, to release the pressure, to achieve the collocation of life. Simply looking at the collocation of the upper body, it gives people the feeling that the years are quiet and good, which is the best embodiment of comfort.

Wang Yan's family is a rare fit! The son and husband have the same local tycoon figure, and she carries 100,000 bags to dress up

Analysis three: the pants version is wrongly selected, and the proportion of the body is unbalanced

Pants as an important part of the styling match, in order to ensure the overall effect of the shape, you should pay attention to the choice of pants. Wang Yan's overall collocation looks a bit tacky, because there is a problem with the choice of the shape of the pants, resulting in uncoordinated body proportions. Black radish pants gradually shrink from top to bottom, under normal circumstances, for tall people will be better to control a little, for short people radish pants have led to the problem of uncoordinated body proportions, especially the upper body with a medium-length style of coat, resulting in a five-five figure appears.

Wang Yan's family is a rare fit! The son and husband have the same local tycoon figure, and she carries 100,000 bags to dress up

In order to solve the problem of slight fatness, it is more appropriate to start from the vertical proportion, forming a ratio of three or seven points, while Wang Yan's modeling is caused by a figure of five or five points, which makes it appear a little bloated. It is recommended to choose pants when pairing with a long coat, mainly tight pants, which can improve the proportion of the body and optimize the line.

Wang Yan's family is a rare fit! The son and husband have the same local tycoon figure, and she carries 100,000 bags to dress up

Analysis four: highlight the personalized elements, slightly vulgar

In the all-black styling matching, Wang Yan's modeling also has the prominence of personalized elements, but the application effect of personalized elements is not very ideal. At the moment when the national style is popular, there are many national style elements, such as the design of embroidery on the clothing. It can emphasize the sense of modeling and release the personality, but if the selected embroidery pattern and color matching are unbalanced and there is a certain conflict, the effect will be slightly vulgar.

Wang Yan's family is a rare fit! The son and husband have the same local tycoon figure, and she carries 100,000 bags to dress up

Just like the black coat worn by Wang Yan, with a pink embroidery design, the pattern is not very modern, but it is applied to casual items that seem a bit out of place, which is also the biggest factor that makes the shape slightly vulgar. When choosing a personalized element for reasonable application, the casual collocation of daily life is too exquisite to appear out of place, the degree of cooperation is low, and the final sense of modeling is very unsophisticated and fashionable.

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