
Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

author:Brother Hua's back garden
Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

Recently, the controversy over the authenticity of Li Xueqin's second-level swimmer certificate has continued to ferment, but Li Xueqin and her team have not yet responded positively to the matter. However, they have a lot of small actions, secretly poking and prodding fans and buying water armies to cover their mouths everywhere, trying their best to whitewash her, their unified discourse is that Li Xueqin herself is good enough, even if there is no 20 points, her naked score in the college entrance examination is more than 600 points, even if there is a problem with the certificate, it should be blamed on the school and leaders, not herself, she was just a child, what do you know.

Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

Either it is to reverse black and white, saying that the use of fake certificates to add points to ensure the online entrance examination abounds in reality, why not dig up those people, but make it difficult for Li Xueqin alone, at least Li Xueqin is really talented, and those privileged coffees should be peeled. In order to clear Li Xueqin's name, the entire college entrance examination system was smeared, and those ordinary students who worked diligently for ten years to go to their ideal colleges and universities were innocently guessed.

Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

understands the feelings of fans to defend the main character, but Hua Ge stands from the perspective of an ordinary person and can't understand this approach, Li Xueqin's certificate problem is not a simple personal flaw, but involves the bottom line of educational fairness and integrity. If she really used this certificate to gain an undue advantage in independent admissions, it would undoubtedly be unfair to other candidates. We recognize Li Xueqin's talent, but we should not tolerate her just because she is a talented woman of Peking University, but should pursue the truth and maintain educational fairness.

Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger
Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

However, Li Xueqin was not alone this time, she pulled out the radish and brought out the mud, and Wang Yan's son was also picked up, suspected of using the back door to go to Peking University. Not long ago, it was revealed that Wang Yan's son entered Peking University as a basketball student, but if you really dig deeper, you will find that his identity as a basketball student is too watery, and he has not been mixed with the position of a main player in the school team, so he can only sit on the cold bench as a substitute.

Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

Especially those fans who maintain them, they really don't know their position, maybe at present, your future is not affected by them, but there are always people's futures will be affected by them, especially when the college entrance examination is a point to brush off a playground person, twenty points, how many people are uneasy. Maybe Li Xueqin didn't use this second-level swimming athlete certificate to cheat in the college entrance examination, but her purpose in applying for this certificate is suspected to be college entrance examination fraud.

Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's son are suspected of cheating, and it has nothing to do with whether they have added points with the help of their special student status, and even whether they have to go to Peking University, even if they did not take the college entrance examination, at the same time when the fraud was completed, the fact of cheating has been established. Such behavior not only crowds out the opportunities of other truly talented candidates, but also damages the fairness of the college entrance examination. We call on the relevant departments to continue to conduct in-depth investigations, expose these shady scenes of "cheating and playing privileges in the college entrance examination", and create a fair, just and transparent examination environment for all candidates.

Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

In this process, Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's son's team tried to evade responsibility by passing the buck and shifting the topic to each other. However, the more they do this, the more they expose their own weakness and insecurity. We hope that they will face up to the problem and have the courage to take responsibility, instead of continuing to play power tricks and deceive the public.

Li Xueqin and Wang Yan's sons thundered at the same time, suspected of going to a prestigious school through the back door, and fans had no brains to defend and provoke public anger

In short, educational equity is the cornerstone of society, and any form of fraud and privilege is an erosion of this cornerstone. We must resolutely crack down on these acts and safeguard the fairness and dignity of the college entrance examination. At the same time, we also hope that all candidates can stand out in the fair competition and realize their life value with their talents and efforts.

Discussion: Do you think the college entrance examination must be fair?

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