
Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

author:First military intelligence


Australia is paying the price for the impulse, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has confirmed that the Australian government will pay 835 million Australian dollars in reparations to the French side for the "nuclear submarine incident", equivalent to 3.96 billion yuan.

Albanese did not forget to criticize Morrison, saying that the matter was caused by "a government that only talks about rhetoric", and Australia was originally asked for 5.5 billion Australian dollars in damages, but now the negotiations have reached an agreement, but it still shows that the former Australian government is "the most wasteful government".

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

in Albanese

The so-called Australian "nuclear submarine incident" occurred last year, that is, Australia united with the United States and Britain to engage in a so-called "AUKUS" tripartite hooligan circle, within this circle, the United States and Britain will support Australia to build 8 nuclear submarines, and the Australian side will also establish a nuclear submarine dock, in fact, it is to engage in a nuclear submarine formation in the Asia-Pacific region in the future.

However, coincidentally, Australia had signed a conventional submarine agreement with France at that time, and the Australian side would spend 90 billion Australian dollars to order 12 conventional submarines from France, and this order was already in the process of being in progress, and Morrison's decision at that time was to directly break the contract, not to do it. The french meat to the mouth can actually fly away, so angry that France still does not want to pay attention to Australia.

Morrison tried to "repair the relationship" at the time, but Macron didn't want to pay any attention to him. The meeting between the two sides at the G20 leaders' summit was full of gunpowder, and France believed that the United States, Britain and Australia had joined forces to deceive themselves, and even recalled the ambassador to Australia to express its anger. Morrison was in a hurry, and "accidentally" made Macron's text message public, implying that France had already known about it, and the matter also caused a lot of turmoil.

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

(Macron glared at Morrison's "famous scene")

Now that Albanese has succeeded Morrison as Australian prime minister, he said he was waiting for Macron's invitation and stressed that he wanted to repair the relationship between the two sides, but Australia "deceived" France first, and Australia could not get another $900 arms order to France, so it was not so easy to repair the relationship.

In fact, Morrison let Australia and the United States and Britain engage in the "Augustus" small circle, and even try to acquire nuclear submarines, which is itself a bad move, in addition to directly offending France, stalemate relations with the European Union, and resulting in nearly $4 billion in reparations, Australia will also face many problems because of this plan.

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

(The United States, Britain and Australia engage in small circles)

First, Australia will be widely questioned by the international community for its violations of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and other issues.

The small circle of "Augustus" in the United States, Britain, and Australia is completely sudden, and even France is not mentally prepared, which shows that the world is completely unaware of the plans of these three "Five Eyes" countries, and the three countries of the United States, Britain, and Australia have not made specific explanations for this. Therefore, the international community is now concerned about the behavior of the United States, Britain and Australia, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, and there are even more concerns about nuclear non-proliferation and other issues.

Recently, the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency has decided for the third time to establish a formal agenda for a detailed discussion on "issues affecting all aspects of NPT, such as the transfer of nuclear materials involved in nuclear submarine cooperation between the United States, Britain, and Australia, and its safeguards.", which shows that the nuclear submarine program of the United States, Britain, and Australia has already aroused international concern, and the United States, Britain, and Australia cannot continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

("Five Eyes Alliance")

Ambassador Wang Qun, China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Vienna, mentioned the "three violations" issue - the "Ocus" nuclear submarine program violates the NPT, violates the agency's comprehensive safeguards agreement, and violates the additional protocol signed by Australia and the agency. Therefore, no matter how the United States, Britain and Australia disguise it, it will not change the substantive problem - the illegal transfer of nuclear weapons materials.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has also stated that nuclear non-proliferation obligations should also be fulfilled by the United States, Britain and Australia, the United States, Britain and Australia should not obstruct intergovernmental dialogue, and if all parties have not reached an agreement, then there should be no technical cooperation on nuclear submarines.

NPT is an international convention, the United States, Britain and Australia have signed, if this time Australia has to engage in nuclear submarines, then it is to abandon its obligations, will also be widely questioned by the international community. Australia's image of casual agreement is not good, if it has to be bent on going its own way, then Australia's international image will be even more crumbling.

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness


Second, Australia will be tied to a U.S. chariot, causing itself to pay a greater price.

The United States and Britain to provide Australia with nuclear submarines, naturally the motive is not pure, Australia is not necessarily "benefits", may be "shackles", once equipped with us and British nuclear submarines, Australia will have to obey the orders of the United States and Britain, especially the United States, will inevitably push Australia to the "frontier".

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

(British "Alert" class nuclear submarine)

This is very unnecessary for Australia, which originally relied on the development of the Asia-Pacific economy, especially the free ride of China's economic development, and reaped a lot of dividends. However, in recent years, due to the wrong behavior of the Australian side, the Relationship between China and Australia has been cold, and the amount of Australian exports to China has declined, while the United States and other countries have taken the opportunity to seize Australia's market share.

If Australia insists on acquiring nuclear submarines, a similar situation is likely to continue in the future. Originally, Australia could live in the South Pacific and live its own stable life, and the situation in the Asia-Pacific region was also in a stable state. But now Australia has to go to the United States as a thug, and the result may be that Australia can't eat and go.

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

(Australia is seeking site selection for nuclear submarine bases.)

Moreover, nuclear submarines are virtually meaningless to Australia, and even a burden.

Australia's nuclear submarine order is not so much an arms sales order as a "political contribution", which does not bring much practical significance except to please the United States.

Because the development of a country's military power is not determined by a single weapons program, Australia's military strength is there, and its naval strength is also there. Even if Australia gets a nuclear submarine as it wishes, it will not explain anything, and Australia cannot even want a nuclear warhead, and on the issue of nuclear warheads, the United States and Britain will have to weigh the consequences.

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

(Conventional submarines in Australia)

Moreover, whether Australia can get these nuclear submarines is not easy to say, the United States is very fickle, according to the initial agreement between the United States, Britain and Australia, Australia can only get the first nuclear submarine as soon as 2040, which is still in the absence of changes, Australia may also feel that the night is long and dreamy, so it hopes to advance. Recently, the Australian media disclosed the news that the Australian defense Dalton hopes to obtain two US "Virginia" class nuclear submarines before 2030, which shows that Australia is also afraid of changes in the middle.

But nuclear submarines really don't make sense for Australia, and can even create an unnecessary financial burden. U.S. weapons themselves are "known" for being expensive and conditional, and if Australia is equipped with U.S. nuclear submarines, then the cost to Australia will be very high in the future, and this will not be diverted by Australia's ideas.

Losing nearly $4 billion, Australia paid the price of impulsiveness

(U.S. Virginia-class nuclear submarine)

To sum up, Australia's high price for defaulting on the contract is in itself a warning sign. From start to finish, Australia is doing the wrong thing, and as such, it is bound to lead to a series of wrong consequences. Australia's best precipice, don't make a mistake and make a mistake.

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