
Pan Changjiang, Zhou Wei, Xiao Xiangyu, and Tan Zhengyan are qualified to serve as judges of opera programs

author:Jiang Feng's fishing fire is so worried

The art of opera is broad and profound, including many kinds of drama, but in recent years, there have been many opera variety shows for the dissemination and inheritance of opera art, but some programs have invited many stars to serve as judges for the sake of ratings, and we will talk about these today.

Pan Changjiang

Pan Changjiang's famous sketch actor, who once served as a judge in "Pear Garden Spring", actually does not know why this show invited him to serve as a judge.

Pan Changjiang, Zhou Wei, Xiao Xiangyu, and Tan Zhengyan are qualified to serve as judges of opera programs

First of all, because Pan Changjiang is not a professional opera actor, he is a music actor, and he also became popular with sketches. Therefore, he is not qualified to evaluate the opera players in such shows, and he does not have me to evaluate these players at this level.

Secondly, that is, in recent years, Teacher Pan Changjiang has also been controversial, especially the live broadcast with goods has been criticized by CCTV, saying that his live broadcast with goods is like a joke.

Therefore, the show "Pear Garden Spring" is not smart to invite Teacher Pan Changjiang as a judge.

Zhou Wei

Zhou Wei's famous opera actor and host, his teacher Jiang Kun learned cross-talk, and later he studied and hosted with Zhu Jun as his teacher.

However, Zhou Wei also served as a judge in the show "Pear Garden Spring", in fact, he is the same as Pan Changjiang, he is not a professional opera actor, and he is not qualified to evaluate the participating opera actors.

Pan Changjiang, Zhou Wei, Xiao Xiangyu, and Tan Zhengyan are qualified to serve as judges of opera programs

Beyond that, there are two other inappropriate points.

First, Zhou Wei performed a lot of gags in the show "Pear Garden Spring", especially when he was a judge, there was such an incident, the two contestants fought, he actually said that the other has won a lot of awards and should be given to the other, this practice was rebuffed by another judge, Peking Opera actor Liu Guijuan, who was in vain to care about the fairness of the competition.

Second, it is a matter of people's hearts, and many ordinary people in Henan do not like this Zhou Wei. Because Zhou Wei had caused a lot of controversy because of the "donor storm", although he himself said that the number was stolen, many people did not buy it.

Little Fragrant Jade

Xiao Xiangyu's famous Yu opera actor, formerly known as Chen Bailing, is the stepd granddaughter of Yu opera master Chang Xiangyu.

Pan Changjiang, Zhou Wei, Xiao Xiangyu, and Tan Zhengyan are qualified to serve as judges of opera programs

Xiao Xiangyu is also a judge of the show "Pear Garden Spring", she is a professional opera actress, but her performance in this show is also mostly gags, especially for some of the contestants' evaluation is also some donkey lips are not right for the horse's mouth, often the evaluation will be a while on their own singing, and the contestants on the stage are also Zhang'er monks confused.

Tan Zhengyan

Tan Zhengyan's famous Peking Opera actor, Gong Laosheng, Zong Tan Pai, is the seventh generation of the Tan family, and is now the leader of the young generation of the Beijing Peking Opera House, and once the first place in the gold medal of the "Qingjing Competition" Old Student Group.

Pan Changjiang, Zhou Wei, Xiao Xiangyu, and Tan Zhengyan are qualified to serve as judges of opera programs

Tan Zhengyan has also served as a judge in many variety shows in recent years, but to be honest, his artistic level is not enough, but in recent years, the family's brilliance has been too great.

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