
Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

author:Eat melons for the audience


In the ancient rivers and lakes of the Chinese cross talk industry, every actor is a walker with a story.

Today, the one we want to talk about is the young talent who has turned the clouds between tradition and change - Song Yi.

His cross talk journey is like ordering a new pot of tea in an old teahouse, which has both a familiar old taste and a refreshing freshness.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

The first cry of Deyun Club, the beginning of the light

Song Yi, a name may not be loud, but his story is evocative enough.

Stepping into the door of Deyun Club, for Song Yi, it was like a small fish jumping into the sea, full of opportunities and challenges.

His talent, like "shaking the burden" in cross talk jokes, can inadvertently make people laugh.

I remember one time, he made a witty remark, and the audience laughed like a tide for a full five minutes, and even the echo of joy could be heard in the next street.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

In the cross talk hall of Deyun Club, Song Yi's starting point is not high, but just as every wave has its twists and turns, the rules here are strict and the system is strict, which makes him feel constrained by his desire to fly freely.

"There, I always felt like a kite with a string, and no matter how high I flew, as soon as the string was closed, it had to fall."

Song Yi once sighed like this.

Yes, every artist has a sky in their heart that wants to gallop freely, but at Deyun Club, the balance of performance opportunities is not always fair.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

The spark of contradictions, the eye of the storm of Deyun Club

If the collision of talent and rules is inevitable, then the "stage sword" between Song Yi and Gao Feng is the fuse for the outbreak of this contradiction.

It was one night, Song Yi spoke bluntly on stage, although his voice was trembling, but also firm: "Teacher Gaofeng, the future of cross talk should not be just like this." ”

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

As soon as these words came out, not only the audience was in an uproar, but also exploded on social media.

For a while, public opinion was like a wave, not only slapping Song Yi's shipside, but also hitting the reef of Deyun Club.

What's more, an "accident" between Song Yi and his godfather completely escalated the situation.

It was a scene that is still talked about today, and Song Yi's impulse on stage put his godfather in the spotlight.

This move touched the bottom line of Deyun Club and put him on the cusp.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

Say goodbye to the past and find a new world

In the face of the turmoil, Deyun Club responded quickly, Luan Yunping, the "iron fist" of Deyun Club, took decisive action and suspended all Song Yi's performances.

This decision is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Song Yi's career.

But just as the phoenix nirvana was reborn from the ashes, Song Yi made a bold decision in silence - to leave.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

"Leave, not to escape, but for a better encounter."

Song Yi's heart is like the brightest star in the night sky, although it is lonely, it also flashes with a desire for the unknown.

Under Zhou Wei's door, the beginning of a new life

The wheel of fate is always unexpected, Song Yi worshiped Zhou Wei's door, which is tantamount to a bomb in the cross talk world.

Zhou Wei, that is a living signboard in the northern opera industry, has won numerous awards, and his works have spread all over the country, but he has never officially accepted apprentices.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

Song Yi can become his open-door disciple, and the fate and hard work in this are self-evident.

"What I like is his madness about cross talk, as well as the restlessness in his bones."

Zhou Wei's words seem to be the best interpretation of Song Yi.

Under the guidance of Zhou Wei, Song Yi's artistic style has undergone earth-shaking changes, jumping away from the traditional framework and incorporating more modern elements, and his cross talk has begun to have a different taste.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

Metamorphosis and flight

Under the shade of Zhou Wei's big umbrella, Song Yi sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, popping up her head, and invitations to perform came one after another, competing with a group of bigwigs.

His jokes are as novel as in spring, when the grass just pokes its head out of the soil, it is green and tender, and it makes people feel a little better.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

Every time I stand on the stage, ouch, it's not just cross talk, it's just a live broadcast of the self-challenge competition, in the past in Deyun Club, there are so many rules like tights, but now it's good, he's like a pony off the leash, the vast world of cross talk, let him gallop, a new star, is rushing to the zenith!

Every time he performs, Song Yi can bring people something new, and the audience is happy in their hearts, just like drinking cold soda in summer.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

He is becoming more and more comfortable on the stage, and those old rules and old frames have long been thrown out of the sky by him.

The current Song Yi is a clear stream in the cross talk world, fresh and energetic, people can't help but give a thumbs up and praise: "Young man, okay!" ”

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

Controversy and praise, the symphony of the cross talk world

In other words, this Song Yi is like a plate of fried noodles just out of the pot, steaming, people can't help but want to try it, but after tasting it, whether the taste is novel or familiar, then everyone has their own taste.

Some people chewed and chewed, feeling that the sauce in this noodle was wrong, and there was a little less authenticity of old Beijing, and they shouted, "I betrayed the craftsmanship of our ancestors, and I was too anxious to serve it!" ”; Another group of people came up with a new idea, clapping their hands and applauding: "Hey, this kid dares to add some new ingredients to the bowl of cross talk, it's not simple!" You have to be a little bold to innovate. ”

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

This has come and gone, and Song Yi has become the "little prince of topics" in the mouths of the neighbors.

His story is like a big bowl of tea in a teahouse, everyone can take a sip, smack and touch, each with its own taste.

In the final analysis, the truth behind this is actually the love-hate of the big guys for the old art of cross talk - they hope that it can keep the soul of that "Beijing flavor", but they are afraid that it will not be able to keep up with the trend and become an old antique in the Times Museum.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

Cross talk, just like the wind in the alley, has to smell a little dusty of old Beijing to be enough, but it can't always be static, you have to blow in some fresh air from time to time.

Song Yi's matter is like throwing a pebble at the cross talk stage, and the ripples aroused make everyone start to wonder: how to bloom new flowers on the roots of tradition? Is it conservative or innovative? This balance is more testing than walking a tightrope.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation

Song Yi's "different" apprenticeship is like an experiment about the future of cross talk, no matter what the result is, it is worth thinking about.

In the long river of cross talk, an ancient art, Song Yi may be just one of the waves, but the ripples he has stirred up are enough for us to see that the future of cross talk needs not only inheritance, but also the courage and wisdom to break the game.

Cross talk rookie Song Yi's different "apprenticeship" road: from Deyun Club to Zhou Wei's artistic transformation


This is Song Yi, a young man who does not take the usual path in the cross talk rivers and lakes.

His story tells us that at the intersection of tradition and modernity, there will always be some people who add a touch of new green to this art in their own way.

And we might as well have more understanding and tolerance, after all, the stage of cross talk is more exciting because of different voices.

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