
How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

author:Angel Tan commented
How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

Tan Zhengyan Fang Xu field will be harmonious

In the Peking Opera circle, there are three of the most famous "star descendants", who are also the descendants of the "superstar" of Jutan. Their grandfathers were all famous Peking Opera performance artists of the "giant evil" level of Peking Opera. Who are these three people? They are Tan Zhengyan, the grandson of Tan Yuanshou, Qiu Jirong, the grandson of Qiu Shengrong, and Fang Xu, the grandson of Fang Rongxiang.

Tan Zhengyan, a veteran of Peking Opera. He is currently starring in the Beijing Opera House and a national first-class actor. The seventh generation of Tan Men, his grandfather was the famous performance artist Tan Yuanshou, and his father was the famous Peking Opera actor Tan Xiaozeng. Fang Xu, Peking Opera actor, is currently the leading actor of Beijing Peking Opera House, a national first-class actor, Gonghua Face, Zong Qiu Pai, and the grandson of the famous Peking Opera performance artist Fang Rongxiang. Qiu Jirong, the fourth generation heir of the Qiu Pai family of Peking Opera, is an actor at the Beijing Opera House. His grandfather was Qiu Shengrong, the founder of the Qiu School of Peking Opera, and his father, Qiu Shaorong, was a flower-faced actor at the Beijing Opera House.

Whenever these three people are mentioned, their grandfather's name is always mentioned. Tan Zhengyan may be more, such as the 7th generation of Tan Men, etc., these three as the descendants of old artists, but also eating the bowl of Peking Opera, is bound to attract people's attention.

How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

Tan Zhengyan

1, Tan Zhengyan: a good martial student who was delayed by the old student

Tan Zhengyan, beijing peking opera youth troupe actor, after Tan Men. When it comes to the Tan family of Peking Opera, its status in the old life world and even in the Peking Opera circle is well-known. However, the current Tan Pai old students are becoming increasingly lonely, and by the 7th generation, there are very few big horns.

First of all, rapping skills, many people do not have a high evaluation of Tan Zhengyan's singing skills. Personally, I feel that Tan Zhengyan's voice characteristics are innate and do not need to be too harsh. And according to the relatively good relationship of the ticket friends, Tan Zhengyan is still very hard in the audience. Privately, Tan Zhengyan's singing skills are at least at the middle and upper levels of the same age and seniority.

The second is to do the work. Tan Zhengyan has a sharp body and a solid young skill. In the case of hard-to-rely drama, in general, it is also one of the best in the same age and seniority.

How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

Since Tan Fuying created the peak of tan pai, no one can really surpass it.

Old Mr. Tan Yuanshou can be said to be relatively brilliant, and Tan Xiaozeng began to be relatively plain. Therefore, in Tan Zhengyan's generation, it should be understandable to be respected by the industry, after all, the dedication of several generations to the art of Peking Opera deserves our respect. For Tan Zhengyan's singing, it can be said that the basic skills are not bad, but the voice is not suitable for the audience. No way, born like this, you can still make it up.

If Hou Yaohua is an aristocrat in the Chinese cross-talk industry, then the Tan family is the royal family of the Chinese Peking Opera circle, and it is an unquestionable royal family, pure blood, passed down from generation to generation, and still immortal. However, Xiao Xiao tan himself does not seem to have this talent.

Tan Zhengyan's old student has been singing poorly.

In fact, I don't blame Tan Zhengyan, my own conditions are there, and I can't force it. However, Tan Zhengyan's martial arts background is really remarkable, which also comes from his hard work when learning drama. Many of Tan Zhengyan's martial arts dramas are very worth watching, or very exciting.

How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

Fang Xu and Meng Guanglu

2. Fang Xu: The excellent successor of the "Sprinkling Dog Blood" singing method

Fang Xu is a flower-faced actor at the Beijing Opera House and an apprentice of the famous Peking Opera master Meng Guanglu.

Fang Rongxiang was the eldest disciple of Qiu Shengrong and was also known as the outstanding inheritor of Qiu Pai's art. Meng Guanglu was a disciple of Fang Rongxiang. However, Meng Guanglu's singing method has been highly discussed, and it is called "spilling dog blood" singing.

How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

At this point, Fang Xu inherited his master's singing method very well, and even learned the magic of the high pitch with his neck crooked. Fang Xu ate his grandfather's name and took care of his grandfather's face. Appearance, no charm are insufficient, if not born in today's day, I am afraid it is difficult to eat, not to mention the luxury of raising a family!

3. Qiu Jirong: A Peking opera actor who is obsessed with dance

How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

Qiu Jirong, grandson of Qiu Shengrong, the originator of the Peking Opera Qiu Pai Flower Face, is now a flower face actor at the Beijing Opera House. In everyone's eyes, Qiu Jirong is the most able to become a climate, when he was more than 10 years old, he appeared on the stage of CCTV to perform Peking Opera, and the taste of Qiu Pai's flower face was very positive. His father Qiu Shaorong was also an excellent flower-faced actor, but unfortunately he died young and did not pass on too much of the Art of Qiu School to Qiu Shaorong.

Now Qiu Jirong has almost little to do with the Peking Opera stage, basically can not see his performance, now he is obsessed with dance art, and has a high degree of achievement. After watching Qiu Jirong's TV interview, I know that this boy not only sings opera, but now also focuses on modern dance, and also has a small achievement. He said the audience put too much pressure on him to think that he was Qiu Shengrong's grandson and how he should be. As a citizen, he had no right to choose his preferred profession. The powerful public opinion overwhelmed him, and he was puzzled how he could not go his own way in a celebrity family.

How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

I agree with him very much, and we as viewers are really too harsh. So I don't think this topic can be premised on them as descendants of the masters. They are allowed not to like Peking Opera, and they are allowed to learn other genres.

From this point of view, among the descendants of some Peking Opera people, except for a few, there is really a sense that a generation is not as good as a generation! The reason is actually very simple, some people pay too much attention to the question of "who is my ancestors". Who your ancestors are does not represent your level. In the history of Peking Opera, there is no shortage of descendants who surpass their predecessors. Mei Lanfang, Tan Fuying (at least surpassed his father), Qiu Shengrong, Li Shaochun and other gentlemen all surpassed their predecessors.

Why can they do it, but the current generations can't?

I think it's still the actor's own problem.

Mei Lanfang or Tan Fuying, is that not afraid of losing the face of his ancestors? Mei Lanfang, Tan Fuying, Li Shaochun, Gao Shenglin and other predecessors are very famous for practicing hard. Their fathers and mothers are even more reluctant to be strict with them. Talent and genetics are a very important aspect, but without hard training, talent cannot be stimulated.

I hope that these little horns will study art diligently and diligently and strive to be recognized by the industry! Live up to the prestige of the ancestors!

How does Angel Tan evaluate the art of the famous "Descendant of the Stars" Tan Zhengyan, Fang Xu and Qiu Jirong?

The above content comes from the headline Q&A, and some of the content comes from the headline number "Qu Yi Za Shu", thank you to the respondents!

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