
Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

author:First cuisine

Summers are hot, and people's diets like to be cool.

In addition to staying in the air-conditioned room, ice cream and cold drinks have almost become indispensable. But you know what? Eating ice for a while, gastrointestinal discomfort, the body is easy to have problems.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

Three volt days, "eat cold do not eat cold", these 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, delicious and not on fire. Cold foods, such as cold drinks, we can eat less, and some cold foods are appetizing to cool off, and we can eat a little more appropriately.

3 dishes

First, hollow cabbage

Hollow cabbage is one of the seasonal vegetables in summer, and the diet is rich in fiber and easy to digest. Especially suitable for summer, cooling and moisturizing the intestines.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

1. Prepare a handful of fresh hollow cabbage, put the stem that is relatively hard at the root, and cut it off. Prepare some white curd, add a small half spoonful of sugar, drizzle a little rice wine, and mash with a small spoon to set aside.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

2. Heat the oil and put a little more oil. Heat the oil until it smokes and pour in the cabbage. Immediately after pouring a spoonful of hot water, the hot oil meets the hot water and heats up quickly, and the hollow cabbage is cooked, while locking in the chlorophyll without loss. This step is the key to the hollow cabbage not to change color and not to blacken.

More oil, fierce fire, heat water.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

3. Stir-fry over high heat, and the hollow cabbage is wrapped in oil and immediately out of the pan. Control out the excess juice and look at the color of the hollow cabbage, green and lush.

Add a little oil to the pan and pour in the minced garlic and red pepper to bring out the aroma. Pour in the prepared curd milk and stir over high heat. Pour in the cabbage and stir-fry for three seconds, the cabbage is wrapped in curd milk and immediately out of the pot.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

2. Lotus root

Lotus root is also a must-eat ingredient in summer, crisp and refreshing, delicious and not on fire. For the elderly and children, it is more suitable.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

Recommended method: [Cold mix lotus tablets]

1. Cut the lotus root into slightly thicker slices, cut it and put it in the water added to the white vinegar to prevent oxidation from turning black. The same is a cold dish, lotus root and ginger are the perfect match, and then cut some green and red peppers and ginger minced together.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

2. After cutting, mix a cold sauce. Salt, chicken powder, sesame sesame oil, white vinegar more, simple and appetizing cold sauce, no need for complex seasoning.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

3. Next, boil water, pour some white vinegar in the pot, and give the lotus slices a deep whitening. After bringing the water to a boil over high heat, pour in the lotus flakes and blanch the water. The boiling time should be short and not long, and the lotus flakes are a crisp word.

Quickly cool with cool water, control the moisture, and stir the sauce into it. The green and red pepper ginger minced ginger is poured upwards, stirred and mixed together.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

I can't eat rice on a hot day, and the lotus slices are simply mixed than eating meat. Chew a bite of crisp raw fresh flavor appetizer.

3. Tofu

As the old saying goes, "Summer eats beans better than meat." No matter how you do it, soybeans have a unique flavor. And tofu is a delicious dish that cannot be missed.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

1. Peel off the shell of the bought egg, wash it and cut the egg into four petals, and swing it up against the edge of the plate. Prepare a piece of inner fat tofu, dig out the inner fat tofu spoon by spoonful and put it in the middle of the plate.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

2. The cold mix dish is less garlic and the aroma is less than half. Minced garlic is the soul of the cold sauce, so order more.

Put some spring onion flowers into the bowl, pour two spoonfuls of light soy sauce and sesame oil pipe to wake up the taste. 2 spoons of aged vinegar acid refreshing appetizer, 2 spoons of oil spicy seeds, put some salt into the bottom taste, to warm boiling water, with a spoon stirred and mixed to dissolve the seasoning.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

Pour the sauce on the peeled egg tofu, and the appetizing and refreshing cold mixed egg tofu can be served.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

2 melons

1. Cucumber

In summer, everyone's favorite cucumber is also a cool vegetable. In the summer, it is hot, often eat cucumbers can also replenish water, eat more and are not afraid of long meat.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

1. Prepare a cucumber and cut directly into slices. Pour the cucumbers into a bowl and add two spoonfuls of salt and one spoonful of sugar. The reason to add sugar is to neutralize the salty taste. Stir well, cover with plastic wrap and marinate for 20 minutes.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

2. After marinating for 20 minutes, remove the cucumber slices, pour in water, wash and squeeze out the water. One red pepper, cut into rings, place in a pot, pour sesame oil, soy sauce, then cucumber slices, stir well and serve on a plate.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

A cold crisp cucumber is ready, simple to mix, crisp and refreshing and appetizing.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

Second, loofah

Loofah is the "first melon in summer", rich in water content and vitamins at the same time, refreshing and degreasing, how to do it is delicious.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

1. Prepare half a basin of water and drizzle with a little white vinegar. Peel the loofah and cut it into even hob pieces. Place immediately in a basin to prevent oxidation from turning black. On top of the tomato, put a cross knife and blanch it in boiling water. Then, peel off the outer skin and cut into chopped tomatoes.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

2. Heat the oil in the pot and sauté the green onion until fragrant. Pour in the chopped tomatoes and sauté the red juice. The soup cooked in this way is ruddy in color, sour and sweet in taste, and very delicious. Then, add the right amount of water and simmer for three or five minutes. Simmer the tomato juice and pour it out to set aside.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

3. Heat the oil in the pan and add half a bowl of egg liquid and fry it. Gently agitate to allow the egg mixture to heat evenly. This egg can be slightly fried and older, and it will be boiled more fragrant. After the egg mixture has all solidified, sauté it with a spatula. Then, pour the right amount of boiling water, this step must use boiling water.

Pour in the tomato juice and stir well. Add salt, chicken powder, pepper and soy sauce to taste. Turn the heat to simmer and let the nutrients melt into the soup.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

4. Then, add the loofah and cook the fragrance of the loofah. Cook for about a minute or two, when the loofah is ripe, pour in the appropriate amount of batter and stir well. Thicken the soup, drink it like this, it is more palatable, and it will not be thanked. Finally, drizzle with sesame sesame oil and enjoy the deliciousness.

Three volt days, "eat cold and not bitter summer"! These 3 dishes and 2 melons are just eaten, refreshing and greasy, and delicious without fire

Delicious and nutritious and appetizing, loofah egg soup, and then accompanied by thorn leaves, so fragrant.

(First Food Editor: Happy)