
Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

author:Gossip miscellaneous

Time flies, time flies. Born between 1980 and 1995, most of us have gone out into society, and for us, childhood is a wonderful and unforgettable time.

Back then, we didn't have the electronics and smart toys we have today, but our world was still full of laughter. Today, let's look back at the classic toys that have grown up with us and see if they evoke memories in our hearts!

"Revolver" toy muskets

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

In those days, boys had a heroic dream in their hearts. And the "revolver" toy musket is undoubtedly the best prop to make this dream come true.

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

It's small and exquisite, yet it satisfies children's thirst for adventure and excitement. Whenever the friends get together and simulate the duel scene of the western cowboy, it always makes people's blood boil.

Paper folded "tofu cubes"

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

Use two pieces of paper, fold them crosswise, and make a square toy shaped like a "tofu block". Different places call this different, such as a place in Sichuan called "square piece", a place in Jiangxi called "daidai" and so on.

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

Of course, folding is not the goal, hitting is the goal. The friends each take a "tofu block", and whoever uses his own "tofu block" to turn the opponent's over is considered a victory. It's a test of strength and skill, and it's competitive.


Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

In those days when there were no smartphones, pictures were the most precious treasure in the hands of children. Whether it's the heroes of the Three Kingdoms collected from instant noodles or the anime characters purchased from street stalls, each picture carries the children's yearning for beautiful things.

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

At that time, we would get together during recess to exchange and compete with each other and share each other's joy and pride.

Glass marbles

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

Glass marbles, such a simple and fun gadget, were also a favorite of children in that era. Whether it's on the school playground or in the open space of the community, you can always see a group of children sitting around and concentrating on "playing marbles".

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

A small marble not only tests our eyesight and skills, but also testifies to the friendship between friends, classmates and young children.

"Slimy" large palms

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

As soon as you throw it at the wall or desk, it sticks to it, which is fun. But because of the stickiness, once you stick to the soil, you can't stick it!

"Bamboo Spider"

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

The "bamboo dragonfly" is placed in the palms of both hands, rotated vigorously, and pushed out, and it can take off into the air.


Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

Twist the clockwork and the frog will jump up and come to life! Some time ago, the editor went to eat bullfrogs, and the owner of the bullfrog shop actually gave a clockwork frog, which is awesome!

Fluorescent nail covers

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

According to the current saying, after wearing it at night, you can cosplay A Chinese Ghost Story!

"Ring" game console

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

At that time, with this console, you could play all day long.

Blowing "bubbles"

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

The "bubbles" blown by this toy do not shatter at the slightest touch, and can even be flapped like a balloon.

"Pet" machine

Friends born between 1980 and 1995, do you remember these toys?

At that time, there were no QQ pets, and this kind of game console satisfied all our fantasies about "having pets".

Although these toys are simple, they carry our joys and dreams of that era. Nowadays, when we see these toys again, we can't help but feel a warm current in our hearts. They remind us of those carefree days and of the partners who accompanied us as we grew up.

Friends, do you have any memorable toys? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!


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