
Revelation! There is a hidden kinship between these ancient celebrities!

author:Gossip miscellaneous

In the long history of our history, many outstanding celebrities have left a strong mark. However, it is surprising that these seemingly unrelated celebrities have hidden kinship with little-known relatives. Today, let's unveil this mystery and find out!

Nalan Rongruo: Don't hide it, Nian Qianyao is my son-in-law!

Revelation! There is a hidden kinship between these ancient celebrities!

Nalan Rongruo and Nian Qianyao were both well-known figures during the Qing Dynasty. Nalan Rongruo is the Nalan character who wrote "If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind sad painting fan", Nian Qianyao is the brother of the Chinese concubine in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and the minister who invaded the government and the opposition, what many people don't know is that Nalan Rongruo and Nian Qianyao are actually Weng son-in-law!

Revelation! There is a hidden kinship between these ancient celebrities!

Nian Qianyao was a military general with great achievements, which was in stark contrast to Nalan Rongruo's literary talent. The kinship of these two historical figures makes people sigh at the wonder of fate.

Du Fu: For several generations, Li Shimin is my ancestor!

Revelation! There is a hidden kinship between these ancient celebrities!

"Hardship, bitterness, hatred, frost and sideburns, pouring new turbid wine glasses." Du Fu is known as the "Saint of Poetry", and his poetry has a far-reaching influence. But, you know what? Du Fu's maternal grandmother's grandfather turned out to be Tang Taizong Li Shimin!

Revelation! There is a hidden kinship between these ancient celebrities!

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Du Fu had such a deep relationship with the royal family of the Tang Dynasty. Such kinship has undoubtedly injected more historical background into Du Fu's poetry creation.

Li Qingzhao: I can't hide it, Qin Hui's wife is my cousin!

Revelation! There is a hidden kinship between these ancient celebrities!

"Gambling books are spilling the smell of tea. At that time, it was just ordinary. Li Qingzhao is outstanding in talent and is known as "the first talented woman in the ages". Do you know? Her cousin's husband turned out to be Qin Hui, a traitor in the Southern Song Dynasty!

Revelation! There is a hidden kinship between these ancient celebrities!

This relationship is a big surprise, and the kinship between Li Qingzhao and Qin Hui undoubtedly adds a bit of drama to this talented woman's life.

Revelation! There is a hidden kinship between these ancient celebrities!

The kinship between these ancient celebrities allows us to see another side of history. They may have very different achievements and contributions in their respective fields, but they are closely bound by their family bloodlines. Where does this wonderful fate come from? Is it just a coincidence?

Actually, no, how can there be so many coincidences! In ancient times, the illiteracy rate was extremely high, there were few reading families, and the marriage between scholars and families paid more attention to the right family, which produced so many "hidden" kinship!