
He Long accompanied the Pakistani president on a hunt: He couldn't hit the pheasant in a row, but Chairman Mao praised it: It was a good job

author:There is history

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The friendship between China and Pakistan has been decades, and no one can imagine that it was He Long who fired the "first shot". This first shot is not a false finger, it is said that when Mr. He went to Pakistan and hunted with the President of Pakistan, he actually shot the gun.

First, the President of Pakistan asked Helong to hunt

Speaking of Mr. He, we must first start with Geng Biao, a legendary figure on China's diplomatic front.

In 1956, Pakistan abolished the dominion system, established a republic, and elected its president.

New China congratulated him at the first time and sent Geng Biao as the new ambassador to Pakistan, asking him to submit a congratulatory credential to Pakistan.

Geng Biao had previously served as an ambassador in the Nordic countries, where it was relatively cold, and as soon as he arrived in Pakistan, he felt the rolling heat wave there. Many comrades have quipped: You are heat treatment, Han Nianlong is cold treatment.

It turned out that he had reversed his position with Ambassador Han Nianlong, who had gone from South Asia to Northern Europe.

Let's briefly introduce Geng Biao. Although his position was that of an ambassador, in fact, in his early years he was also a general who could recruit good warriors; during the Red Army period, he was a fierce general under he Long of the 129th Division during the Red Army period, and under the leadership of Nie Shuai during the Liberation War, he was the deputy commander and chief of staff of the famous Yang Luogeng Corps, Yang that is, the commander Yang Dezhi, and Luo Ruiqing, the political commissar.

After the founding of New China, there was a shortage of talents on all fronts, and because Geng Biao showed excellent liaison skills during the war years, the Central Committee transferred him to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he served as ambassador in Sweden and Finland successively.

After coming to Pakistan, Geng Biao felt the heat wave hit people even more, as well as the enthusiasm of the Pakistani government.

He Long accompanied the Pakistani president on a hunt: He couldn't hit the pheasant in a row, but Chairman Mao praised it: It was a good job

Originally, the letter of state handed over by Geng Biao was only a simple letter of state expressing friendship and congratulations, and its weight was only a small meaning compared with heavy documents such as the joint communiqué and the joint declaration. However, Pakistan's governor-general Mirza sent an envoy to tell Geng Biao: The friendship between the Chinese people is so touching that we are ready to put China's state certificate in public at the presidential inauguration ceremony.

At that time, Pakistan's presidential election was actually a formality, and the domestic people were very supportive of Mirza, and according to public opinion, 99.9% of him was elected. Therefore, his overtures to China in advance are equivalent to the new Pakistani government showing goodwill to China.

Geng Biaozheng was flattered — in the international environment at that time, many countries were afraid to make peace with China under pressure from the United States, so Pakistan's attitude was rare, and Governor Mirza did something that he did not expect: to talk in person.


It turned out that when the Chinese side provided Geng Biao's position information to the Pakistani side, it used the word general.

Coincidentally, Governor Mirza was also a well-known general, having served as regional commander and minister of defence. The same professional experience evoked Mirza's memories of his military career, and he wanted to talk to Geng Biao, who was also a soldier.

Of course, we all know that China's foreign affairs are all arranged by Premier Zhou, and with Premier Zhou's meticulous thoughts, arranging such a "career coincidence" is naturally done seamlessly and pleasantly accepts such a "small routine".

Asking Geng Biao to come to talk, Mirza first made an appointment on an important matter.

He heard that the Chinese side would send Vice Premier He Long to attend the presidential inauguration ceremony, and proposed that after the ceremony, he would accompany Comrade He Long to participate in a fun activity: hunting.

Geng Biao gladly accepted and said that he would immediately notify the country.

Second, He Long's marksmanship failed

After making an appointment, Mirza talked with Geng Biao with great interest about the military.

He was particularly interested in the 25,000-mile Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and asked Geng Biao to talk about the affairs of the Long March. Geng Biao talked about chairman Mao's command of the Red Army to cross the Red River four times, get rid of the enemy, and cross the snowy mountains and meadows after the Zunyi Conference.

Probably because the Sidu Chishui series of battles was too complicated, although Geng Biao's speech was clear enough, Mirza did not understand it too clearly.

He was more interested, apparently, in Geng Biao's military career.

He asked Geng Biao, "What position did you hold during the Long March?" ”

Geng: "Initially as regimental commander, later as division chief of staff. ”

M: "What is the rank of regimental commander?" ”

Geng: "At that time, the Chinese Red Army did not have a military rank. According to the current rank system of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the regimental commander is equivalent to a colonel. ”

M: "So, when did you become a general?" ”

It seems that Premier Zhou deliberately added the title of general to Geng Biao, which really greatly narrowed the emotional distance between them.

Geng Biao said: "After the Red Army's Long March arrived in northern Shaanxi, I served as the chief of staff of the army, a position equivalent to that of a general; However, I officially received the rank of general in early 1946. ”

"Oh, your army already had a rank system at that time?"

"No, our army introduced the rank system last year (1955). In 1946, I was working in the Executive Department of the Peiping Military Investigation Office, and due to the needs of the work, we specially appointed a group of generals, and the rank given to me at that time was major general. ”

Then, Governor Mirza asked Geng Biao how many soldiers he had commanded and what battles he had fought. Finally, Mirza said excitedly: "I am a soldier, you are also a soldier, we are waiting for your Marshal Helong together, and the three of us soldiers hunting together, we must be very happy." ”

Of course, Geng Biao was very happy, and this mission not only perfectly expressed goodwill, but also brought personal feelings closer to the president, which was a great merit for the future friendship between China and Pakistan.

In the blink of an eye, mirza's election was successful and inaugurated, and Marshal Helong came as promised.

The three soldiers fulfilled their promise and hunted together.

He Long accompanied the Pakistani president on a hunt: He couldn't hit the pheasant in a row, but Chairman Mao praised it: It was a good job

I just didn't expect that Mr. He, who has always been like a god in marksmanship, actually played very generally.

President Mirza personally accompanied Vice Premier He Long on a plane to hunt in the hunting grounds in the kita region of northwest Karachi, and Geng Biao was also invited to go with him.

The Kida region is close to Afghanistan, the border between the two countries is sparsely populated, and the vegetation is quite well maintained. There are large shrubs growing there. The bushes there are large, and each bush is the size of a house on average.

Many pheasants, hares and other small animals love to rest in the bushes, make a home, or hide from predators such as falcons and jackals.

President Mirza told He and Geng that he himself often came here to hunt pheasants, and the object of today's hunting is also pheasants.

Everyone looked up and saw three chairs lined up in a clearing in front of the bushes. The distance between the chairs is about 30 meters. Next to each chair, there are two shotguns. The staff member in charge of loading the ammunition stood behind a chair.

He Long and Geng Biao thought that the chair was just a gun, which was quite strange, and generally used a table to place guns, which is a habit in China.

He Long and Geng Biao raised their guns, tried the crosshairs, and were about to hit, but they saw President Mirza sitting on a chair and taking aim, and He and Geng Biao understood that the president was going to sit and fight.

Pakistan's approach is truly peculiar.

The hunt officially begins.

I saw more than a hundred staff members of the hunting ground beating drums vigorously, and the sound of the drums was earth-shaking, frightening the birds and beasts in the bushes to flee in panic, some flying wildly, some frantically abandoning, sneaking from one bush to another.

The pheasant cackled and flew out, and the gorgeous feathers flew away, and the number was so large that it was spectacular.

President Mirza was the first to shoot and the hunt officially began.

Geng Biao was not very accustomed to playing.

First of all, he has never sat down and shot a gun, according to the gun is not easy, can only rely on waist strength to stabilize the body, this kind of shotgun has a large recoil, a shot is a shake.

Second, he has been a commander in the army for many years, does not use rifles, and is accustomed to using shell guns, pistols, rifle aiming and pistols are two kinds of feel;

Third, after the pheasant flew out of one bush, it did not fly far before it plunged into another bush again, and the flight distance was short, so it was necessary to seize the short opportunity to shoot in time, otherwise it would miss the opportunity.

Geng Biao was thinking about adapting to this style of play, and after playing for more than an hour, the pheasant was gradually beaten up, and those who were not killed also flew away. President Mirza signaled a halt.

Then everyone counted the loot.

Geng Biao knew that Elder He was always a sharpshooter, whether it was shooting in the army or hunting, he was very accurate, and used a poem in the great poet Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty in "The Journey of the Old General" to describe it most appropriately: In the past, the flying generals had no full eyes. Hunting is done in the eyes of birds and animals.

Therefore, he felt that Mr. He must have gained a lot from this hunt.

Unexpectedly, I hit more than twenty of them, and Mr. He actually had more than twenty, while President Mirza had more than forty. Mr. He has always been humble, saying that he is old and even the pheasant can't hit it.

Several people praised each other, and Geng Biao was also a very intelligent person, and quickly reacted, which must have been deliberately done by President He to let President Mirza.

Later, when this incident spread to China, although Chairman Mao did not witness it with his own eyes, he instantly realized He Long's thoughts and even praised He Long for doing a wonderful job.

President Mirza said to He Shuai and Geng Biao: "I hope to be able to hunt with you in the future." ”

Sure enough, he later invited Geng Biao alone to accompany him to a hunt in the Hyderabad region northeast of Karachi. In December 1956, when He Long accompanied Premier Zhou on a visit to five Asian countries and came to Pakistan again, he was invited to hunt with President Mirza in Hyderabad.

Not only hunting, President Mirza also made an exception to invite He Long to visit the Pakistan Navy, and the Navy conducted a performance exercise for the Chinese marshal, shouting a warm slogan to pay tribute to the Chinese marshal.

It can be said that hunting with President Mirza is one of the bonds of friendship between China and Pakistan.

3. Rice incident

Relations between China and Pakistan have since heated up rapidly.

Specifically, we will talk about two things.

One is China's aid to Pakistan's rice incident.

One year, when there was a flood in the East Pakistan area and there was a serious shortage of food, Pakistani Prime Minister Suravadhi rushed to Geng Biao's rescue and asked his Chinese brothers to help him with some grain. Geng Biao asked how much, and the Pakistani side said 60,000 tons.

He Long accompanied the Pakistani president on a hunt: He couldn't hit the pheasant in a row, but Chairman Mao praised it: It was a good job

Geng Biao asked for instructions at home, and Premier Zhou said it was a bit difficult.

Because there was also a serious natural disaster in China at that time, it was also difficult to get 60,000 tons of rice. Geng Biao suggested that instead of giving for nothing, he would sell it to the Pakistani side at a preferential price and give away another 4,000 tons. This will not be too strenuous, but also solve the urgent need of the Pakistani side.

Both sides agreed to the plan and proceeded happily.

At that time, the Pakistani side proposed that the Chinese brothers were so friendly and suggested that China print the words "China Aid" on the rice bags.

Geng Biao said there is no need, we are really helping you.

Prime Minister Surawadi said that it cannot be a white gang, and the United States has also helped us with food, and their flour bags have the words "American aid" written on them.

Geng Biao has repeatedly said that we don't care what the Americans do, but China's assistance to Pakistan is only to help the Pakistani people, not to seek fame and profit. Later, Chinese rice was transported to Pakistan, and when everyone looked at it, they only wrote "China" instead of "aid".

The Pakistani side was inexplicably moved and held a special press conference to inform the whole country that this is a good thing that China has done. In particular, Prime Minister Surawadi heard that chinese journalists in Pakistan also reported on the press conference, and repeatedly asked Chinese reporters to report the words of gratitude from the Pakistani side in the original text.

Because the Pakistani press official gambifully praised China for this "generous" assistance, the premier knew very well the modest style of the Chinese brothers, and seemed to expect that China would report in a low-key manner, so he took a look at the manuscript written by the reporter on the spot, and sure enough, he did not copy the word "generosity" of the Pakistani side, so he added this word to the pen and instructed the Chinese reporter to pass this meaning to China, so that the Chinese brothers on the other side of the Himalayas would know that we in Pakistan are zhientu newspaper.

The Pakistani ambassador to China expressed special thanks for China's aid to Pakistan's rice. The Pakistani ambassador said that China has mobilized tens of thousands of tons of rice to sell to Pakistan and generously donated thousands of tons of rice when its own grain is not very rich, which is not simply a trade relationship, but also shows the care and sympathy of the Chinese people for the Pakistani people in difficulty, and the Pakistani people will always remember this kindness.

Pakistan is a rare country that is consistent with words and deeds, and its gratitude to China does not stop at the lips.

At that time, China often imported high-quality cotton from Pakistan, and due to the lack of local production on the mainland, it could not meet the needs of the domestic cotton spinning industry and other cotton-using industries, so bulk supplies have always relied on Pakistan.

For a period of time, the overall price of cotton in the world rose, and the cotton exported by Pakistan naturally rose in price.

When the mainland's economic and trade departments learned of this situation, they reflected to the State Council that the increase in the price of cotton wool is bound to increase the production cost of mainland textiles, and the sales price of mainland textiles will inevitably increase accordingly, which will not only affect the lives of the people on the mainland, but also reduce the competitiveness of the mainland's cotton textile exports.

The economic and trade departments asked the Embassy in Pakistan to assist in resolving this issue.

Geng Biao told the Pakistani side of this request, and the Pakistani prime minister made a decision on the spot, saying that the price of exports to other countries will continue to rise, and the original price of exports to China will be maintained. This is actually the return of the Pakistani side to the mainland.

Fourth, the settlement of the problem of the Cantonese enclave

Of course, there are also some outstanding historical issues between China and Pakistan.

Take, for example, the Cangjuti enclave.

Kanguti is located in the east of Pakistan, bordering the southern part of the mainland Xinjiang.

It is a small state in the Karakoram Mountains.

During the Yuan Dynasty of China, troops were sent to occupy the area and make it a chinese dependency. Later, the chieftain of this native state declared his independence from China and accepted the jurisdiction of the Pakistani side.

In this way, Kanguti has actually long been a place in Pakistan. However, in some maps printed before the liberation of the mainland, Kanguti was still used as an enclave of China in Pakistan.

The relevant departments have conducted a study, and kanjuti should no longer be regarded as An enclave of China, but should explicitly abandon this nominal territory and formally and completely hand it over to the Pakistani side.

When President Mirza learned of this, he was very surprised, so he immediately invited Geng Biao to the official residence of the General Palace and asked: "China has solved the problem of this land, what do you want?" ”

Geng Biao was stunned and immediately said, "We don't want anything." ”

Since the day of its founding, Pakistan has been embroiled in endless territorial disputes with India, even at the expense of fighting each other, even for a piece of land of little value.

In fact, it is not between India and Pakistan, when any country in the world mentions the territorial issue, it is not highly consistent to give in?

Only China, so frankly acknowledging historical traditions and facts, does not engage in any bargaining with Pakistan.

It's admirable to be so open and atmospheric.

Pakistan is also fighting for righteousness and not allowing China to make concessions.

At that time, China was blockaded by Western countries led by the United States, and international transportation was very inconvenient.

For example, to go to Europe, China does not have direct flights to Europe, to take off from Kunming, fly to Southeast Asian countries, and then take a detour from where, it is very far and inconvenient.

After the consultation between China and Pakistan, a direct route was opened, which shortened the distance.

In some industrial technologies, the United States blockaded China, but if it did not blockade Pakistan, Pakistan would resist the pressure of the United States and secretly transfer some machinery and equipment to the mainland. Although the United States has repeatedly protested, it cannot stand Pakistan's bloody nature, and the United States cannot help it. At that time, the United States wanted to make a joint printing with Pakistan, and it had to ask for Pakistan, but it could only acquiesce.

China has returned to the United Nations, negotiated, struggled and voted several times, and Pakistan has always firmly supported China. We were able to seize the rightful seat, and Pakistan has done a great deal of power.

The friendship between China and Pakistan is by no means brought about by simple geographical interests, but is the fruitful result of international relations between the two peoples in the course of long-term exchanges, exchanging hearts for hearts and treating each other with all their hearts and guts.

In the new century, China's aid in the construction of Pakistan's Gwadar port was gradually completed. This port, when the United States promised to aid the construction, Singapore also participated, but it was stopped for various economic and political reasons. Only China's assistance to Pakistan has not stopped. By 2016, the port will be operational, and the CPEC will become a convenient passage between the East Asian continent and the Indian Ocean and even West Asia and North Africa.

Looking back on the past, we can still vaguely remember the marksmanship of Mr. He who "failed" those shots...

The predecessors planted trees, and the posterity cooled off. Once again, I would like to pay tribute to Premier Zhou, He Shuai, General Geng Biao, and other revolutionaries and politicians of the older generation who have made great contributions to opening up the diplomatic cause of New China.

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