
The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

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The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Some are ostensibly hit workers

But in fact, it is a stone collector

He is a native of Shandong in 1996

Theravada monks

He had a collection of more than a thousand stones

It covers almost all the stone species in the seal stone

He speaks well of stones and does not talk about nonsense and metaphysics

Talk only about the people and things he is feeling at the moment

Such as: lying flat, swinging rotten, cultural self-confidence

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Sleeping Pangu Changhua Coal Black Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

Very few people can play with stones out of the "soul"

And he did

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

The boy in his twenties gave himself a slightly serious name— the Theravada monk.

His name is taken from a poem by Su Dongpo: "Leave food for rats, and pity moths without lighting lamps." It's ridiculous, I'm a Theravada monk.

The monk practiced in the monastery, while he realized the Tao in stone.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"
The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Five Ghosts Fortune Shoushan Hibiscus Stone Collection of Theravada Monk Seal Stones

He returned to Shandong from Hangzhou and said to me before leaving: Do you know? Stone is the same as people have temper, need to adapt to the temperature and humidity changes in different places, if it does not like here, it will crack to show you, the stone is rotten, it is also unreasonable.

The stone he described resembled a man of flesh and blood.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Angry puffer fish Shoushan pit head sky blue jelly Theravada monk seal stone collection

The Theravada monk, who graduated from engineering majors, was practicing in Shenzhen that year, because of the ultra-high intensity of code writing work, and finally, all ten of his fingers were bald.

In this regard, his belief comes from a passage from the teacher: In addition to life and death, life is all abrasions.

In 2018, after the Theravada monk came to Hangzhou to touch the stone, he realized that life is short, and a work can prolong the spiritual feeling of life.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Young collector and Theravada monk

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

For an ordinary post-90s generation, collecting a piece of Hetian jade that costs tens of thousands of yuan is too luxurious, so he chooses to abandon the expensive and take the small, and start collecting from the small piece of printing stone.

In addition to the four major Chinese stones (Qingtian, Balin, Changhua, Shoushan), he also noticed many lesser-known niche stone species, which had very different personalities, which made him addicted.

After playing with stones for a while, he soon got tired of seeing the traditional printing stone elements on the market with ancient beasts and immortal Buddhas as the theme, because he was disgusted with the ancient and dull, he resolutely decided to change the way of playing - to cooperate with the heavens.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Moon Chaser • Southern Laos Tian Huang Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

Play with the stone, he is the chosen son.

In 2020, he carried back a piece of porcelain white rough from The Changhua Mountain in Hangzhou, and according to the state of the rough, he personally designed and carved a skeleton white bone, and after the completion of the manuscript, a strange thing happened.

In the same year, a "single coffin with a cave joint burial tomb" from the Northern Wei Dynasty was found in Datong, Shanxi, and the shape and position of the bones were completely consistent with his works.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Left figure The embrace of the Hinayana monk The right picture of the embracing white bone unearthed in Shanxi

The only difference is that the orientation of men and women is different, and interestingly, the location of the man's fracture is perfectly compatible with the natural pattern of the stone, so he carved the verse of the Book of Poetry and Ge Sheng on it.

Because of the miraculous coincidence, from the first draft to the birth of the work, this stone cost only 100 yuan, and later someone wanted to spend 80,000 yuan to collect this work, he did not sell it, and also gave the work a nice name - hug burial.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Embrace the burial of Changhua white porcelain stone Theravada monk seal stone collection

The sky does half, he does half.

While scavenging for stones in Fuzhou, he found a rare piece of Shoushan bull horn tundra, because the shape was very similar to the gilded bird ornament in the Art Institute of Chicago, so he wanted to carve a concentric bird.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Above: Gilded bird ornament of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA : Tang Dynasty Xingyao Parrot Cup

He began to design, and when he carved, the process was extremely difficult because the multi-crack was a hard wound of the frozen stone of the horn.

After the work was completed, he showed it to his friends who loved porcelain, but the friend exclaimed that the work had the feeling of a Tang Dynasty Xingyao parrot cup.

Taking the shape as a meaning, different people have different views, which is where he finds it interesting to play with the imprint.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Concentric Bird Shoushan Horn Jelly Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

Give the imprint stone, inject the soul. Every time he got a good rough stone, he would go through a lot of thought before he dared to use the knife to carve.

He was so cautious because if the design was not reasonable or carved, he would feel a sense of guilt for the destruction of the object.

There are more than fifty similar works, such as skeletons symbolizing death, as well as the night walk of hundred ghosts that symbolize the sinister nature of the human heart, and the use of rare Shoushan oil white caves to symbolize a short-lived life...

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Collection of Seal Stones Collection of Theravada monks

His work is never repeated, just like the books he has read, the roads he has traveled, and the people he has seen.

Life can store energy for his inspiration, and the stone in his hand does half of the day he does half.

When encountering a good stone and lacking inspiration, it is better to put it first, and putting it down is the philosophy of his play with stones.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Laos Duck Male Green Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Playing with the seal stone, the Theravada monks are not professional collectors.

Therefore, compared with the professional collectors who eat on stones, he has more free space to play, and he often uses his spare time to design some printing stone patterns and use stones to describe his current context.

He collects not only the stories of others, but also his own.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

"Peach Blossom Anthem", Peach Blossom Frozen Stone Collection of Theravada Monks

Childhood is engraved in a cat seal.

When he was a child, he had a folded-tailed cat, whose tail was different from the ordinary cat's tail and was artificially folded, when his sister was too young to understand things, and often liked to break the cat's tail.

Once the cat turned around to scare her, just when his father saw it, his father threatened to beat the cat to death on the spot, the cat was so frightened that he hid in the stove, and his father planned to set fire to it.

Finally, under the cover of the Theravada monks, the cat was able to escape, and finally heard that it died outside.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Folding-tailed cat Bahrain stone Collection of Theravada monks' seal stones

In order to commemorate it, he deliberately used an impure Bahraini stone to present this story, because the stone is impure, so the price and appearance are not recognized.

At the same time, he borrowed stones to throw out a truth: it is difficult for the weak to decide their own fate, just like this folded-tailed cat and the Bahrain stone.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Canghai Sangtian Balin Shan Huang Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

He hid his affection in a chicken blood stone.

This Fang Changhua chicken blood stone, he collected in the ghost city, because the "blood" is small, so it is not valued, was thrown aside by the merchants, and finally he pocketed 30 yuan, because of the faint trace of "blood", he thought of his mother in the candlelight.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Changhua Chicken Blood Rough Stone Collection of Theravada monk seal stones

He carved the image of his mother in his mind on this square seal stone, and carved a poem on the back of the seal stone with the method of "sand yang text": "The wanderer returns to kiss and go, the jiuli gate is like an outsider, there is a training stick behind the door, and there is no sound outside the courtyard."

On the one hand is the mother in the candlelight, on the other hand is the scene where the wanderer returns home has long been a person, he thinks of his mood of hanging drift, and finally this work is basically done while crying, he named this work "Candle Tears".

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Mama Changhua Chicken Blood Rough in Candlelight Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

He said: The stone has no life, but it seems to have life, and the people who collect and make it have injected emotions into the stone, just like the seal stones of the Bada Shan people unearthed some time ago, among which the unknown feelings, stones can carry all this.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

The Sentient Beings Under the Pressure of a Mortgage, Ink Crystals, a collection of Hinayana monks' seal stones

In addition to recording emotions, he also uses stones to tell some hot topics that fit the theme.

For example, the current young people's "marriage" and "mortgage" pressure, he uses a black turtle to visualize.

This turtle carries a heavy house on its back, and its appearance looks golden, but everyone is bent by them, and in essence, we are no different from this turtle.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Turtle ink crystal that I want to lie flat Theravada monk seal stone collection

In addition to manifesting pressure, he also has ways to release pressure - extreme sports, surfing and rock climbing, such elements of extreme sports, few people will show on the printing stone, and one side of the chicken blood stone, can do.

There is a hole in the back of this stone that can be used for climbing, one side is just white leather, you can surf, one side of the stone, two kinds of life, can represent the determination of human beings to break through the limit.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"
The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Above · SurfIng Picture below ・ Rock climbing Changhua gold and silver frozen chicken blood stone

And so on, there are licking dogs for love stranding, the ancients used the method of exorcising the disease with noodles, and the use of jumping fish to present the examination of civil servants, and so on.

He thinks that he is a lucky person who plays with stones, he believes: the one who has attained the heavenly way, must take the place of the heavenly path, he feels that art and aesthetics, there is no need to make things up, he uses a stone, he will see and hear what he feels, simply say it.

Collecting is often the embodiment of a person's aesthetic figuration, in fact, collection can also be low-cost, it is interesting, it can also hide a person's spiritual world.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Will be into the sake Shoushan Wen Yang stone Hinayana monk seal stone collection

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

He plays collecting like many people, in fact, it also starts from collecting cards, he has collected a full set of "Water Margin" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

He said: The connoisseur's collection is circulation, and the collector's collection is left behind, and what is left behind is where the aesthetic and spiritual spirit of this collector lies.

From the Hinayana monks, we can see the collecting concept of many post-90s collectors, and their way of collecting information is more popular.

Compared with the previous generation's collection, there will be more sanity, they have clear goals, more focused, hidden because of hobbies, often put aside fame and titles, to look at the work itself.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Dai Zhan Xiong Lao Beige Yellow Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

He once saw a good Changhua safflower frozen stone in a store in Hangzhou, and he thought that the price of this printing stone must be expensive, so he tried to ask the boss for a price, and the boss quoted 100 yuan, he was shocked.

After asking the reason, I learned that the author of this seal is unknown, the subject matter of the carving is very rare, no one has asked its price for a year or two, and later, after the Theravada monk bought it, he told the boss that the carved stone was actually a mushroom girl.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Mushroom Girl Changhua Safflower Jelly Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

The mushroom girl has an umbrella-like beret on her head and a mushroom shackle on her hand, which implies the confinement of women's minds and actions, representing women whose minds are bound.

The author may want to use this work to convey to the viewer the hope that every girl can have a sense of freedom, independence, and non-attachment to women.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Mushroom Girl Changhua Safflower Jelly Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

An unknown sculptor attaches his way of observing the world to a sealed stone, and the latter sees the truth through his own eyes, and those who stop for the sealstone are like the moon in "The Moon and the Sixpence".

Some people pursue money and material things, some people pursue spiritual ideals, everyone's environment and conditions are different, and finally, which way to choose is feasible.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Sumo Shoushan Porcelain White Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

Because of this, the Theravada monks intended to play a game through the seal stone and people five hundred years later.

He is about to publish a set of his own "Complete Works of Printing Stones", and he has written his collection of stones and works in this book truthfully.

His collection will always be scattered one day, and when the time comes, if someone is lucky enough to get one of his seal stones or books, then this person will trace the roots according to Tu Suoji, and maybe he will find a person who was obsessed with printing stones like him hundreds of years ago.

It is also fun to lengthen the dimension of the collection.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Words must be twice: Changhua Horn Jelly Theravada Monk Seal Stone Collection

The story of the Theravada monk and the stone, in fact, there are hundreds of stories that have not yet unfolded, each story is a cup of old wine worth tasting again.

In the middle of the summer, this crazy stone lover plans to go into the mountains again to find his next collection of stone stories.

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

May every sixpence

You can find the moon that holds your heart

The 1,000 seal stones in his collection reenacted "Crazy Stone"

Author: Vigorously

Interview: Theravada monk

Review: First love, ancient one

Images: Except for special notes, the copyrights are from the Theravada monks

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