
Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

author:Take you around the UK


The American animal protection organization PETA (Good Animal Welfare Organization) believes that everyone has heard about it, known as the world's largest animal rights group, PETA has attracted a lot of criticism for itself because of various controversial actions in recent years.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Originally, their slogan sounded positive, "Animals are not for us to eat, wear, experiment, entertain or abuse in any way." ”

However, in reality, the style of paintings they often parade on the streets is often "shocking"——

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works
Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

PETA claims to eliminate people's ambitious goal of "discrimination" against other species, and even strongly calls for scolding people not to bring animal terms in the future, "That is disrespect for animals!" ”

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Just recently, PETA was on the bar with a German museum, forcing people to take down the classic works of popular artists...

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works
Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Some time ago, the Kunst Museum in Wolfsburg, central Germany, exhibited a work of art created by renowned British artist Damien Hirst in the 1990s , a closed fly breeding and killing device called "One Hundred Years".

The work is divided into two parts, including both the nest part of the continuous production of new generations of flies, and the part of the fly sanitize that attracts the new generation of flies to the electric shock fly extermination device.

The entire installation is completely sealed, so the public who come to the museum can safely and closely watch the whole process.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

The work was created early in Hearst's popular artistic career, and the theme of the birth and death of flies echoed his other works of the year.

In another, more well-known work, "One Thousand Years," Hearst also put in a large number of flies, as well as a stripped cow's head, and the bloodied scalping cow's head attracted countless flies.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

In the old work "One Hundred Years" on display in the museum today, Hearst's allegory for the entire work is to use the principle that flies die directly under the "public light" to compare the double-edged sword of public concern.

In the 1990s, Hearst's "One Thousand Years" Minotaur Fly Exhibition, which was even bloodier and more terrifying than this work, was successfully exhibited, but now, the entire fly breeding and electro-killing device has been targeted by PETA.

They have been calling on humans to protect animal rights, and this time, they have also called for the rights of flies.

They bypassed the museum and reported directly to the Wolfsburg city government for animal cruelty that was being violated by Germany's Animal Welfare Act.

Germany's Animal Welfare Act prohibits humans from killing or injuring animals without just cause. Generally speaking, these "animals" refer to pets, livestock, poultry, and other common animals that are relatively large.

But unexpectedly, PETA directly counted flies this time...

They complained to the authorities that the museum was slaughtering flies at will without justification, a serious violation of the law, and that such acts should be stopped immediately.

After receiving the complaint, the museum was also stunned, and their director, Andreas Beitin, said, "We believe that fly-eating flies are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act." ”

However, the local authorities gave a satisfactory answer to PETA, believing that the museum and the artwork were indeed suspected of indiscriminate animal killing, and ordered them to remove the work immediately.

Peta was also very excited about winning a war that would have seemed impossible to win, and they contacted the German media to deliver a victory speech:

"Killing animals has nothing to do with art, it just shows the arrogance of people who will stop at nothing for their own benefit."

At present, the museum is contacting Hearst himself, and they have come up with a compromise plan to replace the real fly with an artificial simulated fly to let the exhibition continue, but it is not known whether Hearst agrees to this greatly discounted plan.

Hearing the news that flies have been rescued by animal protection organizations today, many netizens have their own ideas.

"Come on PeTA! Nasty shit-eating flies flew around my food and they were finished! ”

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

"Shock + helplessness"

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

But this time, there are also netizens who stand on the side of PETA, because they also have opinions on the behavior of Hearst's often used animal carcass creation.

"Should this be news? How many "artistic" works has he created so far with dead animals/butterflies or human skulls? ”

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

This brings us to the work of the highly successful but controversial "artist of death" in the past.

One of the best-selling living artists in the world today, Hirst became popular in the 1990s with a series of creations that expressed the theme of death and led the future direction of the British youth art scene for a while.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Most of his works use the carcasses of land and sea animals to cause people to think about death.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Minds of The Living (1991)

Because of the visual impact of Hearst's display of these animal carcasses, this series of works quickly made him famous.

After becoming famous, Hearst's creative style remained largely unchanged, but the content was more "moderate".

But because of the extensive use of small animal carcasses, his works have also begun to be criticized by modern societies that are increasingly concerned about animal rights.

On his "kaleidoscope paintings" created with canvas and butterfly specimens, thousands of beautiful butterfly carcasses are scattered.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works
Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Left But Not Forgotten (2014)

According to media statistics, Hearst, who loves animal carcasses as a means of artistic expression, has sacrificed millions of lives in his career, counting all large and small animals, including tiny butterflies and flies.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works
Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Golden Calf (2008)

The media calculated that the million lives included 13 sheep, 7 Holstein Frisian cows, 5 calves, 4 bulls, 3 ponies (with prominent unicorns), 2 pigs, 1 brown bear and 1 zebra;

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Special life consists of 46 pork sausages, a human skull studded with diamonds, 624 offals from 8 cows, 16 cow skulls, 41 fish skeletons, and a gilded mammoth skeleton.

The microbiomes include 850,000 flies (111 generations in total), more than 45,000 more than 3,000 species of insects, 17,000 butterflies, and 5 birds.

He sourced his materials through a variety of methods and sources, including Australian shark hunters, Herbarium strippers in London and fish markets in London.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

However, not all of the animals in Hirst's works died because of him, and some animals died before Hearst appeared.

The carcasses of these animals were eventually split in two, skinned or otherwise removed.

Hearst famously said, "Cut us in half, we're all the same as he X, and we have to "kill things to see them."

Hearst also created diamond-encrusted human skulls, the entire skull was nailed with expensive diamonds and platinum except for its teeth. In 2007, the work sold for £50 million.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Buyer demand for Hearst's works grew to astronomical heights, and in 2008, Hearst sold more than $200 million worth of art at sotheby's, a prestigious art auction, making Hearst one of the richest living artists in the world today.

The animal carcasses involved in Hirst's work caused dissatisfaction with the animal protection organization "100% Animalisti" as early as 2017. On the eve of his upcoming major Italian art exhibition, they placed 40 kilograms of poop and objection signs at the entrance of a venue, and although the exhibition itself did not involve any animal carcasses, they said that they had a problem with Hearst himself.

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

"One of those fake artists (such as Hermann Nitsch and Maurizio Cattelan, whom we have already 'greeted'), used animal carcasses to create a temporary wealth animal—the corpse was stuffed, divided into four equal parts, often killed for the occasion—as the 'material' for their performances."

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

Therefore, now there are also some netizens who say that the German museum Hirst works have been removed right,

"I'm on the side of the Good Animals organization. Personally, I don't think there's anything interesting or pleasant about this "sculpture". For me, the museum is the eye of the city, and this work wastes my time and energy. I will never allow it. “

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

"Correct! However, Hearst is a genius... But also a controversial vulgar commercial neo-baroque narcissist, Mannerist, extravagant necrophilia, wonder and horror, but also with unattainable eclecticism! “

Artists kill flies to cause discontent: flies are also protected animals! The museum eventually removed its works

What do you think about that?


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