
These village cadres are so bad that they are even greedy for the villagers' pension money, and the flies at the grassroots level are even more destructive

author:The exclamation point of history

Recently, "Qingfeng Xinyang" reported three typical cases of corruption involving grassroots village cadres and heads of nursing homes.

There are those who withhold the pension funds paid by the villagers, causing the villagers' pension years to be cut off, and there are those who use the living expenses of the nursing homes to support the extremely poor in a centralized manner, and divert them for other purposes in violation of regulations.

Maybe none of these involved are particularly huge, but they're disgusting.

These village cadres are so bad that they are even greedy for the villagers' pension money, and the flies at the grassroots level are even more destructive

The three typical cases are reported as follows:

(1) Zhang Yunming, the original clerk of Gudui Village, Quanhepu Town, Gushi County, illegally occupied the issue of the people's pension insurance premiums.

From 2013 to 2019, Zhang Yunming took advantage of his position to intercept the pension insurance premiums paid by villagers in the process of collecting villagers' pension insurance premiums and took them for himself, resulting in the discontinuation of some people's pension insurance years.

In June 2024, Zhang Yunming was placed on probation for one year, and all the funds for violating discipline were returned to the masses.

(2) Gu Qiang, the former director of the Supervisory Committee of Duweizi Village, Linhe Township, Xi County, failed to hand over the pension insurance premiums paid by the masses on time.

From 2011 to 2014, while Gu Qiang was in charge of the collection of pension insurance for three villager groups in Linhe Township, he failed to pay the pension insurance premiums paid by the villagers on time, causing adverse effects.

In June 2024, Gu Qiang was punished with a serious warning from the party, and all the funds for violating discipline were returned to the masses.

(3) Ma Zhisheng, the person in charge of the Central Nursing Home in Liji Township, Shangcheng County, squeezed out the issue of misappropriation of the living expenses of the extremely poor recipients.

From January 2023 to April 2024, Ma Zhisheng used the living expenses of the Liji Township Central Nursing Home to support the extremely poor for a long time, which was misappropriated for other purposes in violation of regulations, causing adverse effects.

In June 2024, Ma Zhisheng was punished with a warning from the party, and the funds for violating discipline were returned to the township financial account.

These village cadres are so bad that they are even greedy for the villagers' pension money, and the flies at the grassroots level are even more destructive

Don't underestimate the village officials, the flies at the grassroots level are more destructive.

I still remember what I saw with my own eyes when I was a child, when the village cadres paid living expenses to the five guarantee households.

At that time, there was no transfer, and cash was transferred to the five guarantee households through the village cadres. A village cadre clearly told the five guarantee households that the allocation was 100 yuan, but I want to keep 50 yuan, and you agree or not.

At that time, the five guarantee households were honest, they didn't know a few words, they didn't understand anything, and they felt that the money was the credit of the village cadres, and the village cadres helped them work hard to get it.

Other villagers who knew about this incident all said: "Your village cadres dare to embezzle even the money of the desperate households, be careful of retribution." ”

Sure enough, later the highway was built to pass through the village to acquire land, and the cadres in the village had problems and were served in a pot, and the most one stayed in it for 12 years.

Nowadays, the rural areas are better, and the money is directly transferred to the payee's account, which will not pass through the hands of other people, and the occurrence of "oil rubbing" is also avoided.

Even dare to reach out and take the money of the desperate account, such a person really deserves retribution.

These village cadres are so bad that they are even greedy for the villagers' pension money, and the flies at the grassroots level are even more destructive


In the past few years, I have always thought that all kinds of supervision are so strict, and the farmers' pensions and the living expenses of the five guarantees households are handled through transparent channels, and there should be no more problems in it.

After reading these three notices of "Qingfeng Xinyang", I realized that the so-called road is one foot high and the devil is one foot high.

For example, in the first case, it was discovered 9 years after the incident, so how should the years of the cut off be calculated and what compensation measures should be taken, this is a question.

If even the poorest man dares to stretch out his hand for this little money, is there no other problem for such a person? The relevant parties should really take a good look and not tolerate and let go of a bad person.

Really do it, let the breeze blow on your face, and spring is everywhere in the world?

These village cadres are so bad that they are even greedy for the villagers' pension money, and the flies at the grassroots level are even more destructive



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