
In August, many countries have grand festivals, so remember to send blessings to buyers

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In August, many countries have grand festivals, so remember to send blessings to buyers

August 1

Switzerland - National Day

Since 1891, 1 August has been celebrated as Switzerland's National Day. It commemorates the alliance between the three old Swiss cantons (Uri, Schwyz and Niewalden). In 1291, they concluded a "permanent alliance" against foreign insults, which later became the nucleus of various alliances, culminating in the creation of the Swiss Confederation.

In August, many countries have grand festivals, so remember to send blessings to buyers


To celebrate the festival, celebrities from the political and cultural circles will give speeches, choruses, fun competitions, sing the national anthem and other activities.

In areas with better financial conditions, fireworks are also set off, the national flag, the cantonal flag and the regional flag will be hoisted on the buildings, and the bread bakers will also make bread with the Swiss flag on them.

The Rhine Falls, the largest waterfall in Europe, also has a special celebration, and on this evening, the lights around the waterfall are shining and the bonfires held are also very attractive.

Recommendation: Blessings in advance, leave confirmation.

August 6

Bolivia - Independence Day

The 13th century AD was part of the Inca Empire. In 1538, it became a Spanish colony and became known as Peru. Independence was declared on 6 August 1825 and named the Bolivarian Republic in honor of the Liberator Bolivar, which was later changed to its current name.

Tip: Just learn.

Jamaica - Independence Day

Jamaica gained its independence from British colonial rule on 6 August 1962. Originally a Spanish territory, it was ruled by the British in the 17th century.


Jamaica's Independence Day celebrations include a grand parade in the capital, Kingston, in which participants wear national costumes that represent various aspects of the country's cultural heritage.

Music and dance are an integral part of Jamaican life and are therefore an integral part of the Independence Day celebrations.

Tip: Just learn.

August 9

Singapore - National Day

August 9 is Singapore's National Day, the day to commemorate Singapore's independence in 1965. Singapore became a British colony in 1862 and an independent republic in 1965.

In August, many countries have grand festivals, so remember to send blessings to buyers


On this day, people from all over the country gather to celebrate the day with a grand parade, group dance and a large fireworks display.

The government's regular National Day ceremony welcomes visitors and can also watch this grand festival on TV.

Tip: Wish in advance and confirm your vacation.

August 10

Ecuador - Independence Day

Originally part of the Inca Empire, Ecuador became a Spanish colony in 1532. Independence was declared on 10 August 1809, but it was still occupied by Spanish colonial forces. In 1822, he was completely freed from Spanish colonial rule.

Tip: Just learn.

August 12

Thailand - Mother's Day

Thailand has designated the birthday of Her Royal Queen Sirikit on August 12 as Mother's Day.

Activities: On the day of the festival, all government institutions and schools are closed and hold celebrations to educate young people not to forget their mother's "nurturing grace", and to take the fragrant white jasmine as the "mother's flower", and the children give their hands to the mother to express gratitude.

Tip: Just learn.

August 13

Japan - Obon Festival

Obon Festival is a traditional Japanese festival, namely the local Nakamoto Festival and Obon Festival, or Obon Festival for short. The Japanese attach great importance to Obon festival and have become an important festival after New Year's Day.

Enterprises, companies generally will be on holiday for a week or so, called "bonsai", many Japanese who go out to work outside the home have chosen to use this holiday to return home to reunite with their ancestors, this is the peak period of long-distance transportation, Tokyo, Osaka and other metropolitan streets are more deserted, a bit similar to the Chinese Qingming Festival.

In August, many countries have grand festivals, so remember to send blessings to buyers

Activities: Japan also has the habit of giving obon gifts at this time, and each place will hold a obon meeting, at which people gather to dance a dance called "Bon", focusing on hand movements.

Recommendation: Leave confirmation.

August 14

Pakistan - Independence Day

It commemorates Pakistan's declaration of independence from the long-controlled Indian Empire controlled by the British on 14 August 1947, which became a Dominion of the British Commonwealth, officially separated from British jurisdiction.

Tip: Just learn.

August 15

India - Independence Day

Independence Day is a holiday established by India to celebrate the liberation from British colonial rule and the emergence of a sovereign state in 1947, and is scheduled for August 15 every year. Independence Day is a national holiday in India.

Event: The main venue for the celebrations will be In New Delhi, India' capital, where the Prime Minister of India will hold a flag-raising ceremony in the Red Fort and deliver a televised speech.

Tip: Wish in advance and confirm your vacation.

August 17

Indonesia - Independence Day

August 17, 1945, was the day Indonesia declared its independence. August 17 is indonesia's national day, and there are colorful celebrations every year.

Tip: Wish in advance and confirm your vacation.

August 29

UK - Summer Bank Holidays

Beginning in 1871, bank holidays became the official public holidays in the United Kingdom. There are two bank holidays in the UK, namely the Spring Bank Holiday on Monday in the final week of May and the Monday Summer Bank Holiday in the final week of August.

In August, many countries have grand festivals, so remember to send blessings to buyers

The so-called BankHoliday refers to the days when banks are closed during holidays. Because banks are not allowed to operate in these days, it will lead to other industries being unable to do so.

So many UK stores will also be closed on this day. However, most shops remain open even on bank holidays.

Tip: Pay attention to payment timing issues.

August 30

Turkey - Victory Day

On August 30, 1922, Turkey defeated the Greek invading army and won the War of National Liberation.

Tip: Just learn.

August 31

Malaysia - National Day

The Federated States of Malaya declared independence on 31 August 1957, ending a 446-year colonial period. Every year on National Day, Malaysians chant "Merdeka" seven times (Malay: Merdeka).

Tip: Wish in advance and confirm your vacation.

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