
It's so hot this summer, and it's really comfortable to watch TV at home! Just chased the second hug, and now chased "War of the Roses"! I like Yuan Quan's own professional aura and like Wang Zhi

author:Good at discovering beauty

It's so hot this summer, and it's really comfortable to watch TV at home! Just chased the second hug, and now chased "War of the Roses"! I like Yuan Quan's own professional aura, and I like Wang Zhifei to show the vitality of that kind of workplace villain! Like Huang Xiaoming understands and tolerates leaders who have just returned to the workplace and do not shy away from relatives! Because a lot of the storylines in the workplace are too similar to what happens in life! These two TV series began to be a matter of husband accidents and family changes, and middle-aged women returning to the workplace! In fact, most women go home to raise children and want to get back to the jianghu really hard! A friend turned out to be a trader at a securities company, with two children at home, the child was sick and the husband accused, in the "home still put the child sick" home also did not communicate a word is "you don't know the outside things", from morning to night home lock things continue to be more tired than work, and so the child after school she wanted to return to the workplace after several efforts did not succeed, and finally had to speculate at home stocks [tears]! Now that the state advocates having a second child, many policies should come into being so that mothers who go home with children are justified and respected by society!

It's so hot this summer, and it's really comfortable to watch TV at home! Just chased the second hug, and now chased "War of the Roses"! I like Yuan Quan's own professional aura and like Wang Zhi
It's so hot this summer, and it's really comfortable to watch TV at home! Just chased the second hug, and now chased "War of the Roses"! I like Yuan Quan's own professional aura and like Wang Zhi
It's so hot this summer, and it's really comfortable to watch TV at home! Just chased the second hug, and now chased "War of the Roses"! I like Yuan Quan's own professional aura and like Wang Zhi
It's so hot this summer, and it's really comfortable to watch TV at home! Just chased the second hug, and now chased "War of the Roses"! I like Yuan Quan's own professional aura and like Wang Zhi
It's so hot this summer, and it's really comfortable to watch TV at home! Just chased the second hug, and now chased "War of the Roses"! I like Yuan Quan's own professional aura and like Wang Zhi

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