
Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer


"Summer Vegetable Feast"

Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer

Seasonal vegetables that are perfect for summer are like a cool gift from nature in this hot season. Not only are they delicious, but they also provide many benefits to our bodies, helping us to resist the summer heat and keep us healthy and energetic.

Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer

Among the many seasonal vegetables, bitter gourd is undoubtedly a frequent guest on the summer table. Although bitter gourd is bitter, its effect of clearing heat and reducing fire is highly regarded. In the scorching summer heat, people are often easily upset and irritable, and the fire in the body rises. At this time, a plate of cold bitter gourd, or a dish of bitter gourd scrambled eggs, the slight bitterness spreads on the tip of the tongue, as if it can dispel the heat in the heart. Bitter melon is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and bitter melon, which help to boost immunity and metabolism, so that we can still maintain a good body in the summer.

Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer

Cucumbers are another popular summer vegetable. It has a crisp texture and plenty of moisture, making it feel refreshing and pleasant in an instant whether it is eaten raw or made into a cold cucumber. Cucurbitacin C in cucumber has the effect of improving human immune function, and its rich dietary fiber can also promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, and prevent constipation. On a hot afternoon, a cold cucumber can both quench thirst and replenish nutrients, making it an excellent choice for cooling off in summer.

Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer
Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer
Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer
Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer
Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer
Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer
Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer

Tomatoes are also a must-see delicacy in summer. The red fruit is full and juicy, sweet and sour. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and lycopene, which have antioxidant effects and protect the skin from UV rays. Whether it is made into scrambled eggs with tomatoes, egg soup with tomatoes, or eaten directly as fruit, it can inject full vitality into our body and make us still shine in the summer sun.

Eggplant is also available in large quantities in the summer, and it is prepared in a variety of ways, such as roasted eggplant, steamed eggplant, eggplant pot, etc., each with its own unique flavor. Eggplant is rich in vitamin P, which can enhance the adhesion between human cells, enhance the elasticity of capillaries, reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, prevent microvascular rupture and bleeding, and maintain normal cardiovascular function. Moreover, eggplant is a cold food, and eating it in summer helps to clear away heat and relieve heat.

Beans are also one of the common vegetables in summer, and there are many varieties such as long beans, lentils, etc. Beans are rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Whether it's stir-fried beans or stewed noodles with beans, it can make people have a great appetite. Moreover, beans have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, tonifying the kidneys and stopping the band, and have a certain conditioning effect on the spleen and stomach discomfort caused by improper diet in summer.

In addition, there are seasonal vegetables such as loofah, winter melon, water spinach, etc., all of which have their own characteristics and add rich color and nutrients to our summer diet.

The loofah is smooth and delicious, and has the effect of passing through the meridians, running the blood veins, and lowering the milk. Winter melon clears heat and water, reduces swelling and detoxification, and cooks a pot of winter melon pork rib soup in summer, which can not only supplement nutrition but also quench thirst. Water spinach is rich in potassium, chlorine and other elements that regulate the balance of water and liquid, which can reduce the acidity of the intestines and prevent the imbalance of the intestinal flora after eating, which is beneficial to cancer prevention.

In the summer, choosing these seasonal vegetables will not only taste their most delicious taste, but also follow the laws of nature to allow the body to be best nourished. Depending on our tastes and preferences, we can combine these vegetables to create delicious summer dishes. Let's enjoy the food while staying healthy, and spend this hot season with full energy and joy.

Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer
Seasonal vegetables that are suitable for summer

In short, the seasonal vegetables in summer are a treasure given to us by nature, let us cherish this gift and use them to add more coolness and beauty to our lives.

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