
Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

author:Nanjia's daily life

Wen 丨 Xiaojin

Editor丨Entertainment article

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

"Husband, what do you want to eat at noon? It's okay today, we can cook a good meal. ”

The man on the other side laughed twice and replied, "Then sweet and sour ribs and crucian carp soup, let's go out to buy vegetables together, and I'll give you a hand when we come back." ”

It was actor Bai Han and his second husband Han Xiaolei who spoke.

Hearing her husband's answer, the smile on Bai Han's face became even brighter, and she said while cleaning up: "Then you hurry up, if you go late, the fresh dishes will already be picked up." ”

Han Xiaolei got up from the desk with a smile, and suddenly, he felt dizzy for a while, and slowly sat down on the table.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

But the busy Bai Han did not notice her husband's abnormality.

Her husband Han Xiaolei did not take it seriously, after all, he was old, chest tightness and shortness of breath were a common phenomenon, so he said to his wife: "You go first, I will find you later." ”

Bai Han answered and went out.

No one expected that this outing would become a farewell.

When Bai Han came home after buying vegetables, she was greeted by her husband's cold corpse.

Bai Han cried bitterly, lying on her husband's body and feeling: "Why is my life so bitter?" ”

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Everyone present wept for it, one for the deceased, and the other for the bitter Bai Han.

As Bai Han said, her life is even more bitter than Huang Lian.


Bai Han was born in Beijing in 1955.

Before the age of seven, she was the envy of everyone.

Her father is a university teacher, her mother is a court recorder, and the family conditions are very good, plus she is the only child in the family, and she has been the pearl of her parents since she was a child.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

When he was a child, Bai Han's favorite thing was to listen to the radio with his father.

When her father listened to the news, she listened to Peking Opera.

Over time, she developed a yearning for Peking Opera and had the idea of learning to act.

Her ideas are also supported by her parents, who believe that as long as their daughter is happy, whatever she does is worth it.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Unfortunately, all this came to an abrupt end when Bai Han was seven years old.

My father was sent to work in the country, and my mother was implicated in this, turning from a clerk to a painter.

Little Bai Han didn't know what happened at home, only that his friends didn't want to play with him, and he couldn't go to acting classes anymore.

However, she is optimistic by nature, does not feel anything, and still goes to school every day with a smile.

But soon, she couldn't laugh.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

One day after school, Bai Han came home and saw her mother sitting alone on the bed staring at her.

Bai Han felt strange, and asked casually: "Mom, what are you always looking at me for?" ”

Unexpectedly, her mother suddenly stood up and yelled at her: "Who are you?" Why are you in my house? ”

Bai Han's head "buzzed" loudly, since her father left home, her mother's state has been unstable, but she always comforted herself that it would be fine after a while.

As a result, it now seems that the mother is not only not well, but her condition is getting more and more serious.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Bai Han explained for a long time before convincing her mother that she was her daughter.

After comforting her mother, Bai Han went to the kitchen to cook, and after eating, she coaxed her mother to sleep again.

When her mother finally fell asleep, she opened her bag and lay down next to her mother to write her homework.

After several years of such days, every day before going out, Bai Han would prepare food for his mother for the day, and then lock the door before going to school.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

One day, Bai Han was about to go out when her mother suddenly stopped her.

"Girl, it's mom who is sorry for you!" The mother said seriously.

Bai Han was surprised and delighted, took his mother's hand and said: "Mom, you are normal!" ”

The mother said nothing, just smiled and nodded.

Bai Han went to school with great joy, thinking that he would go home at night to talk to his mother about his life in the past few years.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

As a result, as soon as she arrived at the door, she saw many people outside her house.

Bai Han suddenly felt bad, and quickly ran home, only to see his mother's cold body.

It turned out that the mother really could not stand this mental torture and took the initiative to end her life.

Before Bai Han could grieve, he heard that his father in the country was seriously ill and was going to be sent back.

My father suffered from an incurable disease, and when the disease attacked, he often rolled all over the bed in pain.

But Bai Han couldn't help it, and the family really couldn't pay for his father's medical treatment.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Not long after, my father also died of illness.

The successive deaths of her parents caused a great blow to Bai Han, but at the same time, it also made her stronger.

Because she knows that no matter what happens in the future, she will only be on her own.

In the midst of great grief, Bai Han decided to follow his heart and become a literary and artistic worker.

But Bai Han did not expect that this road would be so difficult.


When I graduated from high school, I was just in time for the Beijing Power Supply Bureau to recruit a literary and artistic team.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Bai Han signed up with the attitude of giving it a try, and her childhood skills played a role at this time, and she was successfully admitted.

But when she actually stepped into the workplace, she found that her job was not to perform, but to work.

Bai Han felt that going on like this would only make him farther and farther away from the performance, so he prepared to enter the literary troupe.

However, she took several exams in succession, and the written test interview was good, and even many teachers said that she was a good seedling.

But without exception, she was brushed down in the final link every time.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Later, Bai Han learned that the reason why he was brushed was because of family reasons.

However, this also made Bai Han understand that there was no problem with his performance.

She regrouped and continued to study the literary troupe, believing that there would always be places that did not care about her origin and only focused on her own strength.

She took more than 20 exams in succession, and it was not until the policy was adjusted that she was finally admitted to the experimental drama troupe.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Bai Han, whose dream came true, did not rush to show his skills on the stage, but started a family.


The experience of childhood made Bai Han yearn for a warm family.

Within a few years of joining the repertory troupe, she met her first husband.

At first, the other party shushed her and asked for warmth, very thoughtful.

This long-lost family warmth made Bai Han very infatuated, and he got married in confusion.

Not long after getting married, she became pregnant, and in order to better get along with her husband and children, Bai Han suspended her work.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

But I didn't expect that since the birth of my son, my husband was like a different person.

Not only did she come home drunk every day, but she was also beaten and kicked at the slightest dissatisfaction.

What's more, sometimes, he would do something to his infant son.

Such a life made Bai Han unbearable, and eventually divorced with his son.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

After the divorce, her ex-husband ignored her son, and Bai Han could only work hard to support her and her son.

Those years were also her most prolific years, as long as there was a play, she would take it, regardless of the size of the role.

The "mother-like" roles that other actresses avoided, but Bai Han did not refuse, and over time, she became a "mother professional".

Because of this, she met her second husband, Han Xiaolei.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time


Once, Bo Han attended a workshop on his work.

Many people praised Bai Han's acting skills, and only one person stood up and put forward requirements for Bai Han's acting skills in front of everyone, and said that Bai Han's acting skills had a lot of room for improvement.

For a while, the venue was silent, everyone thought that Bai Han would be angry, but Bai Han generously asked the other party to give him a little advice.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

The person who made the suggestion was Han Xiaolei, a professor at the Beijing Film Academy.

After a seminar, Bai Han felt that the other party was talented, and Han Xiaolei also felt that Bai Han was generous and modest, so he left contact information for each other.

Since then, Han Xiaolei has often given Bai Han some acting advice, and Bai Han will ask him for advice as soon as he has any confusion.

But at this time, the communication between the two is still limited to work.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Until one day, someone gave Han Xiaolei two drama tickets, and this drama is often difficult to find.

Han Xiaolei immediately thought of giving Bai Han one, but he wanted to surprise Bai Han, so he drove directly to her.

When he arrived downstairs at Bai Han's house, Han Xiaolei saw that Bai Han was carrying the gas canister upstairs alone, and he hurried over to help.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

When the two were finally busy, Bai Han asked, "Why are you here?" ”

Han Xiaolei also forgot the purpose of his coming, but said: "I think you need a man to move the gas canister at home, what do you think of me?" ”

Bai Hanlen froze for a moment, and only then did he react to what the other party meant.

But the failure of the last marriage left a serious psychological shadow on her, making her dare not touch her feelings easily.

So she had to say, "You let me think about it." ”

Han Xiaolei knew her concerns and comforted: "It's okay, you can test me in various ways, and when I pass your test, you will make a decision." ”

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

His words made Bai Han's favorability towards him continue to increase, and after a few days, Bai Han finally agreed to dating.

At that time, Bai Han's son Han Qing was in a period of rebellion, but for this stepfather, he accepted it at once.

It can also be seen from this that Han Xiaolei is very good to Bai Han's mother and son.

This time, Bai Han learned the lesson of the last time, and the two talked for more than a year before getting a license to get married.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

After marriage, Han Xiaolei became more attentive to Bai Han, and it can almost be said that he is obedient.

He also regarded his stepson Han Qing as his own.

In the warmth of her husband, Bai Han also gradually came out of the shadow of her previous marriage and enjoyed a happy married life.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

The two of them would prepare a few side dishes every night, and then open two bottles of wine, and discuss the performance while drinking, which was very pleasant.

Later, Bai Han also said very happily that he felt that his second husband was his first love.

But this happy marriage lasted only 7 years before it ended.

One day in 2003, Bai Han was about to go out with her husband to buy vegetables, but his husband was a little uncomfortable and asked her to go first, which is the scene at the beginning of this article.

Bai Han didn't think much about it, so he left first, but he didn't expect that this departure would become a farewell.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

The sudden death of her husband made Bai Han heartbroken, and he washed his face with tears all day long.

The son Han Qing looked at his mother's decadent appearance, and his heart was distressed, he knew that it was not easy for his mother to pull him alone, and he finally had a happy marriage, but it ended in tragedy at the happiest time.

In order to help her mother out of her sadness, Han Qing decided to live with her mother and accompany her more.

No matter how busy and tired he was at work, every night when he came home, he would report to his mother what he had done today, and tell her interesting stories about what he had encountered.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

As long as he has time, he will take his mother out to play, hoping to change the environment and make her feel better.

With his son's company, Bai Han gradually recovered, and the smile on his face increased.

It's just that one thing still troubles her, and that is the relationship with her daughter-in-law.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Bai Han's daughter-in-law is a nurse who fell in love with her son Han Qing at first sight.

When the two got married, the financial pressure was relatively great, so they temporarily lived with Bai Han.

But after all, they are two generations, with different lifestyles, and it is inevitable that there will be friction.

Han Qing and his wife are young, often stay up late at night to play games, and can't get up in the morning.

And Bai Han has a very regular schedule, sleeping less than nine o'clock every night, getting up early in the morning, going out for a walk, and bringing breakfast to the family of three when he comes back.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

But sometimes, she bought breakfast, and the little two didn't get up yet.

This made Bai Han very uncomfortable, and his dissatisfaction with his daughter-in-law became stronger.

But the daughter-in-law didn't care about her attitude at all, she still went her own way, eating and drinking.

It's just that as long as she is at home, she will take the initiative to contract all the housework and let her mother-in-law rest well.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Another time, my daughter-in-law bought a hollow skirt, and just put it on her body, she heard Bai Han ask how much.

She said casually: "It's not expensive, more than 500 yuan." ”

Bai Han exclaimed: "More than five hundred pieces are not expensive, just a few pieces of cloth, why sell them so expensive, quickly retreat." ”

Hearing what Bai Han said, the daughter-in-law not only was not angry, but also took out another skirt from her bag with a smile: "Mom, this is what I bought for you, you can also wear it and try it." ”

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

One sentence made Bai Han embarrassed to get angry again.

Although she said "what to do with this money", her hand involuntarily opened the skirt that her daughter-in-law bought.

In fact, there are many similar things, but every time there is any small friction between the two, it is resolved by the daughter-in-law with high emotional intelligence.

The daughter-in-law actually understands that the mother-in-law is not bad-hearted, but the two generations of life concepts are inevitably different.

What she has to do is to let her mother-in-law keep up with the times and enjoy life with them.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

In 2010, Bai Han participated in "The Beautiful Times of the Daughter-in-law", and her role as "Tian Xinmei" left a deep impression on the audience, and also won the award for Best Supporting Actress for this role.

After decades of art, Bai Han was finally known to the public, and at this time, she was 55 years old.

Many peers have said that this is just the beginning, and Bai Han will bring better works to everyone in the future.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

This sentence is only half true, this is the beginning and the end, because Bai Han has no chance to film again.

Shortly after winning the award, Bai Han was diagnosed with a malignant tumor, which was very serious.

After only a week in the hospital, Bai Han was skinny and boneless, and although her friend Haiqing and her son and daughter-in-law comforted her that she would get better soon, only she knew her body.

Once, when Haiqing came to see her, she held Haiqing's hand and said, "Although my son is 31 years old, I still don't worry, if I am gone, you must help me take care of him more." ”

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

Haiqing tearfully agreed.

After arranging his son, Bai Han's wish was finally settled, and not long after, his condition deteriorated again, and the 57-year-old Bai Han left.

After Bai Han's death, her son donated her body to the medical cause in accordance with her last wishes, and then buried her with her second husband.

Actor Bai Han: The first marriage married the wrong person, the second marriage was spoiled as a princess, but the husband died at the happiest time

In Bai Han's life, there are too many regrets and sufferings, and he only hopes for another world, only sunshine, no darkness.

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