
Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

author:Seven Days Kan Entertainment
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Bai Han, a common name, hides a legendary experience behind it.

In 2010, the great success of "The Belle Époque of the Daughter-in-Law" made the actress who played the evil mother-in-law famous overnight.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

People are surprised: Why has this suddenly popular actress been so low-key in the past thirty years?

Bai Han, a woman who has experienced many vicissitudes. In fact, before the screen, she had gone through the highs and lows of her life. With more than thirty years of acting experience, what is missing is the favor of fate.

At the age of 55, people once again witnessed what is called "late arrival". The Shanghai TV Festival presented her with the trophy for Best Actress, as if to give the best recognition of her past journey.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

However, when it was thought that she was about to start a new peak, fate dealt her a heavy blow, and soon after, she left us forever.

When it comes to Bai Han's past, her marriage must be an unavoidable topic. At the age of 26, she entered the palace of marriage with an ordinary outsider.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

At that time, she was full of vision for the future, dreaming of a perfect family, meticulous care and family happiness. However, the gap between reality and ideal makes her have to face the sharp contradictions of the husband and wife relationship. It was not only her who was distressed, but also the child in the indifferent family, Han Qing.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

For the sake of the child, Bai Han made a decision. She gave up the marriage that was still possible to mend at that time, and chose to take Han Qing into a new life. At that time, acting was not the high-paying profession it is today. Bai Han's monthly salary is only 100 yuan. After subtracting all kinds of living expenses, what is left for the mother and son is already a meager amount. But Bai Han has never regretted it, and she firmly believes that she can give Han Qing a better future.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

And Bai Han's tenacity and optimism stem from her childhood experience. She was born into a family full of Beijing flavor, and although she was not wealthy, the optimistic atmosphere at home taught her to be tenacious and positive from an early age.

However, the good times did not last long, and her family was ruined, her father was sent to the countryside, and her mother became increasingly unstable due to physical and mental trauma. The young Baihan must shoulder the burden of the family early and become the support of his mother.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Looking back on those years, those difficulties, those bitterness, all seemed so far away, but so close. Bai Han has always believed that everything will be fine.

She tells us with her own experience: no matter how unfair life is, as long as we persevere, fate will always open a window for us.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Today, Bai Han is no longer alive. But her story, her spirit, remains in our hearts forever. And her son Han Qing will definitely inherit his mother's tenacity and move towards a brighter future.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

In the dim alleys and deserted alleys, Bai Han's thin figure became more and more lonely. She searched the street, calling hoarsely to her mother, but only to respond with endless silence.

This helpless young girl bears a burden far more than her peers, and life does not give her a moment of mercy. When her peers complained about her studies, in addition to her studies, she also had to always care for her sudden mother.

Despite the pressure, Bai Han never gave up, but comforted his mother. But fate played against the world again, and just when she reached the age of 14, her mother died suddenly. At that moment, she seemed to have fallen into endless darkness.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

When Bai Han's father came from afar, he was full of fatigue and tortuous fate. However, after two years of companionship, my father also passed away due to illness.

What was left for Bai Han was only loneliness and sadness. But she was indomitable, and life's twists and turns only forged her tougher character. Even when alone, she bravely faced every problem in life.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Although he had to interrupt his studies, Bai Han still remembered his love of art. Her deep life experience brings a different depth to her acting career.

When the Beijing Power Supply Bureau Literary and Art Team was looking for new actors, her talent and talent were discovered. Despite the changing times, her time in the art team was short, but it also opened a new chapter in her life.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Years passed, and Bai Han also embarked on the journey of marriage. Unfortunately, her first marriage didn't go well as it should be. Single and single, she took on the responsibility of raising her son, but fortunately there were those who cared about her.

It was with their help that Bai Han and Han Xiaolei, a man with the same bumpy life, met and came together. Han Xiaolei is not only an affectionate partner, but also a competent father.

They get to know each other and use their shared experiences to make up for their previous regrets. It is this deep resonance that makes the lives of the two shine with new brilliance.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

In the ups and downs of life, the two found each other's echoes and explored similar lives and emotions for home. In every ups and downs, they can feel each other's inner struggle and warmth, bringing silent comfort to each other.

The depth of love and responsibility, Han Xiaolei loves Han Qing like a biological child.

However, the young Han Qing did not fully understand this deep concern, until one day, Han Xiaolei brought him his favorite orange, making him feel the true father's love. Such a careful action deeply moved Han Qing, and he began to respect Han from his heart and take Han as his surname.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

However, life always has unexpected blows. When Bai Han was immersed in the warmth of this harmonious family, Han Xiaolei died of a sudden illness, causing Bai Han's world to collapse in an instant.

The blow of losing her lover almost made her lose the courage to live, but thinking of her son Han Qing, she decided to move forward strongly.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Her career has also been recognized, winning Best Actress at the Shanghai TV Festival. But when life seems to be back on track, fate strikes again, and Bai Han is diagnosed with a serious illness.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Although she fought day and night in the fight against illness, she finally passed away in 2012, and her last wish was to let Haiqing take good care of Han Qing.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Han Qing is in great pain, but he knows that his mother wants him to live strongly. In memory of his mother, he changed his name to "Hanqing" and deeply imprinted his mother's tenacious beliefs.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Today, whenever he finishes a new work, he shares bits and pieces of his life with his mother via text message, as if time has never passed and her mother is still by his side.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

Although Han Qing does not have many works, he has always stuck to the entertainment industry and looks forward to bringing more outstanding performances to the audience. Like every moment in life, it is the deepest tribute to the late mother Bai Han.

Famous actor Bai Han: died at the age of 56, entrusted his son Han Qing to Haiqing, what is the current situation

In life, we all have to face loss. But for Han Qing, what is more important is how to live a meaningful life, which is also the most affectionate memorial to Bai Han.

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