
11 years have passed, Haiqing, who promised to raise her son for her "mother-in-law" Bai Han, has she kept the contract?

author:Hasetsu Literature Company

Ms. Bai Han was born in the culturally rich city of Beijing, and in the autumn of 1955, she grew up in a privileged family environment, and her parents were professors at well-known universities at home and abroad. However, life did not run according to the expected track, and a quiet but powerful revolutionary storm quickly spread to all parts of the country, and Bai Han's parents were naturally not spared.

They were forced to leave the field of academic research they loved, and endured all kinds of injustices and criticism. This sudden upheaval undoubtedly became the prelude to the tragedy of Bai Han's life. Soon after, Bai Han's father was diagnosed with a terminal illness. In that era of backward medical facilities, a terminal illness was like a death sentence.

11 years have passed, Haiqing, who promised to raise her son for her "mother-in-law" Bai Han, has she kept the contract?

Faced with the dilemma of having no money for treatment and no hope of cure, the father chose to remain silent and fully supported his wife and children through the last days of their lives. As for the truth of his condition, he kept it tightly in his heart, unwilling to let his relatives worry.

What's even more heart-wrenching is that Bai Han's father was then sent to the remote mountains for hard manual labor reform, and the family suddenly lost its pillars, leaving only the mother and daughter to survive and live in a cramped residence in the western suburbs of Beijing. During that time, Bai Han's mother endured many hardships and was finally diagnosed with serious mental illness.

In that turbulent era, Bai Han, who was only ten years old, not only had to study hard, but also had to take care of his mother's daily life, and the bitterness of life was beyond words. She eagerly awaited her father's return and hoped that the family would regain its former warmth.

However, the hand of fate was excessively merciless and cruel to this weak woman. On an ordinary day, Bai Han told his mother with a vague expression as before, and then left the warm family and embarked on the road to school. Unexpectedly, when the teacher told Bai Han to go home quickly with a heavy face, she realized that her mother, who still said goodbye to her in the morning, was completely faceless and angry.

The mother chose to end her life by herself, leaving Bai Han, who was only 14 years old, to fall into a lonely situation in an instant. Since then, she has been forced to abandon her education and take up low-paying jobs to make ends meet.

As time flies and the years go by, in 2009, for Bai Han, this is undoubtedly an important milestone on her acting path. She was fortunate to co-star with the powerful actors of the younger generation Haiqing and Huang Haibo in the popular TV series "The Beautiful Times of the Daughter-in-law", which caused a sensation at that time.

11 years have passed, Haiqing, who promised to raise her son for her "mother-in-law" Bai Han, has she kept the contract?

This work made Haiqing famous overnight and won the reputation of "national daughter-in-law" given to her by the audience. For the slightly older Bai Han, she finally realized her long-awaited wish of "being a late bloomer" and became one of the well-known actresses in China.

In this work, Bai Han successfully created the role of "Cao Xinmei", making the image of "Spicy Mother-in-law" reach an unprecedented new height. The hard work paid off, and only a year later, Bai Han won the "Magnolia Best Actress Award" for this play, which is undoubtedly the best affirmation of her acting skills!

However, fate doesn't seem to have the intention of letting her go. Just as the year was coming to an end, Bai Han had an accident on the filming site of another TV series and fainted to the ground.

After a detailed examination by the doctor, it was confirmed that Bai Han was suffering from a "neuroendocrine tumor". Since then, she has had to take a break from her ongoing crew work to devote herself to the fight against the disease.

11 years have passed, Haiqing, who promised to raise her son for her "mother-in-law" Bai Han, has she kept the contract?

During that arduous treatment, in addition to her biological son Han Qing, the person who visited Bai Han the most times in the hospital was actually Haiqing, who had only known her for two years.

Although in "The Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law", the relationship between the characters they play is tense, but in real life, Haiqing has deep feelings for this sister who is 22 years older than herself, as if they are a pair of long-known friends.

I remember that in a later interview, Haiqing once mentioned an interesting incident that happened when he visited Bai Han. Once, Bai Han, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly said with emotion: "If Director Ang Lee finds me now and invites me to play a cancer patient, I will not hesitate to choose to give up treatment and play this role directly." "

The road to marriage is full of ups and downs for Bai Han. In 1980, at the age of 25, she entered the palace of marriage and spent the rest of her life hand in hand with her first husband. Only a year later, Bai Han ushered in the first pride of his life - the birth of his son Han Qing.

11 years have passed, Haiqing, who promised to raise her son for her "mother-in-law" Bai Han, has she kept the contract?

Unfortunately, Bai Han failed to reap a happy love, and her life was filled with bitter emotional stories. During this nine-year marriage, Bai Han had to do his best to run his own business, and at the same time, he also had to endure her husband's drunken habits and frequent domestic violence. Such pain was unbearable, and finally in the summer of 1989, the exhausted Bai Han firmly made the decision to divorce.

Many years later, when Bai Han was interviewed by the media, she bravely and sincerely revealed the depths of her heart: "It was a terrible experience that I never thought I would encounter, and I spent such a long time with a person I should not be with the most." She said with emotion: "I firmly believe that my first love should be after the age of 40. ”

Fate is always unexpected, late one night in 1995, 40-year-old Bai Han and 55-year-old well-known director Han Xiaolei met, and the two fell in love at first sight. As an outstanding representative of China's fourth generation of directors, Han Xiaolei shines like a star in Bai Han's heart. After a year of in-depth contact and understanding, they finally treated each other honestly and entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

The years after marriage were undoubtedly the happiest times in Bai Han's life. With a thriving career and a considerate husband, she finally has a complete family. However, the good times are always short-lived, and only seven years later, Han Xiaolei died of illness, leaving Bai Han alone to face endless grief.

11 years have passed, Haiqing, who promised to raise her son for her "mother-in-law" Bai Han, has she kept the contract?

Two marriages and two heartbreaking experiences made Bai Han's heart no longer able to accommodate other emotions. Back in 2012, after the Spring Festival, a sudden phone call broke the original peace. On the other end of the phone, it was the eager voice of Bai Han's son Han Qing, who urged Haiqing to rush to the hospital as soon as possible.

When Haiqing hurried to the hospital and walked into the ward, she saw Bai Han lying alone on the bed, with tears flashing in her eyes. This scene touched her heart deeply and made her feel extremely sad. Although there is no way to know what Bai Han said to Haiqing before he died, Haiqing still remembers it vividly. Many years later, in a talk show, she recalled affectionately: "At the last moment of her life, Bai Han was most concerned about the two things, one was the acting career she loved, and the other was her only baby son - Han Qing.

There is no doubt that Bai Han's wish in his heart is to entrust his beloved son Han Qing to the kind and warm Haiqing. When this heavy request was placed in front of Haiqing, she thought deeply for a long time. She understood that as a young man who had already reached adulthood, Han Qing already had the ability to live independently, but what Bai Han was really worried about was that he would be lonely in this world in the future.

After in-depth thinking, Haiqing finally replied with tears in her eyes, smiling and firmly: "Please rest assured, respected sister, I will care for him like my own brother." ”

11 years have passed, Haiqing, who promised to raise her son for her "mother-in-law" Bai Han, has she kept the contract?

Since that day, Haiqing has always adhered to her promise to Bai Han, and has never had any negligence or betrayal. When Bai Han passed away in 2012, Haiqing hugged her last photo tightly and accompanied Han Qing with tears to participate in this solemn and low-key farewell ceremony.

This funeral only invited Bai Han's relatives, friends and colleagues to attend, and it is gratifying that almost all the core members of the crew of "Daughter-in-law's Beautiful Era" attended that day, including the director, screenwriter, and Huang Haibo and Haiqing, who played Bai Han's "son" and "daughter-in-law" respectively.

A year later, in 2013, when Bai Han won the "Best Supporting Actress" award again in the form of a posthumous work, the organizer specially informed Haiqing of the good news and sincerely asked her to receive this honor on behalf of Bai Han. Haiqing agreed without hesitation, and deliberately took Han Qing with him, not only to let him personally witness his mother's brilliant achievements, but also to provide him with a rare opportunity to show himself.

As expected, when Han Qing received the trophy belonging to his mother with trembling hands, the audience immediately burst into warm applause. Han Qing stared at Haiqing sitting in the audience affectionately, and said in a choked voice, "Mom, I came with your daughter to accept the award for you today." ”

11 years have passed, Haiqing, who promised to raise her son for her "mother-in-law" Bai Han, has she kept the contract?

Since then, thanks to Haiqing's full support and strong recommendation, Han Qing has successfully involved in the filming of many film and television works, such as the early "Let's Get Married" and "Rainbow in the Countryside, Rain in the City" and so on.

In 2019, he played the villain He Fu in the hit TV series "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", and in the same year, he also created the unforgettable image of Lei Zi in "Old Tavern". In 2021, Han Qing participated in the filming of the main theme drama "Glory and Dreams".

Although Han Qing did not play the absolute leading role in these works, he successfully left a deep imprint on the audience with his outstanding acting talent and unique and in-depth character shaping ability.

Now, time flies, and it has been 11 full spring and autumn years since the death of Teacher Bai Han, and Ms. Haiqing is still unswervingly by Han Qing's side, and this deep friendship really makes us respect and emotional.

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