
entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

author:Galaxy says the world

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entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

Hai Qing'an sat in this simple living room, his face full of deep remembrance. She closed her eyes gently, and she couldn't help but think of the bits and pieces of getting along with her long-lost friend Bai Han.

"My deep friendship with Aunt Bai Han can be traced back to that glorious time in 2010, when we starred together in the TV series "The Beautiful Times of the Daughter-in-law", and we became acquainted. Haiqing spoke in a soft voice, and her words were deeply filled with admiration for the veteran actor, "Although there is a 22-year age gap between us, she is like a loving elder throughout the filming process, giving me meticulous care and care."

Whenever he talked about the precious memory of his acquaintance with Bai Han, Haiqing's eyes became soft and full of nostalgia. However, her expression immediately darkened again, "Aunt Bai Han looked refreshed at that time, who would have thought that only two years later, she would die of illness.

Speaking of this, Haiqing seemed to fall into some kind of painful memory, and was choked up for a while.

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

After a moment of silence, she slowly spoke again, "I still clearly remember that when my life was about to come to an end, Aunt Bai Han held my hands tightly and whispered to me: 'Haiqing, there are two things in my heart that I can't let go of now, one is my love for performing arts, and the other is my son Han Qing.

If I die one day, you must take good care of Han Qing instead of me, I am worried that he will encounter many difficulties.

Hearing this sincere last wish, Haiqing made a promise without hesitation, "Please rest assured, I will love Han Qing as my own brother." She solemnly made this vow to Bai Han, and it became the last conversation between her and the theater legend.

Bai Han stared at Haiqing's resolute eyes, and a relieved smile finally bloomed on his face. She turned her head, looked at the fading blue sky outside the window of the ward, and whispered, "Maybe it's because of the ups and downs of a lifetime that fate has befallen this serious illness so ruthlessly."

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

After that, Bai Han smiled self-deprecatingly, but there was a faint look of pain on his face.

In 2011, when the family sent Bai Han, who was seriously ill, to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, the doctor gave a diagnosis that was like a bolt from the blue, which the whole family could not bear: Bai Han was diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor of pancreatic cells, an extremely rare and fatal cancer.

"At that time, my soul was on the verge of collapse, and I asked myself, why did fate always give me such a fatal blow? Bai Han's voice was low and full of endless pain, and his voice revealed deep helplessness and sorrow.

In the face of the merciless torture of the disease, Bai Han tried her best to fight, even though the days gradually fell into despair, she still insisted on taking medicine regularly every day and actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment. However, her physical condition is getting worse day by day, and her condition is getting worse day by day.

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

"I just hope that after I recover, I will be able to stand on the stage again and give the best performance to the audience. Bai Han tearfully confided her deep desire to Haiqing, as if this was the only motivation to support her to continue to live.

However, fate played tricks on her again, and Bai Han's condition deteriorated sharply, and his life was in jeopardy. At this life-and-death moment, she solemnly entrusted her beloved son Han Qing to Haiqing, begging her to take good care of this non-biological child with her love for performing arts.

"Haiqing, my life is too bitter and bitter, you must help me take good care of Han Qing, don't let him take the path I have walked again......" Bai Han muttered in a low voice, his words full of deep sadness and intertwined admonitions.

Hearing Bai Han tell about her life's suffering experience, Haiqing's heart was extremely heavy. She stared at the old man in front of her, who was devastated by illness, and her heart was full of mixed feelings and emotions.

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

Indeed, at this point, Bai Han's life can be said to have tasted the ups and downs of the world. Her gaze was eclipsed, as if she had traveled through a time tunnel and returned to that bleak childhood.

"I was born into a family of scholars and was supposed to have a carefree life. Bai Han sighed, although his tone was full of helplessness, he was still full of affection. "However, when I was 7 years old, my mother unfortunately suffered from a serious mental illness, and since then, my world has been plunged into endless darkness. ”

Speaking of this, Bai Han held Haiqing's hands tightly, and the wrinkled palms conveyed the pain in her heart. The young Bai Han had to shoulder the burden of the family alone and shoulder the responsibility of taking care of his sick mother.

She was often ridiculed and bullied by her neighbors, and was called "the daughter of a madman".

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

Once upon a time, a sick mother was unfortunately lost on the streets, and the lonely Bai Han could only desperately shuttle through the streets and alleys of the city to search, until nightfall, the mother was found in a cold, dark and filthy corner. At that time, the mother was holding a moldy steamed bun tightly, and said to Bai Han affectionately: "Child, mother is trying to find food for you. ”

All this deeply shook Bai Han's heart, she couldn't help hugging her mother, tears falling like rain. However, fate ruthlessly snatched her mother away from her, and on a quiet morning, her mother left this world forever, leaving Bai Han alone to suffer endless pain in the world.

Soon after, his father also died of illness, and Bai Han was completely orphaned. "At that time, I only felt as if my life had fallen into endless darkness and despair. Bai Han recalled, his tone full of heaviness, "Fortunately, I never gave up my dream of studying, and I always gritted my teeth firmly and persevered." ”

Yes, despite the fact that fate brought her so many tribulations, Bai Han still overcame all the difficulties with her strong will and unyielding spirit, and finally successfully entered the Central Experimental Theater with her excellent acting skills, opening a new chapter in her life.

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

After returning to school, Bai Han's life finally ushered in the dawn. In 1979, at the age of 24, she was full of enthusiasm and was successfully admitted to the Central Experimental Theater with amazing momentum, and since then she has officially stepped into the road of acting career.

In that fateful exam, Bai Han perfectly performed the sketch "Return", which moved the judges present. Several senior directors were even more tearful and full of praise for her talent. Since then, Bai Han has made his mark on the drama stage with his otherworldly talent and perseverance.

In the early 90s, Bai Han, who was already famous, began to set foot in the field of film and television. In 1993, her wonderful performance in the movie "Urban Love Story" was nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress, which fully demonstrated her strength and potential, and also made more audiences realize this powerful actor.

Subsequently, Bai Han successively participated in many popular film and television dramas, such as "Inch Grass Heart", "Li Xin and the Red Lady", "Big and Small Lady" and "Anecdote of Concubine Zhuang", etc., which can be described as peerless, and has won the warm pursuit and high praise of the audience.

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

Looking back on those glorious years, Bai Han showed a proud smile. However, she shook her head self-deprecatingly, and the wrinkles of the vicissitudes of life reappeared on her face.

"It's a pity! While my career was going to be brilliant, my married life was in an unprecedented predicament. Bai Han said with emotion, "Out of deep maternal love, I had to turn my focus to my family, so my acting career had to be put on hold for the time being." Talking about this tortuous and bumpy marriage process, Bai Han couldn't help sighing, his eyes were full of deep memories and endless sadness.

"My first marriage, in fact, lacked the foundation of true love from the beginning. Bai Han said frankly, with a faint self-deprecation on his face, "It was completely a marriage carefully planned by others, and I chose to enter the marriage hall just to find a stable place for myself to live."

Soon after the marriage, Bai Han paid a heavy price for this marriage. Her husband was gloomy and introverted, treated her harshly and domineering, and even had domestic violence. However, in order to protect his son Han Qing, Bai Han could only endure all the pain and bear all this silently.

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

"During those years, I put almost all my energy into my work and was busy on the road for a long time. Bai Han sighed helplessly, "As time goes by, the relationship between me and my son gradually fades, which makes me feel very sad. It wasn't until 1989 that Bai Han finally made up his mind, resolutely ended the failed marriage, and began to raise Han Qing independently.

"I do owe something to my son, so I try to pamper him as much as I can, perhaps because of the excessive spoiling that caused the problem. Recalling those difficult years, Bai Han's expression was a little more self-reproachful, "This has inspired my son's rebellious feelings, and my advice has always fallen on deaf ears."

However, at this critical moment, a new chapter of life has quietly begun. In 1995, Bai Han met the second partner in his life - Han Xiaolei. This elder, who was 15 years older than her, gradually dissolved the ice in Bai Han's heart with his meticulous care and gentleness.

"Han Xiaolei treated me like a first love, which made me experience the warmth of being loved for the first time. Recalling the good times spent with Han Xiaolei, Bai Han's face finally overflowed with a heartfelt smile.

entrusted his son to Haiqing before he died, and actor Bai Han's life was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis

In 1996, 55-year-old Han Xiaolei married 41-year-old Bai Han, and since then they have started their two-person world. However, happy times are always fleeting, and only seven years later, in 2003, Han Xiaolei died of illness, leaving Bai Han alone in the world.

"At that time, my heart was really like a knife, and I vowed not to step into the palace of marriage again for the rest of my life!" Bai Han said in a choked voice, tears as crystal clear as pearls, "I longed to sleep with him in the ground until the end of my life." ”

Since then, Han Qing has become the only person Bai Han can rely on. This son, who is very different in age from her, bravely stood up and became her most solid backing when his mother needed comfort and support the most.

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