
There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

author:Cute Pet Valley

Titan Giant Bird

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth
There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Titans (scientific name Titanis) is a very large and flightless carnivorous bird named after the titans of the ancient Greek myth before the twelve main gods of Olympus, meaning its huge size. It lived in North America 4.9-1.8 million years ago, and its fossils have been found in Colorado and Texas. There is only one of them, called the "Titan Giant Bird".

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Titans are estimated to be about 1.4 to 2.5 meters tall and have small wings that make it impossible to fly, but instead have a pair of claws that can be used to catch prey. But it has a short, stubby neck, and a stout body, like an axe-like bird's beak. Titans were carnivorous and probably fed primarily on small mammals of the time.

Pseudo-toothed birds

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Pseudolodon, also known as pelagic bird, is a bird of the genus Pseudolodontidae that lived in the Pseudolodondae family from the Oligocene to the Pliocene, and is an extremely large seabird in terms of size.

The Mulberry Pseudolodon in this genus has a wingspan of 6.1-7.4 meters, one of the largest birds found with wingspan, twice the wingspan of the existing wandering albatross. The Samson's pseudolodon may have lived in the same way as the extant albatross, gliding and searching for food at sea.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth
There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The Salmonid's feet are so short that they may only be able to take off by jumping off cliffs, with a flight speed estimated at 60 km/h. The Pseudolodons also have tooth-like protrusions at the edges of their beaks that can help creatures hold their slippery prey more tightly.

Keluku penguins

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The Keluku penguin, an extinct large penguin, fossils found in the late Oligocene (about 2,500 -27 million years ago). Its genus name Kairuku means "diver(bringing back) food" in Maori.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Standing at 125–140 cm tall and weighing about 60 kg, Kailuku penguins are much larger than emperor penguins, possessing the longest humerus known to include all extant and extinct penguins, with a longer beak, a thinner body, longer flipper limbs, and may move more flexibly than existing penguins.

Using their sharp beaks to catch fish and squid in the sea, Keluku penguins may be better swimmers than extant penguins and swim deeper into the ocean, with their main predators being sharks and mackerel-toothed whales.

Taylor Bird

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The Taylortong bird is an extinct bird of prey of the family Ornithischiae in North America, and almost all fossils are from the late Pleistocene. With a wingspan of 3.5-3.8 meters and an elevation of about 75 centimeters when upright, the Taylor Bird is larger than the extant California Condor. The legs are thicker, and the feet can be used to tear the limbs of the prey, but they cannot have a strong grip like other birds of prey.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth
There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Large beaks indicate that they may be active predators, prey close to the size of small rabbits can be swallowed directly in its entirety, and they also feed on carrion like vultures. Studies of the skulls and beaks of Taylor birds suggest that fish may be their staple food. Combined with strong legs, thick claws, and less grip than eagles, it is speculated that they may be able to catch prey in the water like ospreys.

Giant vulture

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth
There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Fossils of the giant vulture found on floris Island in Indonesia are estimated to stand at an altitude of 170-180 cm and about 16 kg. In 2004, archaeologists found dwarf-like human fossils at the same site where giant vulture fossils were found in Megère.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

It has been suggested that this dwarf human may not have been an opponent of the giant vulture, having been attacked by this large bird, which has an advantage in both height and weight. However, there is also evidence that these dwarfs often hunt giant vultures for meat. "Whether this animal eats dwarfs or not is not known, and there is no evidence to prove all this," Megère said. ”

Haast Hawk

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The Haast Eagle, also known as the Haast Eagle and the Moses Falcon, is a huge eagle that has been extinct on Earth and once lived in New Zealand's South Island.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Male Haast hawks weigh 9 to 10 kg, while female Haast hawks weigh 10 to 15 kg. Their wingspan is about 2.6 to 3 metres long, relatively short by weight, and the largest golden eagle and tiger-headed sea eagle may have a wingspan comparable to that of the Haast eagle, but this helps them hunt in the dense woods of New Zealand.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The Haast eagle feeds on large, flight-incapable birds, including moa that can weigh up to 15 times the Haast hawk. They attack their prey at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, often grabbing the pelvis of their prey with the claws of one foot and killing them by attacking the head or neck. The huge beak of the Haast eagle is used to tear apart the internal organs and cause the prey to lose blood and die.


There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Thunderbirds are the largest non-flight birds, reaching heights of 3-5 meters and weighing 250-500 kg. They lived in Australia from the late Miocene to the early Pliocene, so early humans did not have contact with them. Its natural habitat is a vast woodland in subtropical Australia.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth
There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

Thunderbirds have a large beak and jawbone , and although they resemble giant emus , they are actually closer to geese. He has a long neck and very strong feet, but may not run fast. The beak is large and very strong , and early scholars believed it was used to tear plants apart , but it is also said that their powerful beak was used to eat meat.

Dusk bird

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The Dusk Bird is an extinct bird that lived in the Cretaceous Period (Santo-Kampa Order) and lived mainly in the waters and coastal areas of the Northern Hemisphere, feeding mainly on fish and other marine life.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth
There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The dusk bird is a large bird with a body length of up to 1.8 meters, almost degenerated wings, and relies on strong hind limbs to swim. The feet of the dusk bird are not webbed, but appear paddle-shaped, and extant?? Similarly, it is suitable for diving in the water. Dusk birds have beaks and teeth to bite fixed prey. The teeth of the dusk bird grow in the longitudinal grooves of the upper and lower jaws, do not have independent alveolars, and are different from the tooth growth patterns of other known birds, but they are very similar to those of the dragons, and belong to convergent evolution.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

In 1872 Marsh organized an archaeological team to return to Kansas again, this time by Marsh's student Russell, who found nearly complete dusk bird fossils. The specimen retained the head of the dusk bird intact, and to Marsh's surprise, the dusk bird had teeth up and down its mouth. In 1873, Marsh said the discovery of these fossils blurred the line separating birds from reptiles. Soon after, however, some of the excavated fossil samples flowed into the hands of Edward Drick Kop, which became the trigger for the "fossil war".

Crowned moa

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The crested moa , also known as the Gaston bird or gossell bird , is an extinct and flightless large bird that lived from the late Paleocene to the Eocene. The crowned moa is 175–200 cm tall, has a particularly large and hook-like beak, large and strong legs, and large and clawed paws. The crested moa lives in a large number of dense forests, with a humid to semi-arid climate.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth
There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

In the past, the crowned moa was accused of predators, and the crowned moa was the size of its feet , and it may be more flexible to hunt down fast prey. There are also finger-crowned moa that may eat carrion, omnivorous, or herbivorous. However, the beak of the crested moa is well suited for crushing seeds and tearing plants apart. However, the beak may be social rather than sexual. These conflicting hypotheses make the feeding habits of crowned moa even more unclear. If these giant birds were active predators, they would have been the top predators of the ecology of North America and Europe in the middle Eocene.


There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The dinosaur is a large, flightless predatory bird that lives in Patagonia, under whose only the long-legged dinosaur (P. longissimus) a species.

There were 10 species of giant birds that once existed on Earth

The crane stands 2.5 meters tall and weighs 130 kilograms. They are one of the largest carnivorous birds, and their primitive wings resemble a pair of clawed arms that can catch prey and kill it with a huge beak. It eats tiny mammals and carrion. It is believed that it bites its prey with its beak and repeatedly throws it underground, like the crane family today. The structure of its beak and large claws indicates that it is a bird of prey. They hunt small reptiles and mammals in the grasslands and mountains of Patagonia.