
Exotic species were found here, several times larger than mice...

author:Bright Net

Beaver rats continue to be found in Shanghai

In recent years, this alien species, the beaver rat, has been continuously found in Jinshan, Fengxian, Songjiang, Pudong and other areas of Shanghai, and continues to spread. Many people are worried that beaver rats eat lotus root, cocoon white, reeds, etc. directly endangering planting and coastal landscape plants, and may carry a variety of germs, causing hidden dangers to public health safety, and suggest that relevant departments pay attention to it.

Exotic species were found here, several times larger than mice...
Exotic species were found here, several times larger than mice...
Exotic species were found here, several times larger than mice...
Exotic species were found here, several times larger than mice...
Exotic species were found here, several times larger than mice...

Source: Zhongqing Net Qingxiao

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