
In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

Author: Sasha

This article is Sasha's original and will not be reprinted by any media

As usual: This article is a novel written by Sasha, and the statement is complete

(You don't know the big case, Lecture 122)

One more point to state: this article is quite bloody and terrible, do not read it if you have a bad psychological quality, and do not leave any psychological shadows.

When it comes to the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers, everyone knows that no one knows. This group of flag soldiers from Guangdong has done many earth-shattering cases in Hong Kong, killed the Hong Kong police and defeated the Flying Tigers. Today we are going to talk about the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, The East Brother Chen Jiandong. He ushered in the era of flag bearers. Listen to Sasha.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

In 1981, Chen Jiandong and five accomplices came to Hong Kong from Guangzhou to rob him.

They robbed 1 watch shop with guns, subdued 2 Indian newspapers with guns, and stole more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars of gold watches.

During this period, 4 Hong Kong police arrived, and a fierce gun battle broke out between the two sides.

As a result, Chen Jiandong, a gang of provincial Andang flag soldiers, relied on the big black star in his hand to break out of the siege, killing and injuring 1 Hong Kong policeman, scaring away 2 people, and injuring 1 passerby.

This case is rare in Hong Kong history and shocked the whole of Hong Kong.

On the day of the robbery, Chen Jiandong fled back to Guangzhou with his accomplices.

The Hong Kong police later learned that the provincial And Hong Kong flag soldiers had done it, but there was no way to arrest people.

In this case, the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers did not pay attention to the Hong Kong police at all, and openly shot each other in the street, which won a great victory.

Afterwards, the Hong Kong media lashed out at the police, and Hong Kong citizens also believed that paying taxes raised a group of rice barrels.

After being attacked by public opinion, the police also improved their work. They strengthened the daily patrols of the police, strengthened the actual combat training of the police, and ordered the powerful Flying Tigers to be on standby 24 hours a day and ready to fight the robbers.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

For 2 years, the market in Hong Kong has been very calm.

After Chen Jiandong returned to Hong Kong, he dismissed his accomplices and distributed the stolen money to them.

Interestingly, these accomplices witnessed the stability and prosperity of the place during their time in Hong Kong, and they were very impressed. They all managed to smuggle themselves into Hong Kong, settled down, and did the right thing.

Chen Jiandong hid in Guangzhou for 2 years, and it was also like going to Hong Kong and was reluctant to stay.

In the early 1980s, Guangzhou had a big gap with Hong Kong in all aspects, and Chen Jiandong wanted to go there to enjoy happiness.

However, the 300,000 Hong Kong dollars of stolen money that was grabbed last time is a huge amount of money in the mainland, and it is different when it comes to Hong Kong.

In 1981, the average price of a small residential unit of 40 square meters in Hong Kong was HK$11,000 per square metre.

The stolen money that Chen Jiandong received was not enough to buy a small house. What if, like other accomplices, honestly turned to work?

At that time, the average monthly income of Hong Kong citizens was 3,000 Hong Kong dollars, and the whole family did not eat or drink for more than 10 years before they could buy a house.

Chen Jiandong is naturally unwilling to work and suffer hardships.

He decided to do another big vote, so he washed his hands and turned right.

Chen Jiandong was very cunning and did not look for his former accomplices.

The accomplices who committed the crime last time, even Lin Fuxiang, who killed the police, are now unreliable.

At this time, Lin Fuxiang and others took their families to Hong Kong and lived in peace like ordinary citizens.

Chen Jiandong believed that these people could not dare to fight and kill as before.

He re-identified a group of gangsters: Tan Zhipeng, Liang Zhiyuan, Wu Jiandong, He Guoxiang and Liang Guodong.

These guys are also the flag soldiers of the Cultural Revolution period, smashing and robbing everything, and everyone is vicious.

Chen Jiandong and 6 of them, armed with weapons, arrived in Hong Kong in January 1984 and began to search for targets.

After repeated selections, Chen Jiandong chose Baosheng Bank Central Branch.

According to his observations, the bank has a mortgage car that comes to withdraw money every day. There were several security guards in the car, but only 1 person was wearing a shotgun, which was not difficult to deal with.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

Chen Jiandong once managed to get close to the escort car and found that there was a large cash box that needed to be carried by 4 people. Chan estimated that there were four or five million Hong Kong dollars in cash.

After choosing the target of the crime, he went to find the big brother of the underworld who laundered money in Macau.

The negotiations were not pleasant.

Chen Jiandong got on the yacht of the big brother of the underworld, drove to the high seas, and then talked.

Chen Jiandong: I will give you at least four million Hong Kong dollars, and you will help me wash it.

Underworld big brother: Washing is no problem, but give me 50% as a handling fee.

Chen Jiandong: What are you kidding? The highest of others is 30%, you charge me 50%?

Underworld Big Brother: Who made you famous? You don't know it, but now the entire Hong Kong police are holding their breath to arrest you and avenge the death of the policeman. When I take your money, I also take a big risk, and I can't figure out that I have to be involved. You say, I charge you fifty percent high or not?

Chen Jiandong: So high, I can't give. Our brothers are giving their lives to make money, and you sit on the ground to share the loot. Even if I did, my brothers would not.

Underworld big brother: You can find someone else there and see if people are willing to accept it!

Chen Jiandong: I am still looking for you this time, and I will give you up to 30%. If you don't agree, I'll kill your whole family."

Underworld Big Brother: I've been messing around in the jianghu for so many years, are you scared when I'm scared? Fifty percent, not a penny can be less.

After saying that, the eldest brother made a look, and the four or five younger brothers around him pulled out their pistols and aimed them at Chen Jiandong.

Underworld Big Brother: Don't think it's just you who have guns, they're all Vietnamese gangs, and now they're following me. They have also killed a lot of people in Vietnam, no worse than your provincial Flag Soldiers.

Before the words could be heard, Chen Jiandong suddenly pulled a grenade from his pocket and pulled it on the string with the other: Come! Shoot! It's a big deal!

The yacht is not big, and once the grenade explodes, no one wants to live.

The big brother of the underworld was stunned: Dadong, there is something good to say. Everyone is their own person, don't mess around. Well, you say three makes three out of thirty.

In this way, Chen Jiandong put away the grenade and disembarked.

The two sides reached an agreement that Chen Jiandong's stolen Hong Kong dollars would be charged a handling fee of 30 percent and laundered into clean money.

When Chen Jiandong disembarked, the younger brother of the Vietnamese gang asked: Big brother, he is alone, not three heads and six arms. Do you want to kill him now, so that there will be no trouble?

The big brother of the underworld replied: Forget it. He also had a group of brothers, all outlaws. Kill Dadong, they must be looking for revenge on me. I have a family and a business in Hong Kong, and I can't hide. The lives of these provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers are not worth much, and I cannot afford to fight with them.

As a result, the road to money laundering was opened, and Chen Jiandong could start robbing.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

Chen Jiandong estimated that this time he could grab at least three or four million, and each person could share five or six hundred thousand, which was enough to settle down in Hong Kong.

Unfortunately, Chen Jiandong is not a local gangster after all, he made a big mistake.

Baosheng Bank's mortgage car does transport a large amount of cash every day, but not all of it is Hong Kong dollars.

The bank has a lot of foreign exchange business, sometimes shipping Hong Kong dollars, sometimes US dollars, Taiwan dollars, Yen and so on.

And Chen Jiandong can only wash the Hong Kong dollars, it is impossible to get foreign exchange.

Here, Chen Jiandong repeatedly stepped on the point, and finally chose to start Chinese New Year's Eve on January 31.

The reason is simple, many police officers will be on holiday that day, and there is not enough police force on the street.

Originally, Chen Jiandong did not take the Hong Kong police into account.

2 years ago, they easily repelled the police interception and killed and injured 2 policemen.

This time, though, it's different.

After the 1981 robbery, the Hong Kong police began to strengthen their ability to deal with armed robbers.

In the last shootout, the Hong Kong police's revolver was suppressed by the Big Black Star.

Therefore, as mentioned above, the police strengthened the shooting and actual combat training of ordinary policemen on the one hand, and focused on cultivating the Flying Tigers on the other hand.

At this time, the Flying Tigers updated their equipment and repeatedly learned from the British SWAT, forming the world's first-class combat capabilities.

Taking equipment as an example, the Flying Tigers spared no expense and purchased a large number of advanced weapons such as German-made MP5 submachine guns and American XM177 automatic rifles to ensure the absolute superiority of firepower.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

On the 31st, Chen Jiandong and his men were armed with a Type 54 pistol and ambushed in the alley near the bank.

At 11 o'clock, the escort car drove to the bank gate on time and stopped, 4 security guards began to carry cash boxes, and another security guard held a shotgun.

Suddenly, Chen Jiandong and his gang rushed out of the alley.

The masked Chen Jiandong aimed a shot at the sky and shouted: Loot!

Where the security guards had seen such a scene, they were stunned.

In the face of 6 gunmen, the only security guard with a shotgun was helpless and did not dare to shoot at all.

He quickly threw the gun to the ground and raised his hands.

Chen Jiandong picked up the shotgun, aimed it at the 5 security guards, and drove them into the car.

His accomplices immediately carried the cash drawers and sneaked into the alley.

At this time, a luxury motorhome drove into the alley and was stopped by them. Chen Jiandong chased away the driver and drove away at high speed in the direction of the North Point.

Chen Jiandong As soon as they left, the security guards immediately called the police.

With the experience of 2 years ago, the Hong Kong police reacted very quickly this time.

They immediately deployed multiple police cars and chased and intercepted them.

Several police cars chased near a building in North Point and lost track of the motorhome.

As a result, 2 police cars drove into the parking lot to check, and the rest of the police cars looked for three points.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

Chen Jiandong hid in the parking lot and was trying to pry open the cash box.

It took more than 10 minutes for them to finally pry open the cash box.

To Chen's great dismay, there were no Hong Kong dollars in the cash box at all, only 140 million yen notes (about 5 million Hong Kong dollars).

The yen was worth a lot, but Chen Jiandong lacked the channels to launder other foreign exchange, and the robbery failed.

An enraged Chen Jiandong threw his cash box in the parking lot and fled with his accomplices abandoning the car.

Fleeing to the entrance of the parking lot, they were confronted by 2 police cars.

The two sides immediately opened fire and fired fiercely at each other!

With previous experience in gunfights, the Hong Kong police came up and shot desperately, trying to suppress the gangsters.

Chen Jiandong and his gang did not show weakness or weakness, and shot at high speed with a Type 54 pistol.

Ping-pong ping-pong, dozens of bullets fired at each other in a matter of minutes.

At that time, there were ordinary citizens in the parking lot, and they found that the gun battles were scattered and hidden.

1 female gatekeeper of the parking lot, only 10 meters from the scene of the shootout.

After hearing the gunshots, she hurried behind an open car door.

Who knows, the bullets of the Type 54 pistol are enormous.

During the melee, 1 bullet shot through the car door and hit the female janitor in the abdomen.

The hapless woman was badly injured and bleeding profusely.

When innocent citizens were found to have been shot, the police were shocked and reduced their firepower.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

Chen Jiandong and his gang took the opportunity to break through!

Chen Jiandong fired five shots in a row with a snatched shotgun, destroying a police car.

The 2 policemen were covered in blood from the shotshots on their faces, but fortunately they were wearing body armor, but only minor injuries.

Chen Jiandong Fired more than a dozen shots in a row, and finally escaped from the parking lot in a bloody way.

Fleeing to the street, the gangsters hid their pistols in their pockets, and Chen Jiandong discarded the shotgun and prepared to escape among ordinary citizens.

Reinforcements of the police have arrived, round the parking lot chased out of the police, found Chen Jiandong their location.

At this time, Chen Jiandong and his gang had already mixed into the crowd, and in principle, they could not shoot, otherwise it would be easy to be injured by mistake.

However, if the police do not shoot to stop them, it is easy for gangsters to escape through the bustling crowds. Then, the Hong Kong police will be violently attacked by public opinion.

Weighing the weight, more than a dozen police officers shouted "Everybody is lying down" while shooting at the gangsters.

Chen Jiandong did not expect that the police would ignore the lives of the citizens and encounter a wave of fire raids.

During the melee, the gangster Tan Zhipeng was shot in the buttocks, seriously injured, and fell to the ground.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

Chen Jiandong and his gang immediately returned fire and fired indiscriminately with Type 54 pistols.

Dozens of shots were fired at each other, and the police were once again suppressed by the powerful fire of the Great Black Star.

Here, innocent passers-by are very unlucky.

After hearing the gunshots, the citizens fell to their knees.

Even so, there was still 1 man who was shot through the thigh and bled a lot, but fortunately his life was worry-free.

Another 20-year-old girl, but it was miserable.

She had no experience and was just hiding behind an iron trash can.

Just a trash can, where to block the bullets of the Big Black Star.

After being shot through the tin of the garbage can by 1 bullet, the girl's head was concentrated. The girl's head was cracked by brain plasma and she died on the spot.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

After suppressing the police, Chen Jiandong was also in big trouble.

Accomplice Tan Zhipeng was hit by a bullet and had his pelvic bone broken and could not walk at all. Police reinforcements are still coming, and of course the gangsters can't stay where they are, nor can they escape with such a big man on their backs.

Chen Jiandong's deputy, Liang Zhi, had a vision and raised his gun to Tan Zhipeng to fight.

Chen Jiandong was taken aback and reached out to stop: What are you doing?

Liang Zhiyuan said: He can't go! You can't keep your mouth alive, or everyone will be doomed!

Of course, Chen Jiandong also understood this truth and was suddenly very hesitant.

Not killing Tan Zhipeng is equivalent to sending his gang to the knife edge of the police.

However, Tan is his good friend for many years, and Chen Jiandong really can't bear to do it.

Here, Tan Zhipeng begged for forgiveness: Dadong, don't kill me! Do you remember that I also blocked a bullet for you during the martial arts! Just leave me behind." I promise that even if you go to jail for the rest of your life, I will not betray you.

Liang Zhiyuan wanted to shoot again: Of course you say so now, it is difficult to say when you are caught by the police. You are not dead and disabled like this, why don't you just give you a hard time! Don't hate me!

Just in the case of Liang Zhiyuan pulling the trigger on his wife, Chen Jiandong still stopped him.

Chen sighed: Everyone is a brother, he has saved me, can't kill!" Drop him down and let's go!" Zhi Peng, as long as you keep your mouth shut, I will give your share to your parents and daughter-in-law!

Subsequently, they left Tan Zhipeng, who was seriously injured, and fled along the electric road.

Fleeing to Xingfa Street, the gangsters hijacked a BMW and told the car to flee back to the nest: Huansha Garden Apartment on Dakeng Huansha Street.

The scene of the gun battle was a mess.

The police and the gangsters engaged in 2 shootouts, killing 1 person and injuring 2 people, and the police only injured 1 gangster.

Fortunately, the yen was not taken away, but it was only the gangsters who voluntarily gave up.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

What makes the Hong Kong police happy is that the gangsters have left Tam Chi Peng alive.

Tan Zhipeng must have known about their lair, and as long as he was willing to open his mouth, he could catch this gang of gangsters.

The police immediately interrogated Tan Zhipeng and coerced and seduced him.

The police told Tan Zhipeng: You are seriously injured and must undergo major surgery, otherwise you will be disabled for life, not even sitting on the bed. You don't want to lie in bed for the rest of your life, you have to cooperate with us to do this operation for you.

When Tam hesitated, the police lured you: you participate in armed robbery and intentional homicide, and you will be imprisoned in Hong Kong for a lifetime. If you are willing to cooperate, explain where the accomplices are, and we can give you a light sentence. Even after you are released, you can stay in Hong Kong and be a Hong Konger. You want to know whether you are willing to be disabled in prison for a lifetime, or cooperate with us.

Tan Zhipeng was not as moralistic as Chen Jiandong and began to hesitate.

Five days later, Tan Zhipeng forgot About Chen Jiandong's kindness to him and agreed to be a tainted witness.

Tan Zhipeng told police that their lair was in the Huansha Garden Apartment.

The police were overjoyed and immediately dispatched.

Hundreds of people surrounded the Huansha Garden, and the Flying Tigers dispatched more than 70 people.

At this time, Chen Jiandong had already contacted the ship and was ready to smuggle back to Guangdong that night.

During the day on February 5, they were asleep in their apartments, ready to escape back at night, without any vigilance.

When the Flying Tigers touched the door of their apartment, all five of them were asleep in the apartment.

Not knowing whether there were innocent citizens in the apartment, the Flying Tigers did not dare to attack with grenades and decided to use tear gas.

The Flying Tigers are well-trained and have strong fighting power.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the Flying Tigers used explosives to blast open the iron door of the apartment.

Subsequently, the Flying Tigers quickly threw 2 tear gas into the apartment, and then 4 team members wearing gas masks rushed into the apartment one after another.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

How big can an apartment be in Hong Kong?

For a moment, the 4 gangsters were awakened and instantly burst into tears by tear gas.

However, Chen Jiandong, who was very experienced, immediately poured water on a towel and pillow towel to cover his mouth and nose.

Then they drew their pistols and laid an ambush in all directions, ready to fight.

When 4 Flying Tigers armed with submachine guns rushed in, the 5 bandits immediately shot with pistols.

Sigh, the Flying Tigers who rushed in first were shot several times.

The Type 54 pistol was so powerful that several bullets pierced the body armor at close range, and the team member was seriously injured.

The rest of the Flying Tigers immediately strafed the house with submachine guns.

Uh-huh! Bullets flying in the house!

Chen Jiandong hid well and did not get shot.

Instead, they stretched out their gun-wielding hands and shot indiscriminately at the Flying Tigers.

Seeing that such a strong attack was extremely unfavorable, the Flying Tigers hurriedly dragged the wounded to retreat and hurriedly fled to the door.

To say, Chen Jiandong's combat experience is indeed very rich.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

He immediately threw a grenade toward the door.

At that time, the Flying Tigers were unstable, suddenly found a grenade, and hurriedly scattered to avoid.

With a bang, the grenade knocked down several policemen, 1 of whom was seriously injured.

As soon as the grenade exploded, Chen Jiandong rushed out of the apartment with his accomplices and tried to escape.

Just after rushing to the corridor, Chen Jiandong found that the three floors outside the three floors were policemen, and there were more than a dozen people in the corridor.

This time, the Flying Tigers shot first, and a shuttle of submachine gun bullets strafed back, and 1 gangster was shot and fell to the ground.

Seeing that Chong could not go out, Chen Jiandong and his gang could only return to the apartment again.

At this time, the apartment was surrounded on all sides, and a breakthrough was impossible.

At the same time, the police have understood that Chen Jiandong does not have hostages in his hands, so it is completely possible to attack without scruples and directly use grenades to blow up.

Here, Chen Jiandong's 1 accomplice had a heavy hand, and the wound was still bleeding. After dozens of minutes of stalemate between the two sides, Chen Jiandong believed that not surrendering would definitely mean death, and surrendering was at most life imprisonment. Weighing the weight, he led his accomplices to raise their hands and surrender.

Hong Kong police seized 7 pistols, 11 magazines and 193 rounds of ammunition.

In the 1980s, the Flying Tigers robbed 7 million Hong Kong dollars with guns: Chen Jiandong, the first person of the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, part II

After his arrest, Chen Jiandong was sentenced to life in prison.

Chen Jiandong himself served 25 years in prison and died of illness in prison in 2009, ending the story of the first person in the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers.

In fact, Chen Jiandong belongs to the first generation of provincial and hong Kong flag soldiers. His reputation in Hong Kong is very large, but it is far inferior to the second and third generations of provincial And Hong Kong flag soldiers behind him. Those were veterans of the Sino-Vietnamese War.

Interestingly, six months after Chen Jiandong's arrest, Hong Kong launched the movie "Provincial Hong Kong Flag Soldier 1". This series of films became the pinnacle of Hong Kong gunfight films.


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