
How to evaluate the old Taiwanese movie "Dosang"?

author:Words Minnan
How to evaluate the old Taiwanese movie "Dosang"?

The more than 160-minute movie, coupled with the characteristic slow pace of literary and art films, is a little impatient to see the back, but when you look back on it, there will be many different feelings.

Similar to the cultural background of Minnan, even the abusive Hokkien dialogue feels very intimate. Because of this, I saw a lot of my father's shadow in "Dosang", reorganized the eldest in the family, forced to run around for my livelihood at a very young age, and then devoted my life to my children after becoming a family, although there were some shortcomings in my body, I was always the greatest person in my child's heart.

How to evaluate the old Taiwanese movie "Dosang"?

"Dosang" came back from labor and squatted at the door of the house to smoke, asked the eldest son in Hokkien whether the meal was ready, told him to go to the commissary to buy brown sugar, the eldest son carried a lunch box to send lunch to the father in labor, bit by bit of detail depiction, plus the sense of picture brought to the film by the old movie of 94 years, close to the black and white film tone, with the unique scenery and objects of the countryside at that time, from time to time dragged me into the track of the years, took me back to my childhood, let me see the story that happened between myself and my father again. Silence is synonymous with fathers, who have rarely shown affectionate behavior to their families, but they always tell stories of love to their families.

The "Tosang" in the film was born in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period, with a strong Japanese color, the mouth from time to time out of the Japanese language, the biggest dream of life is to go to Japan to see Mt. Fuji, Sega is his Japanese name, "Tosang" is the Japanese word for father. Because of these Japanese flavors, he was privately scolded by his own children as a "traitor" and "running dog" in person.

When I watched the movie, at first I was like his children, full of disdain for his behavior. Then he slowly understood and sympathized with him, born in the Japanese colonial era, Sega, received a Japanese education, felt the Japanese culture, and thought that he was a Japanese in his bones, so that many years after the return of Taiwan, there was still a heavy Japanese atmosphere on his body. The Japanese feelings that have long been rooted in the depths of their hearts are difficult to change, and Tosang, who is not understood by those around him, continues to defend Japan alone and persistently.

How to evaluate the old Taiwanese movie "Dosang"?

Men in southern Fujian have more or less patriarchal ideas, and dad in "Dosang" is no exception, he always wants to express himself in front of his family, relatives, friends and fellow villagers. However, because of his son-in-law and some changes in his work and body later, he was never a "talker" in the family, and even a little bit "disliked" by his wife and children.

I didn't understand why Sega chose to leave this world that way, until I slowly realized the reason for this when I wrote this article.

Sega's two "fallen" were due to a deep feeling deep down that he was a useless person. After losing his job in the early stages, he became addicted to gambling, and after his later physical condition, he was unwilling to admit that he had long become the object of needing to be taken care of by others, and finally chose to end his life because he could not accept his so fragile self.

He has always been willing to take care of others, does not want to continue to endure the torture of illness and live a life that cannot take care of himself, does not want to face the fact that his body has long been hollowed out, cannot accept the "old age is useless" himself, he hates to be taken care of by others, and does not want to continue to involve his family, do not let various instruments be added to his body, he chooses to die with dignity.

How to evaluate the old Taiwanese movie "Dosang"?

"Dosang" is not only the son's memories of his father, but also a film that records the times, it presents the special life story of the Taiwanese people after the Japanese rule, leisure time to find fun together, in the face of the mining disaster will be closely linked to life, hindered by the secular concept of marriage, simple local life, harmonious and friendly neighborly relations that support each other, the rise of the metropolis many years later, the closure of the mine, the gradual relocation of the villagers, these have gradually disappeared into the torrent of history with the passage of time.

P.S. Most of the old movie catalogs I have seen are tear-jerking dramas.

1. "Hitch a Ride". The old movie about my father in the 80s, the provenance of "If The Wine Sells Nothing", I watched it several times, and each time I burst into tears.

2. "When Love Comes", about family affection and love, I also like the father in the movie.

3. "Etudes", a story about the pursuit of life, youth and growth, the phrase "Some things are not done now, and they will never be done again in a lifetime" are from this film.

4. "Eating Men and Women", "Wedding Feast", director Ang Lee's works, after watching quite shocking, about family and human nature.

5. "One Hundred Days Farewell", "Seven Days after the Father", Minnan people are still quite taboo about these scenes, but they are very real, and there are many humanities mixed in cultural customs, and the farce is ironic, about death, about family affection, about life.

6. "One by One", the reason why I know this movie is because I saw the classic lines on Weibo, and many of the contents are worth savoring.

7. "Can't Live Without You", the story of the real society and the father, as long as it involves the "father", it is inevitable to shed tears.

—— The End——

The image of the article is from the network: stills of "Dosan"

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