
After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

The Oscars, coming soon.

In addition to Michelle Yeoh, who has attracted much attention, the competition for actor is also very interesting.

The biggest seed player is the disfigured male god -

Brandon Fisher.

Once popular because of "The Mummy", I don't know when he gradually disappeared from the public's view.

Not only is the figure out of shape, but also the popularity cliff has fallen, and there is no piece to pick up.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

After many years, Brandon Fisher has returned to people's attention through a broken role.

This also makes him a strong candidate for this year's Oscar race.

Today, Uncle Yu will use the movie he starred in to talk to you about this former male god -


The Whale

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Brandon Fisher, synonymous with tall and handsome.

With a height of 1.92 meters and deep and charming blue eyes, it is difficult not to be fascinated.

Since his debut movie, Brandon Fisher has also been revolving around charming characters.

Star player quarterback in "School Vice".

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

The sexy and toned "King of the Forest" Tarzan in "Forest Tarzan".

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

A able-bodied veteran from Gods and the Beast.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

The brave and reliable adventurer of the Mummy series.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

With his handsome appearance and online acting skills, Brandon Fisher became a Hollywood first-line actor at the turn of the century.

In particular, the explosion of "The Mummy" made him enter the ranks of the world's most gold-attracting actors.

Brandon Fisher in the golden period, the salary was as high as 20 million US dollars.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Since 2010, however, Fisher has not been very active.

People's impression of him is also fixed on handsome action stars.

Unexpectedly, returning after many years, he appeared in front of people with a completely different image -

A super big fat man with thinning hair and a weight of nearly 300 kg.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

In the film, Charlie, played by Brandon Fisher, is an English teacher who teaches writing through online classes.

But because he was obese, he didn't want others to see him.

I don't turn on the camera every time I go to class, and I tell the students that the camera is broken.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Life is naturally fraught with inconveniences.

Standing up, walking, lying down, these ordinary movements are all great challenges for him.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Even holding things with your hands is clumsy.

Once it falls under your feet, you can no longer pick it up.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Health is on the verge of danger.

Congestive heart failure and extremely high blood pressure, like two sharp blades hanging over Charlie's head, could kill him at any time.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

But even so, Charlie couldn't control his appetite.

He is like a whale, opening its mouth and swallowing all the high-calorie food into his belly.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

He was killing himself with food.

In the past, Charlie wasn't that fat.

He used to be a teacher at a night school and had a warm family.

However, after marriage, he fell in love with one of his male students.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

He abandoned his wife and eight-year-old daughter for his love.

Unfortunately, Charlie did not achieve ultimate happiness because of this.

The relationship ended with the suicide of the student.

The demise of his lover and the guilt of his former family made Charlie give up his life.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

It's not that no one wants to help Charlie cheer up.

My friend is a nurse who often comes to take care of his daily life and monitor his physical condition.

Friends have persuaded him countless times that he needs to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

But Charlie refused each time on the grounds that he had no money.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

And a young missionary.

He believes that Charlie needs to find spiritual support before he can live again.

So he persistently went to Charlie's door to preach the teachings, trying to awaken Charlie's dead heart.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Charlie is unwavering in this.

His whole person was like a big lump of fat about to rot, collapsed in a dark corner, waiting for death to come.

I'm not interested in being saved.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

The toned body is out of shape, the thick hair is gone, and the spirited look is gone.

Brandon Fisher's change in character image this time is really surprising.

Not only that, in terms of acting skills, it also made the audience re-recognize him.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

For a long time, acting has not been the focus of people's attention to Fisher.

The beautiful skin bag brings him a lot of dividends.

From the original "School Storm" and "Sparrow Becomes Phoenix", the image of small fresh meat made everyone's eyes shine.

After "Tarzan of the Forest", "The Mummy" and "Adventures in the Center of the Earth", he became an idol actor.

Good-looking, well-moved, full of charm...

He was loved by many viewers.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Stephen Sommers, director of The Mummy, once said:

He can punch and get punched, and he has a great sense of humor.

Fisher always wanders through the genre of fantasy adventures.

The commercial blockbusters he starred in, which are dominated by visual spectacles, do not require too much performance.

It makes it difficult to put him on the level of discussing acting.

Fisher himself may be aware of this.

In order to extend his attributes as an actor, he also tried to appear in some different types of films.

He once played opposite Ian McLean in "Gods and Beasts".

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

The content of this film is a same-sex theme that many actors avoided at that time.

His acting skills in it have also been affirmed.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Later, he starred in films about racial issues such as "Quiet Americans" and "Crash".

These two films do show Fisher's talent in acting.

It's just that he still can't break the limitations that his appearance brings him.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

This time "Whale" is completely different.

Charlie's role is more complex than Fisher's previous roles.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a person who is completely lost and rotten from the inside out.

But that's not the case.

There is a detail in the movie where Charlie has been feeding wild birds outside.

Determined to die, he is still full of hope for other lives.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

When teaching English, he has always stressed to his students not to limit one's mind to so-called skills when writing.

I want their words to be full of energy and color.

Because honest feelings are the most valuable.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

You should have a hard time believing that in the mouth of his ex-wife, Charlie is a positive person.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Charlie has always felt that the most sorry thing in his life is his daughter.

Because of her abandonment, her daughter's personality became gloomy and awkward.

Not only does her daughter not have a single friend around her, but she also loves to make trouble at school, skip class, and smoke marijuana.

Her Facebook page is full of sharp, terrifying texts and images.

The ex-wife thinks that her daughter is a demon.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

But Charlie doesn't think so.

In his heart, his daughter is a smart, kind person.

The reason why it is now is a complete stress response.

Charlie doesn't want his daughter to ruin her life because of her father's mistakes.

Under the pretext of money and helping with homework, he met with his daughter and tried to help her realize that she was good.

Even if his daughter insulted him in the most vicious language, she published ugly photos of him secretly on the Internet to ridicule him.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

On one occasion, his daughter even added sleeping pills to his sandwich.

Charlie has not changed his opinion of his daughter from beginning to end, and is still full of hope for her.

Neither his ex-wife nor his friends could understand why he was doing this.

Charlie responded:

I had to make sure I had done at least one right thing in my life.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

On the one hand, pain and guilt occupy Charlie's heart, and he can only atone for his sins through death.

On the other hand, Charlie wants to make sure that he is not actually rotten to the end in his daughter, and he also wants to be redeemed.

This tearing and entangled emotion is no small challenge for the performers.

Plus the film is adapted from a drama.

The single closed performance environment that is the same as the original drama increases the difficulty of performance.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

In an interview with "Sight and Hearing" magazine, the director once said that some viewers expressed concern to him:

Oh, and I was a little scared to watch the movie because I heard that its story all takes place in one room.

But when the screening ended, the audience said:

After the movie started, I never thought about this because I was too focused on acting.

Fisher handed over a satisfactory answer, and his performance captured the hearts of the audience.

There is a scene in the movie that impressed Uncle Yu.

At night, Charlie prepares to go back to his room to sleep.

While carrying an essay written by his daughter when she was eight years old, he struggled to take off his shirt.

Holding the crutches and dangling the fat on his body, he walked towards the bedroom step by step.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Go back to the bedroom and collapse on the bed with all your might.

The fat flesh, like melted butter, flowed from his body.

The whole scene is both shocking and uncomfortable.

Think about the appearance of Brandon Fisher himself, a "disfiguring acting" sent to him, without excess.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Of course, Hollywood has never lacked this kind of acting.

The image and performance of the goddess Charlize Theron in "The Devil Head" is still a template for "disfiguring acting" to this day.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

There is also Colin Farrell, who competed with Fisher for the Best Actor trophy this year.

Who can connect the hateful and ugly penguin man in Batman with his own merry appearance.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Although, this disfiguring performance is not special.

But if you understand Fisher's past experience, everyone will understand.

Charlie for him, may be the last give it a go of his acting career.

Brandon Fisher's life experience can be described as quite tortuous.

The "Mummy" series made Brandon Fisher a popular star, and likewise, it also brought him endless pain.

In the first part, when filming the hanging scene, Fisher went into direct shock due to an accident, and almost passed like this.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

In the second part, he broke three ribs and torn his lumbar disc.

In the third part, he needs to wrap a bandage and ice on his body every day to continue filming.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Later, another accident caused Fisher to injure his back and cause an old injury.

A total of 7 surgeries were performed, including the back, lumbar spine, knee, and vocal cords.

This means that Fisher has since said goodbye to action movies, and his acting career has been hit hard.

In addition, Fisher's personal life was full of misfortunes.

The lengthy divorce lawsuit with his ex-wife, his son's autistic tendencies, the fight for child custody, and his mother's death from cancer all left him exhausted.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Fisher's own spirit has also been troubled for a long time because of one thing.

In 2018, in an interview with GQ magazine, Fisher told a surprising thing:

He was sexually harassed by an industry authority figure.

At a luncheon in 2003, Philip Burke, the organizer of the Golden Globes and president of the Foreign Press Association of Hollywood, touched Fisher across the line.

Although Philip Burke said that he only "jokingly" grabbed Fisher, it left Fisher with a psychological shadow.

Since then, Fisher not only failed to get a sincere apology, but was also suspected of being on the blacklist of the Golden Globe Awards, and never received invitations to related activities.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

The triple torment of career, life and spirit made Fisher completely fall to the bottom of life.

Although he later tried to return to the big screen, he never succeeded.

Being able to meet the character of Charlie was like fate for Fisher.

He really put a lot of effort into this role.

Not only did I specially gain weight for the play, but I spent 5-6 hours a day wearing special effects makeup.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

After applying makeup, you must get up, sit down, and walk with the help of the staff.

Fisher also talked to many people who had undergone bariatric surgery, watched a lot of documentaries and videos about it, and did a lot of homework.

He carefully understood the mental journey of these people.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Like Charlie, who is waiting for redemption in the story, Fisher also has a mentality of living to die at this time.

Fisher has said countless times that he loves acting.

It's just that lady luck doesn't seem to have ever pityed him again.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

You know, not everyone has the courage to start over.

Disfiguring letting go is not so easy.

Fortunately, Fisher has a strong and brave heart.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

In the movie, Charlie finally reconciles with his daughter and achieves spiritual redemption.

Outside of the movie, Fisher's efforts also paid off.

At the Venice Film Festival, after the screening of "Whale", there was a 6-minute applause.

This is a round of applause for Brandon Fisher.

Perhaps he never thought that today, more than ten years later, he would be recognized by people again.

Acting a little embarrassed and overwhelmed by this, he could only bow deeply to the audience.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

Ten years of hardship and unwillingness have finally passed.

With this film, Fisher won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor in a Movie.

When he spoke on stage, he choked up and said his acceptance speech:

Charlie is a man full of regrets, but he is also in the ocean of hope, and I have also been to that powerful sea, riding the wind and waves, and I have been hit to the bottom of the sea, and I don't know where to go. Actors who are going through this, I know how you feel, but as long as you move forward with your feet and courage, you will get what you want.

I hope that all those who have fallen to the bottom can move forward bravely like Charlie and Fisher.

Everyone has the opportunity to restart a new life.

After more than ten years, this time he finally turned over

End of full text.

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