
The brand hot search list was released in February! Pfizer, Tesla, Apple, etc. are on the list

author:Plum data mohodata
The brand hot search list was released in February! Pfizer, Tesla, Apple, etc. are on the list

According to the "February Brand Hot Search List" jointly released by Zhongxin Jingwei and Meihua Data, Apple received 102 hot searches in February 2023, ranking first in the brand hot search list that month.

What other brands are on the list in February? Let's take a look!

The brand hot search list was released in February! Pfizer, Tesla, Apple, etc. are on the list

TOP1: Apple

Major Events:

Many people said that wearing the Apple Watch had a dented wrist

A few days ago, a number of netizens who have worn Apple Watch (AppleWatch) posted complaints on social platforms: The wrist position of wearing Apple Watch is dented. On February 18, Apple's official customer service staff said that the wrist depression may be related to the bulge behind the watch, and introduced the specific reason: "The Apple Watch itself display is flat, but there are some positions behind the watch that are raised, and the raised position is mainly to help you do testing, such as heart rate." As for the specific position of the bulge, it is necessary to confirm it according to the model of the watch. ”

TOP2: iQiyi

Major Events:

iQIYI stopped restricting screen casting: resume HD screen casting and 5 device logins

In January this year, the iQiyi App began to restrict the screen projection function, which caused many consumers to be dissatisfied.

On February 20, iQIYI released a note on the optimization of iQIYI membership services through its official Weibo, announcing that the 720P and 1080P HD screen projection functions will be restored for old members, and even members can use this function all the time. At the same time, the restriction on the type of login by device is removed.

TOP3: Tencent

Major Events:

WeChat responded to "avatar fade": it is being optimized

Some netizens reported that the WeChat avatar faded, and the clarity and color of the avatar photos that had been used for a while became duer than the original picture. Some netizens ridiculed the avatar "electronic pulp".

In this regard, WeChat related staff said that a small number of Android users have feedback, in the avatar setting interface select "View previous avatar" to switch back to the original avatar, the color of the avatar set multiple times will become lighter. The relevant functions have been optimized and restored as soon as possible.

TOP4: Huawei

Major Events:

Meng Wanzhou will be Huawei's rotating chairman

On February 8, some industry insiders revealed that Meng Wanzhou, the eldest daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, will serve as Huawei's rotating chairman for the first time on April 1. According to Huawei's board of directors changes announced on April 1, 2022, the company currently has three rotating chairmen: Xu Zhijun, Hu Ken, and Meng Wanzhou. From April 1, 2022, each person will rotate for 6 months.


Major Events:

NIO responds to price reduction promotions

A few days ago, it was reported that NIO opened a price reduction promotion, and the 2022 ES6 and ES8 dropped by up to more than 100,000 yuan.

The relevant person in charge of NIO responded: NIO's 2022 ES8, ES6 and EC6 models are about to usher in a new generation, and there are still a small number of exhibition cars and inventory cars available for sale, and these vehicles can enjoy the exhibition vehicle policy. NIO has daily replacement policies, financial policies, technology configuration packages, etc. for users to choose, and the above ES8, ES6 and EC6 models are still in effect, among which the financial policies are more favorable to car buyers.

TOP6: Aunt Hushang

Major Events:

The picture of the hushang aunt's outer packaging cheongsam was questioned as indecent

A few days ago, some netizens questioned that the woman wearing the cheongsam in the picture of the outer packaging of the Shanghai aunt's teacup was too exposed and indecent. In response, the official customer service of Shanghai Aunt responded that they have synchronized the incident to the relevant design department and will strengthen listening to the voice of consumers in future marketing.

After investigating the matter, the Shanghai Jinshan Market Supervision Bureau publicly responded that the pattern did not violate public order and good customs after comprehensive research and judgment, nor did it constitute illegal advertisements that "obstructed social public order or violated good social customs" as described in the Advertising Law.

TOP7: Xiaomi

Major Events:

Xiaomi reported the results of the leakage of car design documents

A few days ago, the leakage of Xiaomi car design documents attracted attention. On February 2, Xiaomi Group issued an internal report on the leakage of Xiaomi car design documents, Xiaomi said that the cause of the incident was that the partner Beijing Molding Technology Co., Ltd. leaked a certain version of the front and rear bumpers of Xiaomi cars due to poor management of its downstream suppliers.

For the partners involved, Xiaomi will impose economic compensation of 1 million yuan in accordance with the confidentiality agreement, instruct it to strengthen information security management of downstream suppliers, and deal with leakers.

TOP8: Yuyue Medical

Major Events:

Yuyue Medical was fined 2.7 million yuan for raising the price of the oximeter

On February 1, a reporter learned from the national enterprise credit information publicity system that Yuyue Medical was fined 2.7 million yuan by the Zhenjiang Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province for raising the price of oximeters.

In this regard, the staff of the News and Publicity Department of the Zhenjiang Market Supervision Bureau said that Yuyue Medical has a high status in the fields of ventilators and oximeters, and is a leading enterprise in the industry, and its illegal behavior of price gouging has a greater impact and is worse. According to the work requirements of the Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, the Zhenjiang Municipal Market Supervision Bureau opened an investigation into Yuyue Medical's suspected illegal behavior of price gouging on January 17, 2023.

TOP9: Geely Automobile

Major Events:

Geely responds to "Galaxy Light Plagiarism": grossly inaccurate

On February 28, a lawyer's letter from Chongqing Baijun Law Firm commissioned by Changan Automobile circulated on the Internet, saying that the "Galaxy Light" prototype released by Geely recently copied a large number of Changan concept cars and mass-produced cars, seriously infringing Changan Automobile's intellectual property rights, and demanded that Geely immediately stop the infringement.

In response, Geely Automobile issued a statement on February 28 in response, saying that it had paid attention to the lawyer's letter, which was seriously inaccurate, baseless accusations, misleading the public, and causing serious damage to Geely's brand and goodwill. Geely emphasized that Geely Galaxy Light is an original design of Geely, and there is no plagiarism and infringement of others' intellectual property rights.


Major Events:

BYD cut prices for the first time this year

A few days ago, the news about "BYD's first large-scale price reduction this year" has attracted widespread attention. In this regard, BYD store staff told reporters that some models in the store do have preferential policies, but they are limited to old models, and the preferential range is 15,000~20,000 yuan.

Note: The monitoring scope of this list includes the hot search lists of mainstream social platforms and media platforms such as Weibo, Baidu, Toutiao, WeChat, Douyin, Kuaishou and so on. The popularity value of Meihua data is generated by Meihua Data based on the hot search ranking, platform popularity data, and weighted calculation with reference to the latest monthly active user data of the platform.

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